How can I add didDisplayCell delegate to UITableView? - ios

I am well aware of willDisplay, but I need to know exactly when it's displayed.
Is there a way I can subclass UITableView so that I can use this? It's absolutely necessary; I don't understand why Apple doesn't have this delegate.


UICollectionViewCells and Buttons

I've been trying to get my UICollectionView to respond differently to single and double taps but all the answers I have found seem to suggest this is not really feasible because the single taps get recognised first. It works on really slow taps, but anything faster always initiates the default gesture recogniser (if anybody has got this to work I would love to know)...
So anyway, I have now resorted to putting buttons in my UICollectionViewCell (which has it's own class and NIB file).
The question is this:
What is considered the best way to use the button in the UIViewController of the collectionView?
I currently have a protocol in the header of my subclass of UICollectionViewCell and have declared my viewController as the delegate and implemented the required protocol functions.
In collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath: I set the VC as the delegate of the cell.
It all works but it seems a bit long-winded, and maybe not a great way of doing this.
The other way I was thinking of was instead of using delegates to simply call addTarget:Action: on the property of the UICollectionViewCell in collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath:.
This seems simpler but the delegate pattern looks to me like the better fit.
Any and all advice on which would be better, why, and any more appropriate alternatives welcomed!
You're doing the right think using the delegation pattern. The ultimate responsible object for any action of your views is the viewController who's displaying those views. Therefore, using it as the delegate for you cell's protocol is just right.
create a custom subview of UICollectionViewCell and place your button in the initWithFrame method. Declare the button to be public so you can use it later in your uicollectionviewcontroller or uicollectionview if creating programmatically.

awakeFromNib is not called for UITableViewCell object

I have a class that inherits from UITableViewCell, it has a bunch of IBOutlets. I had previously been using this object in a way that reuses the cell and initializes it as it's needed. This method is too slow, so I decided to create an array of the UITableViewCell objects and then add them as needed in the cellForRowAtIndexPath: method.
Everything gets loaded fine except the IBOutlet objects. awakeFromNib is never called so I assume this has something to do with my issue.
Just to clarify it was getting called fine when I was initializing the cells in the cellForRowAtIndexPath function, it's just when I tried to preload them in the view controllers viewWillAppear method that it breaks.
I know this is an old question. But after reading the conversation, I feel I must give some input. This a multi-layered issue that you are dealing with here.
Firstly, when you say "preload" what is it that you mean exactly.? Are you calling dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier in your viewWillAppear? Or are you calling an init. Either way this is not an acceptable practice whatsoever.
Remember, the UITableViewCells are "Reusable" meaning that the UITableView, in effect, handles the unloading and loading of the UITableViewCells when they are offscreen to optimize performance (not memory, believe it or not) as well as some other things. Essentially, it's a pretty nifty "hack" to keep table views efficient. So if your UITableView is too slow, then you are doing something wrong, not the implementation of UITableView
When you say you are "preloading" them, that throws up some immediate red flags on your usage. And when you say "the method is too slow", well it's not. The delegate/datasource methods in place for UITableViews and UICollectionViews happen in calculated orders. Don't fight it.
Secondly, for your issue with awakeFromNib not getting called. You aren't providing enough information. How did you initialize it? If you created it in your storyboard/nib, you shouldn't be calling any of the init methods. In fact, as of iOS6 you are guaranteed a non-nil cell from dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier.
Have you called it through its super class like :
[super awakeFromNib]; // Use this line
Hope it helps you.

Building a custom UIPickerView

I am trying to build a custom UIPickerView replacement class mainly for learning purposes but with a view to implementing this within an application I am developing. I have put a lot of time and effort into the UI of my application and now the default UIPickerView just doesn't fit right.
I saw this Dribble mock up of a really slick looking date/time picker but realise that theres not a chance in hell that UIPickerView can be customised this heavily without some major hacking.
After a whole lot of reading and investigation, I have found that UIPickerView uses UITableViews for it's components rather than a plain UIScrollView as I had first assumed. This is confusing for two reasons:
Customising UITableViewCells is a major pain in the derriere. It's not that it's hard work, just laborious and rarely yields the required result. Somehow UIPickerView manages to pull this off though with very little overhead. I would assume that each row in a component just uses UITableViewCellStyleDefault with a custom view for it's contentView but you know what they say about assumptions.
The second thing that is throwing me off is that UIPickerView conforms to the UITableViewDataSource protocol, but not the UITableViewDelegate protocol. This seems a little odd as the delegate is responsible for providing the correct height via – tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: UIPickerView however does allow you to set the size of a component via – pickerView:rowHeightForComponent:
In line with this, it also seems a strange choice to utilise a table view as natively these do not "snap" to a specified row the way a scroll view would with pagingEnabled.
Can anyone offer up an explanation of why the default UIPickerView doesn't conform to the aforementioned delegate? Would it be easier for me to implement my custom picker with a UIScrollView instead or should the UITableView provide the functionality required?
UIPickerView actually conforms to UITableViewDelegate protocol but just does not expose that in public headers. You can check that yourself using class_copyProtocolList function.
Using UITableView internally makes it much easier to implement pickers with large amount of rows as UITableView provides great support for reusing cells, otherwise Apple would need to reimplement that logic once again for picker - that would not make much sense (sorry I don't see any big problems in customizing UITableViewCell for this case, so it is hard to comment on that)
As UITableView is UIScrollView subclass you can make it "snap" to a specific position, check scrollViewWillEndDragging:withVelocity:targetContentOffset: method in UIScrollViewDelegate protocol that can be used for exactly that purpose.
Custom UIPickerView are done by mimicking it's behavior using an UIViewController subclass containing as many UITableView you need for fields.
Eg: if you want a time picker, use 2 tableviews
You should style them in a xib using images and such.
What's -kinda- hard about reproducing the behavior is the part where UIPickerView "snaps" to the closest cell, and especially getting it right.
Also, cells in a UIPickerView are simple, just no borders/delimiters between cells, text label is centered, and voilà. What you see are just images overlaid in front of the UITableViews.
As to why it doesn't fully conform to the UITableViewDelegate, it's because in fact, it's a lightweight UITableView that snaps automatically that is used internally in UIPickerView. Thus, it lacks some delegates that are not specially useful for this.
But I guess we all agree on one thing: Indeed, building custom UIPickerView is a big pain and should be easier.
Take a look at this component, looks quite nice, though I haven't tested it myself. computerlogicx/AFPickerView
I managed to implement an "alternative" UIPicker by extending UICollectionView.
Although UICollectionView is usually used for cases where you have multiple items in a section, you can just have one item and it works fine. If you enable paging you get similar behaviour to a UIPicker, but it has a "stickier" scroll that only lets you scroll one item at a time, which might be better if that is what you want. Furthermore, you can scroll vertically or horizontally. You could even have a 2D picker with some extra code.

Determine when subviews are added to tableView

I have a UITableView with about 10 subviews. Some of the subviews are acting strangely in a few older iOS versions. I'd like to determine where the various subviews are being added to the tableView. What's the best way to do this?
Perhaps I can attach a callback to the tableView such that it's called whenever a subview is added?
This doesn't sound like a good plan to me at least but a question is a question.
What you could do is observe the subviews property(NSArray) for changes, receive the callback and handle your case.
Again, if that's a good idea (looking at it form an architectural perspective) is a totally different question.
Edit: Sorry I think I misread, if you only want to figure out when what happens, ...guess you can do what I described above.... Or breakpoint into the drawing/layout methods. Either way.

ipad populating table with coredata

Please help with this issue that is driving me insane...
I want to populate a table with coredata (in a UIViewcontroleer), not a UITableController, as I need the table to be small and not take the whole screen,
I have tried different approaches, to no avail, and no answer to fix the problems,
Im adapting some code from tutorials that use the whole screen,
example problem, Request for member tableView in something not a structure or union
all my searches for code show the use in iphone with tableview, It would be awesome if you know of a sample for ipad with a view controller (not in split view),
thanks in advance
Your error stems most likely from you using the tableView property which is not available in UIViewController. It's difficult to judge what you did wrong, did you implement the necessary UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate methods? If you implement these it's no problem to use a UIViewController with core data. But remember the UITableViewController does more than just fill the table, it also resizes the table view when the keyboard is shown. You'll have to do this yourself, too.
UITableView has a rowHeight property that you can set directly or via the delegate method tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:.
UITableViewCell has a font property that you can set, to make the font smaller.
UITableView class ref says rowHeight is in points. If that means the same as points in NSFont, it should be easy to coordinate the two.
And of course you can resize the table view’s frame in IB.
So you ought to be able to get what you want using a UITableViewController.
As for the error, do you know what line is generating it? Have you set breakpoints to find out?
