keep getting 'client' method undefined when running rails app - ruby-on-rails

trying to add this to my rails project
so i first obviously bundle installed the gem, then i created a parse.rb file in config/initializers with this code :
require 'parse-ruby-client'
client = Parse.create :application_id => 'API_KEY',
:api_key => 'API_KEY',
when i call client anywhere i get a error that its undefined

In your example client is a local variable. By the time you try to access it, it has already left the scope. What you should do is create or use a globally visible object. One example:
require 'parse-ruby-client'
::MyParse = Parse.create :application_id => 'APP_ID',
:api_key => 'API_KEY',
You can access such object as MyParse in the code.
Another example:
require 'parse-ruby-client'
MyApp::Application.configure do
config.parse = Parse.create :application_id => 'APP_ID',
:api_key => 'API_KEY',
And use it like this:


“Uninitialized constant” error when trying to create Client

I am working on dashing dashboard and trying to add a Jira widget.In the widget code it is trying to create and initialize a Client object. As shown in code below
require 'Jira'
SCHEDULER.every '5m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
client ={
:username => ENV['Talal'],
:password => ENV['Talal123'],
:site => "",
:auth_type => :basic,
:context_path => "/jira"
But as I gets to this line client = An exception occurs which states that uninitialized constant Jira::Client.
I believe the gem you should be using is jira-ruby. Once you install it, Bundler should automatically require it for you, meaning if you're in a Rails environment, you shouldn't need to do require 'Jira'.
If you don't want it required application-wide, BTW, you should add this to your Gemfile:
gem 'jira-ruby', require: false
# then in your scheduler, you have to explicitly require it as before:
require 'jira-ruby'
SCHEDULER.every '5m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
client ={
:username => ENV['Talal'],
:password => ENV['Talal123'],
:site => "",
:auth_type => :basic,
:context_path => "/jira"
Additional information here

Dynamic omniauth.rb file rails

I am using the omniauth-magento gem:
Setting my omniauth.rb file in initializers as such:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :magento, "TOKEN", "SECRET", :client_options => { :authorize_path => "/su", :site => "" }
The store needs to be dynamic though. How can I make it such OR how can I do the same thing in a controller?
I should mention there is another gem: which allows to set dynamically but i have no clue where to put this.

accesing contacts via omnicontacts gem routing error

hey i'm trying to access contacts from gmail/yahoo etc using omnicontacts gem,
i'm able to get the responce from the site but not able to rout to my page and getting routing errors
Internal Server Error
uninitialized constant ContactsLists
uninitialized constant ContactsListsController
The action 'gmail' could not be found for InvitesController
config files are below
Rails.application.middleware.use OmniContacts::Builder do
importer :gmail, "client_id", "client_secret", {:redirect_path => "/contact_callback"}
in google console
Redirect URIs is set to
and i want t oroute the data to my contact_list controller and invite method so in routes i have defined
match "contact_callback" => '/contacts_lists/invitenew'
and i'm getting
let me know what i'm doing wrong.
** EDIT **
#check for more info
Rails.application.middleware.use OmniContacts::Builder do
importer :gmail, "XXX", "****", {:redirect_path => "/contact_lists/gmail/contact_callback"}
importer :yahoo, "XXX", "****", {:callback_path => "/conta"215641561956751", "86245e1a6e7ce9b9e59cf440d5262e12",ct_lists/yahoo/contact_callback"}
importer :hotmail, "000000004011440B", "ah89ykZYvM1CcohvJhdcfEKaJL9Oktjt" , {:redirect_path => "/contact_lists/hotmail/contact_callback"}
importer :facebook, "XXX", "****", {:redirect_path => "/contact_lists/facebook/contact_callback"}
get "/contact_lists/facebook/contact_callback" => "contact_lists#getfbinvite"
# get "/contact_lists/:provider/contact_callback" => "contact_lists#getinvite" #commented temp
get "/contact_lists/gmail/contact_callback" => "contact_lists#getinvite"
get "/contact_lists/yahoo/contact_callback" => "contact_lists#getinvite"
get "/contact_lists/hotmail/contact_callback" => "contact_lists#getinvite"
This will solve the problem for i have all diff function for all sites as per requirement. Hope this helps you .

Create a name to a EC2 instance by using AWS API

I have the following code in my app.
require 'aws-sdk'
require 'rubygems'
:access_key_id => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
ec2 = => '')
##i = ec2.instances.create(:image_id => 'ami-aabXXXXX', :instance_type => 't1.micro', :security_groups=> ['Drum-Factory'], :key_name => 'some-key' )
sleep 1 while ##i.status == :pending
How can i name my instance while creating it, so that it will appear in the Name column of my AWS Management Console.
Name column is actually a tag added to the instance
So you need to set the value of "Name" tag
My guess is something like this
##i.tags["Name"] = "value"
tag = ec2.tags.create(##i, "Name","Value")
also this SO answer might be of help
For AWS, how do you set tags to a resource with the ruby aws-sdk?

rails twitter_oauth library uninitialized constant

I'm trying to use the twitter_oauth gem :
In my model I have:
require 'twitter_oauth'
And within a function I have:
def example
client =
:consumer_key => 'xxxx',
:consumer_secret => 'xxxx',
:token => "xxxx",
:secret => "xxxx")
return client
This seems fairly straight forward, but I can't seem to find out why I'm getting this error:
(Event being the name of the model)
uninitialized constant Event::TwitterOAuth
I can't seem to locate any conflicts with the TwitterOAuth namespace, any other thoughts?
Decided to use Grackle instead, seems to work fine
