FSCL error on a simple example - f#

I am trying to use openCL with FSCL on F# but I am obtaining some errors that I don't understand
open FSCL.Compiler
open FSCL.Language
open FSCL.Runtime
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
type gpu_point2 =
val mutable x: float32
val mutable y: float32
new ( q ,w) = {x=q; y=w}
let PointSum(a:gpu_point2,b:gpu_point2) =
let sx =(a.x+b.x)
let sy =(a.y+b.y)
let Modgpu(b:float32[], c:float32[],wi:WorkItemInfo) =
let gid = wi.GlobalID(0)
let arp = Array.zeroCreate<gpu_point2> b.Length
let newpoint = gpu_point2(b.[gid],c.[gid])
arp.[gid] <- newpoint
let ModSum(a:gpu_point2[],b:gpu_point2[],wi:WorkItemInfo) =
let gid = wi.GlobalID(0)
let cadd = Array.zeroCreate<gpu_point2> a.Length
let newsum = PointSum(a.[gid],b.[gid])
cadd.[gid] <- newsum
let ModSum2(a:gpu_point2[],b:gpu_point2[],wi:WorkItemInfo) =
let gid = wi.GlobalID(0)
let cadd = Array.zeroCreate<gpu_point2> a.Length
let newsum = gpu_point2(a.[gid].x+b.[gid].x,a.[gid].y+b.[gid].y)
cadd.[gid] <- newsum
let ws = WorkSize(64L)
let arr_s1= <# Modgpu([|0.f..63.f|],[|63.f..(-1.f)..0.f|],ws)#>.Run()
let arr_s2 = <# Modgpu([|63.f..(-1.f)..0.f|],[|0.f..63.f|],ws)#>.Run()
With this code when I try to use ModSum as
let rsum = <# ModSum(arr_s1,arr_s2,ws)#>.Run()
doesn't work, but instead when I use ModSum2 works perfectly
let rsum = <# ModSum2(arr_s1,arr_s2,ws)#>.Run()
The error I obtain the first time I run it is
FSCL.Compiler.CompilerException: Unrecognized construct in kernel body NewObject (gpu_point2, sx, sy)
and if I re-run the fsi console says
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
The only thing I know is that the error doesn't comes from the use of another function since I can define a dot product function that works.
let PointProd(a:gpu_point2,b:gpu_point2) =
let f = (a.x*b.x)
let s = (a.y*b.y)
Thus, I guess the problem comes from the return type of PointSum, but is there a way to create such a function to sum two points and return the point type? And Why is not working?
Also with a record happens the same if I define the type as :
type gpu_point_2 = {x:float32; y:float32}
If I try to create a function that directly sums two gpu_point_2 on a function works, but if I call a second function it raises the same error as using a struct.

Try to add [<ReflectedDefinition>] on the constructor of gpu_point2:
type gpu_point2 =
val mutable x: float32
val mutable y: float32
[<ReflectedDefinition>] new (q, w) = {x=q; y=w}
Normally each code that is called from the device need this attribute, constructors included.


F# Error compiling

I have the following F# Code that is causing a compile error:
persistence.fs(32,21): error FS0072: Lookup on object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed prior to this program point to constrain the type of the object. This may allow the lookup to be resolved.
The error is at the line "serializer.write...."
Any help would be appreciated.
namespace persisitence
open System.Collections.Generic
open System
open System.IO
type LocalData<'T> =
val mutable elements_ : 'T list
val mutable lock_ : obj
new(e: 'T list) = { elements_ = e ; lock_ = new obj() }
type BinaryPersistenceOut<'T, ^W when ^W: (member write : ('T * BinaryWriter) -> unit)>(fn: string, serializer: ^W) as this =
let writer_ = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(fn, FileMode.Append))
let mutable localdata_ = new LocalData<'T>([])
let serializer_ = serializer
let NUM_SECS_IN_MIN = 60
let NUM_MSECS_IN_SEC = 1000
let TIME_TO_WAIT = 15
let closed_ = false
let path_ = fn
let timer_ = new System.Timers.Timer((float) (NUM_MIN_BETWEEN_COMMITS * NUM_MSECS_IN_SEC) )
let writetofile =
fun (arg: Timers.ElapsedEventArgs ) ->
lock localdata_.lock_ ( fun () ->
if closed_ = false then
for elem in localdata_.elements_ do
serializer.write(elem, writer_)
Although it'd be nice if you could invoke the write function like serializer.write(elem, writer_), you can't. You have to invoke it like this instead:
(^W: (member write : ('T * BinaryWriter) -> unit) (serializer, (elem, writer_)))
Full code block:
type BinaryPersistenceOut<'T, ^W when ^W: (member write : ('T * BinaryWriter) -> unit)> (fn: string, serializer: ^W) as this =
let writer_ = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(fn, FileMode.Append))
let mutable localdata_ = new LocalData<'T>([])
let serializer_ = serializer
let NUM_SECS_IN_MIN = 60
let NUM_MSECS_IN_SEC = 1000
let TIME_TO_WAIT = 15
let closed_ = false
let path_ = fn
let timer_ = new System.Timers.Timer((float) (NUM_MIN_BETWEEN_COMMITS * NUM_MSECS_IN_SEC) )
let writetofile =
fun (arg: Timers.ElapsedEventArgs ) ->
lock localdata_.lock_ ( fun () ->
if closed_ = false then
for elem in localdata_.elements_ do
(^W: (member write : ('T * BinaryWriter) -> unit) (serializer, (elem, writer_)))
Caveat: this compiles, but I have no idea if it does what you want it to do.

DateTime conversion to Excel Date in f#

I read on stackoverflow that easiest way to convert a DateTime variable back to Excel date was simply to do:
let exceldate = int(DateTime)
Admittedly this was in c# and not f#. This is supposed to work as the decimals represent time and int part represents date. I tried this and f# comes back with the error:
The type 'DateTime' does not support a conversion to the type 'int'
So how do I convert back to excel date?
More specificly, I m trying to create a vector of month 1st for a period between start date and end date. Both vector output and start date and end date are floats, i.e. excel dates. Here my clumsy first attempt:
let monthlies (std:float) (edd:float) =
let stddt = System.DateTime.FromOADate std
let edddt = System.DateTime.FromOADate edd
let vecstart = new DateTime(stddt.Year, stddt.Month, 1)
let vecend = new DateTime(edddt.Year, edddt.Month, 1)
let nrmonths = 12 * (edddt.Year-stddt.Year) + edddt.Month - stddt.Month + 1
let scaler = 1.0 - (float(stddt.Day) - 1.0) / float(DateTime.DaysInMonth(stddt.Year , stddt.Month))
let dtsvec:float[] = Array.zeroCreate nrmonths
dtsvec.[0] <- float(vecstart)
for i=1 to (nrmonths-1) do
let temp = System.DateTime.FromOADate dtsvec.[i-1]
let temp2 = temp.AddMonths 1
dtsvec.[i] = float temp2
This doesnt work because of the conversion issue and is rather complicated and imperative.
How do I do the conversion? How can I do this more functionally? Thanks
Once you have the DateTime object, just call ToOADate, like so:
let today = System.DateTime.Now
let excelDate = today.ToOADate()
So your example would end up like so:
let monthlies (std:float) (edd:float) =
let stddt = System.DateTime.FromOADate std
let edddt = System.DateTime.FromOADate edd
let vecstart = new System.DateTime(stddt.Year, stddt.Month, 1)
let vecend = new System.DateTime(edddt.Year, edddt.Month, 1)
let nrmonths = 12 * (edddt.Year-stddt.Year) + edddt.Month - stddt.Month + 1
let scaler = 1.0 - (float(stddt.Day) - 1.0) / float(System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(stddt.Year , stddt.Month))
let dtsvec:float[] = Array.zeroCreate nrmonths
dtsvec.[0] <- vecstart.ToOADate()
for i=1 to (nrmonths-1) do
let temp = System.DateTime.FromOADate dtsvec.[i-1]
let temp2 = temp.AddMonths 1
dtsvec.[i] = temp2.ToOADate()
In regards to getting rid of the loop, maybe something like this?
type Vector(x: float, y : float) =
member this.x = x
member this.y = y
member this.xDate = System.DateTime.FromOADate(this.x)
member this.yDate = System.DateTime.FromOADate(this.y)
member this.differenceDuration = this.yDate - this.xDate
member this.difference = System.DateTime.Parse(this.differenceDuration.ToString()).ToOADate
type Program() =
let vector = new Vector(34.0,23.0)
let difference = vector.difference

Creating an F# record or union type (not instance thereof) at runtime

What is the best way to create an instance of System.Type representing an F# record or union at runtime? That is, I am looking for an equivalent of FSharpType.MakeTupleType for records and unions.
Just to clarify, I am not interested in creating an instance (i.e. FSharpValue.MakeRecord or FSharpValue.MakeUnion).
I am not aware of an equivalent to FSharpType.MakeTupleType for records and unions in the F# library.
One way to create record or union type like structures at runtime is to use Reflection.Emit. A record type is analogous to a sealed class and a union type is an abstract base class with sealed classes for each case.
For example the following function generates a minimal F# record type:
open System
open System.Reflection
open System.Reflection.Emit
let MakeRecord(typeName:string, fields:(string * Type)[]) =
let name = "GeneratedAssembly"
let domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
let assembly = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName(name), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave)
let name = "GeneratedModule"
let dm = assembly.DefineDynamicModule(name, name+".dll")
let attributes = TypeAttributes.Public ||| TypeAttributes.Class ||| TypeAttributes.Sealed
let typeBuilder = dm.DefineType(typeName, attributes)
let con = typeof<CompilationMappingAttribute>.GetConstructor([|typeof<SourceConstructFlags>|])
let customBuilder = CustomAttributeBuilder(con, [|SourceConstructFlags.RecordType|])
let makeField name t =
let attributes = FieldAttributes.Assembly
let fieldBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineField(name+"#", t, attributes)
let attributes = PropertyAttributes.None
let propertyBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineProperty(name, attributes, t, [||])
let customBuilder = CustomAttributeBuilder(con, [|SourceConstructFlags.Field|])
let attributes = MethodAttributes.Public ||| MethodAttributes.HideBySig ||| MethodAttributes.SpecialName
let methodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("get_"+name, attributes, t, [||])
let il = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator()
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldBuilder)
let types = fields |> Array.map snd
let cb = typeBuilder.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.Standard, types)
let il = cb.GetILGenerator()
il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof<obj>.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes))
fields |> Array.iteri (fun i (name, t) ->
let paramName = name.Substring(0,1).ToLower()+name.Substring(1)
let param = cb.DefineParameter(i+1, ParameterAttributes.In, paramName)
let fieldBuilder = makeField name t
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, param.Position)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldBuilder)
let t = typeBuilder.CreateType()
let r = MakeRecord("MyRecord", [|"Alpha",typeof<int>;"Beta",typeof<string>|])
Note the expected interfaces for a Record type may also need to be generated, i.e. implementations of IEquatable, IStructuralEquatable, IComparable and IStructuralComparable are missing.
Extension methods MakeTupleType and MakeUnionType based on the code sample above are now available in the open source Fil (F# to IL Compiler) project (alpha).

Extension methods for F# tuples

Is it possible to write extension methods for F# tuples? For example, to add instance methods .Item1 and .Item2 (like System.Tuple) which are equivalent to calling fst and snd for 2-tuples?
The System.Tuple<'T1, 'T2> type that internally represents (2-element) tuples in F# actually already has properties Item1 and Item2, but these are hidden by the F# compiler. An obvious method to add extension members to a tuple does not do the trick, so I would not expect this to work (but there may be some workaround I'm not aware of).
Generally, I think pattern matching is preferable to members such as Item1, Item2 etc. (and C# 3.0 programmers often ask for pattern matching support when working with tuples :-)).
The reason is that pattern matching forces you to name things. Compare these two code snippets:
let (width, height) = tuple
width * height
and a version using properties:
tuple.Item1 * tuple.Item2
The second is a bit shorter, but definitely less readable.
Not perfect but I'm using this. (I borrowed original code from http://www.fssnip.net/6V and added small modification.)
module TupleExtensions =
type System.Tuple with
static member Item1(t) = let (x,_) = t in x
static member Item1(t) = let (x,_,_) = t in x
static member Item1(t) = let (x,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item1(t) = let (x,_,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item1(t) = let (x,_,_,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item1(t) = let (x,_,_,_,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item2(t) = let (_,x) = t in x
static member Item2(t) = let (_,x,_) = t in x
static member Item2(t) = let (_,x,_,_) = t in x
static member Item2(t) = let (_,x,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item2(t) = let (_,x,_,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item2(t) = let (_,x,_,_,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item3(t) = let (_,_,x) = t in x
static member Item3(t) = let (_,_,x,_) = t in x
static member Item3(t) = let (_,_,x,_,_) = t in x
static member Item3(t) = let (_,_,x,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item3(t) = let (_,_,x,_,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item4(t) = let (_,_,_,x) = t in x
static member Item4(t) = let (_,_,_,x,_) = t in x
static member Item4(t) = let (_,_,_,x,_,_) = t in x
static member Item4(t) = let (_,_,_,x,_,_,_) = t in x
static member Item5(t) = let (_,_,_,_,x) = t in x
static member Item5(t) = let (_,_,_,_,x,_) = t in x
static member Item5(t) = let (_,_,_,_,x,_,_) = t in x
static member Item6(t) = let (_,_,_,_,_,x) = t in x
static member Item6(t) = let (_,_,_,_,_,x,_) = t in x
static member Item7(t) = let (_,_,_,_,_,_,x) = t in x
How to use it:
let t = (1, 2, 3)
let item1 = Tuple.Item1(t)
Tuple.Item1 defined here has advantage over fst: It is polymorphic for number of items. Once we write function which uses n tuple using these extension methods, we can extend it for n+1 tuple without modifying function body. Instead we have to modify argument type declaration. It is more effortless.
I think, what you're asking is not very functional way. You can make your own type with instance methods, but at the same time you are losing many aspects of functional programming, e.g. pattern matching.
Other than that, a DU seems to be the way to go:
type MyTuple<'T, 'U> =
| MyTuple of 'T * 'U
member this.MyItem1 = match this with | MyTuple(x,y) -> x
member this.MyItem2 = match this with | MyTuple(x,y) -> y
let x = MyTuple(42, "foo")
let y1 = x.MyItem1 // 42
let y2 = x.MyItem2 // "foo"
As #Tomas Petricek noted, you can't name the properties Item1 and Item2 since they already exist in System.Tuple<'T1, 'T2>. Attempting to do that will cause an error:
error FS2014: A problem occurred writing the binary [filename]: Error in pass2 for type [...], error: Error in pass2 for type MyTuple`2, error: duplicate entry 'Item1' in property table
You could also use the fst and snd functions to get the values you want (and obviously write your own for third, fourth, etc. if you really wanted to).
The workaround is to use C# style extension definitions.
This will work just fine:
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
type TupleExtensions () =
[<Extension>] static member First((a,b)) = a
[<Extension>] static member First((a,b,c)) = a
let x = (1,2).First()
let y = (1,2,3).First()
But I agree in that it's not a good idea to access the elements of a tuple through methods, pattern matching is the best way.

parallel mutable assignment in F#

I want to swap both references, is there a nice way make such a construct work ?
let mutable sarlast = ref (Array.copy ar)
let mutable sarcurr = ref (Array.copy ar)
... some code ...
sarcurr, sarlast <- sarlast, sarcurr
No, <- is single assignment and tuple is immutable in F#.
You can define an infix function for the purpose (one-liner suggestion by #bytebuster):
let (>-<) x y = let temp = !x in x := !y; y := temp
// Usage
let a = ref [|1|]
let b = ref [|2|]
a >-< b
