“Uninitialized constant” error when trying to create Client - ruby-on-rails

I am working on dashing dashboard and trying to add a Jira widget.In the widget code it is trying to create and initialize a Client object. As shown in code below
require 'Jira'
SCHEDULER.every '5m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
client = Jira::Client.new({
:username => ENV['Talal'],
:password => ENV['Talal123'],
:site => "",
:auth_type => :basic,
:context_path => "/jira"
But as I gets to this line client = Jira::Client.new. An exception occurs which states that uninitialized constant Jira::Client.

I believe the gem you should be using is jira-ruby. Once you install it, Bundler should automatically require it for you, meaning if you're in a Rails environment, you shouldn't need to do require 'Jira'.
If you don't want it required application-wide, BTW, you should add this to your Gemfile:
gem 'jira-ruby', require: false
# then in your scheduler, you have to explicitly require it as before:
require 'jira-ruby'
SCHEDULER.every '5m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
client = Jira::Client.new({
:username => ENV['Talal'],
:password => ENV['Talal123'],
:site => "",
:auth_type => :basic,
:context_path => "/jira"
Additional information here


keep getting 'client' method undefined when running rails app

trying to add this to my rails project https://github.com/adelevie/parse-ruby-client
so i first obviously bundle installed the gem, then i created a parse.rb file in config/initializers with this code :
require 'parse-ruby-client'
client = Parse.create :application_id => 'API_KEY',
:api_key => 'API_KEY',
when i call client anywhere i get a error that its undefined
In your example client is a local variable. By the time you try to access it, it has already left the scope. What you should do is create or use a globally visible object. One example:
require 'parse-ruby-client'
::MyParse = Parse.create :application_id => 'APP_ID',
:api_key => 'API_KEY',
You can access such object as MyParse in the code.
Another example:
require 'parse-ruby-client'
MyApp::Application.configure do
config.parse = Parse.create :application_id => 'APP_ID',
:api_key => 'API_KEY',
And use it like this:

Redis-Objects in rails saves as String, not array

I am using the redis-objects gem to store simple info
class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base
include Redis::Objects
hash_key :user_purchases, :marshal => true, :global => true # "hash" is taken by Ruby
def self.add_user_end(fb_id,item_id)
if self.user_purchases[fb_id]
a = Array.new
a << candidate_id
self.user_purchases[fb_id] = a
new_a = self.user_purchases[fb_id]
new_a << item_id
self.user_purchases[fb_id] = new_a
I'm creating a method to collect user_purchases as a hasy_key, keyed by a users fb id. I would imply like to see a collection of ids when I use Purchase.user_purchases["2"] => [1,23,563,2]
I am running into a problem with Redis::Object where I can only save this as a string: Why?
1.9.3-p125 :050 > Purchase.user_purchases["6"].class
=> String
1.9.3-p125 :051 > Purchase.user_purchases["6"]
=> "\u0004\b[\u0006I\"\v543555\u0006:\u0006ET"
My Initialization file was missing require 'redis/list'
require 'redis'
require 'redis/objects'
require 'redis/hash_key'
require 'redis/list'
Redis.current = Redis.new(:host => '', :port => 6379)
My Initialization file was missing require 'redis/list'
require 'redis'
require 'redis/objects'
require 'redis/hash_key'
require 'redis/list'
Redis.current = Redis.new(:host => '', :port => 6379)

What is the best Rails Logging Gem

what is the best way of configuring Logging features on a rails project? I'm looking for something like Log4J which is available to Rails. I have found log4r and it's conflicting built in Logger class and also tried 'Logging' gem and It has some issues configuring as a audit logger. Please let me know your suggestions on this topic since I'm a beginner on the subject.
I have used below code block in logging.rb and included in environment.rb
But I'm receiving a error on 'returning' keyword as it's deprecated on rails 2.8
# Logging
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'logging')
Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
require 'logging'
# Logging.init is required to avoid
# unknown level was given 'info' (ArgumentError)
# or
# uninitialized constant Logging::MAX_LEVEL_LENGTH (NameError)
# when an Appender or Layout is created BEFORE any Logger is instantiated:
Logging.init :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
layout = Logging::Layouts::Pattern.new :pattern => "[%d] [%-5l] %m\n"
# Default logfile, history kept for 10 days
default_appender = Logging::Appenders::RollingFile.new 'default', \
:filename => 'log/default.log', :age => 'daily', :keep => 10, :safe => true, :layout => layout
# Audit logfile, history kept forever
audit_appender = Logging::Appenders::RollingFile.new 'audit', \
:filename => 'log/audit.log', :age => 'daily', :safe => true, :layout => layout
# Production logfile, history kept forever
prod_appender = Logging::Appenders::RollingFile.new 'prod', \
:filename => 'log/production.log', :age => 'daily', :safe => true, :layout => layout
DEFAULT_LOGGER = returning Logging::Logger['server'] do |l|
l.add_appenders default_appender
Have a look at the following threads:
Rails Logging API
logging in rails app
What's a good logging replacement for rails?
It should be like this:
require 'logging'
# Logging.init is required to avoid
# unknown level was given 'info' (ArgumentError)
# or
# uninitialized constant Logging::MAX_LEVEL_LENGTH (NameError)
# when an Appender or Layout is created BEFORE any Logger is instantiated:
Logging.init :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal
layout = Logging::Layouts::Pattern.new :pattern => "[%d] [%-5l] %m\n"
# Default logfile, history kept for 30 days
default_appender = Logging::Appenders::RollingFile.new 'default', \
:filename => "log/#{Rails.env}.log", :age => 'daily', :keep => 30, :safe => true, :layout => layout
log = Logging::Logger[:root]
log.add_appenders default_appender
log.level = :info
Rails.logger = log

Ruby daemon script only runs once

I've written a ruby NFC reader script and daemonised it with the daemons gem. It all works great except the script only runs once...
require 'rubygems'
require 'daemons'
pwd = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
file = pwd + '/touchatag.rb'
'touchatag_project_daemon', # name of daemon
:dir_mode => :normal,
:dir => File.join(pwd, 'tmp/pids'), # directory where pid file will be stored
:backtrace => true,
:monitor => true,
:log_output => true
) do
exec "ruby #{file}"
quire 'rubygems'
require 'nfc'
require 'httparty'
class TagAssociator
include HTTParty
base_uri 'localhost:3000'
NFC.instance.find do |tag|
puts "Processing tag..."
TagAssociator.post('/answers/answer', :query => {:uid => tag.uid})
This works great and i'm receiving the tag.uid in my app. But when i scan another RFID tag the script wont run again...
Does anyone know how to adjust the script that it runs "forever" and stops when the daemon is stopped?
i updated my daemon.rb script:
require 'rubygems'
require 'daemons'
options = {
:app_name => "touchatag_project_daemon",
:ARGV => ['start', '-f', '--', 'param_for_myscript'],
:dir_mode => :script,
:dir => 'tmp/pids',
:multiple => true,
:ontop => true,
# :mode => :exec,
:backtrace => true,
:monitor => true
Daemons.run(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/touchatag.rb'), options)
But it just runs once... i don't get it any other suggestions?
You almost certainly want to be using Daemon.run. run_proc would be useful if you wanted to move the code from touchtag.rb into Daemon.rb.

Feedzirra in Rails 3

I am trying to get feedzirra running on rails 3, I tried by some methods I have found on the internet.
This is in my gemfile:
source 'http://gems.github.com'
gem 'loofah', '1.0.0.beta.1'
group :after_initialize do
gem 'pauldix-feedzirra'
And i've out this after bundle.setup in root.rb
Bundler.require :after_initialize
And this is the code in my model (movie.rb)
class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.import_from_feed
feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("url-to.xml")
def self.add_entries(entries)
entries.each do |entry|
unless exists? :guid => entry.id
:title => entry.title,
:synopsis => entry.synopsis,
:cover => entry.cover,
:duration => entry.duration,
:channel => entry.channel,
:imdb_rating => entry.imdb_rating,
:imdb_votes => entry.imdb_votes,
:imdb_id => entry.imdb_votes
I try to run the import_from_feed function from the console and I keep getting this error:
>> Movie.import_from_feed
NameError: uninitialized constant Movie::Feedzirra
from /Users/myname/Ruby/appname/app/models/movie.rb:3:in `import_from_feed'
from (irb):1
Can someone help me out? Been trying for ages now!
Two things:
Just add the gem, not under :after_initialize
Use the feedzirra gem, not the old pauldix-feedzirra one.
