How to start working with Augmented Reality? - augmented-reality

Is there any way to start with Augmented Reality? Is there any innovation team from which i can learn and contribute? Is it restricted to apps only in I.T. or can we also implement any otherthing with the help of Augmented Reality within IT?

The below links will give you some idea on the list of available sdk's for developing applications using Augmented Reality .
Wikitude and Vuforia sdk's are the most common one's for Augmented Reality applications.
Try the below link to get started with Augmented Reality!!

your question is very broad. I think you can try and start by using ARToolKit.
ARToolKit has a great community from which you can learn and also it is open source so you can have a look at the source and contribute back as well.
I don't get your last question about I.T. but you can do a lot with AR


Effort for building an Augmented Reality SDK with OpenCV

Our company is planning to start building some AR apps for Android and iOS. As the first step we need to decide whether we are going to use a Opensource SDK like ARToolKit or to go for a commercialized product like Vuforia, Wikitude, CraftAR, KudanAR etc or whether we should start writing our own AR sdk based on libraries like OpenCV/OpenGL etc..
I have read many articles and comparisons about different SDKs available and have a good idea about what each of them can do and how much they are going to cost. e.g.
In the past we have used Vuforia and we have it at the top of our list. But the main issue is the pricing.
So I would like to know if any of you have written or tried to build your own AR sdk based on OpenCV and what type of an effort it will be. To support features like image and 3D object tracking and augmenting 2D and 3D objects. And need to support iOS and Android devices.
This Augmented Reality SDK with OpenCV has some basic guidelines on how to start.
Mainly what I would like to know is if a software Engineer with about 5+ years of good programming skills try to do this, how much of an effort will that be? Will it be like 1 month work or a 6 months work or even with 12 months of work will it be difficult to get closer to what Vuforia SDK can does?

Can augmented reality be realized in a website?

Nowadays, I wanna do some research of augmented reality technology.Especially, I would like to match a 2d image and a 3d model.And then, I will see the 3d model if scanning the 2d image. What's more, I know that there are a lot of SDKs(like metaio,and wikitude) and software can realize this in mobile app. However, what I want to do is realizing this in a website. I hope the people who use this don't need to download a particular mobile app, but just open a website and then scan a picture.
So, until now, I's like to know that,as the tile asked, can AR be realized in a website? If yes, how can I do it or is there any software like Metaio Creator to do this? If no, why?
Thank you for anyone who would like to answer my naive question.
May I recommend you our completely webbased AR & VR tool by
It supports 360 degree photospheres that can be enhanced with custom 3D models and then directly be embedded into your website as iframe, it has native support for stereoscopic view mode and much more.
For your use case you could have a look at the lower part of this blog post where you find information and an embedded example presentation with photosphere imagery containing 3D elements:
If you want to start creating I recommend the beginners guide:
The cv feature tracking you requested can not yet be realized without any apps/browser. But what you can do is realizing perspectively correct displaying 3D elements into the camera image and move with sensors. Should be as performant as within the player app.
We hope that it can somehow help you in pushing your research and we would love to read your feedback. In case of any questions please do not hesitate to ask, here or on any other contact channel!

How to start with Augmented reality to create my own framework (Not AR App)

I have been working Augmented Reality for quite a few months. I have used third party tools like Unity/Vuforia to create augmented reality applications for android.
I would like to create my own framework in which I will create my own AR apps. Can someone guide me to right tutorials/links to achieve my target. On a higher level, my plan is to create an application which can recognize multiple markers and match it with cloud stored models.
That seems like a massive undertaking: model recognition is not an easy task. I recommend looking at OpenCV (which has some standard algorithms you can use as a starting point) and then looking at a good computer vision book (e.g., Richard Szeliski's book or Hartley and Zisserman).
But you are going to run into a host of practical problems. Consider that systems like Vuforia provide camera calibration data for most Android devices, and it's hard to do computer vision without it. Then, of course, there's efficiently managing the whole pipeline which (again) companies like Qualcomm and Metaio invest huge amounts of $$ in.
I'm working on a project that does framemarker tracking and I've started exporting bits of it out to a project I'm calling OpenAR. Right now I'm in the process of pulling out unpublishable pieces and making Vuforia and the OpenCV versions of marker tracking interchangeable. You're certainly welcome to check out the work as it progresses. You can see videos of some of the early work on my YouTube channel.
The hard work is improving performance to be as good as Vuforia.

Augmented reality, create my own simple app

all i need is to create an augmented reality simple app, where i save manually an image in the application main bundle, and the camera in the application should track or recognize this image and do any action in the application when it is recognized,
All the posts here redirect to buy ready online products,
can any one help me in a tutorial or some basics and concepts how to do that?
Have a look at the ARToolkit. Its an open source framework available for most platforms
I have had great experience with the free Vuforia framework. There good sample projects to understand how the framework works.
You can download the SDK here.
The sample project you would need to take a look at is the User Defined Target sample.
Qualcomm's support team on the Vuforia Support forums are very kind and offers great support if you are facing any problems with the framework.

Augmented Reality Mask using Facial Recognition on Xbox Kinect with Kinect for Windows SDK

I am using an XBox Kinect with the Kinect for Windows SDK. I want to make an application that will augment a 3D mask (a 3D model of a mask made in 3DS Max) onto the face of anyone using the application. The application will be used in an exhibit locally. I have not tried much because I don't know where to start. So what I want to know is, is it currently possible to augment a 3DS Max model onto a live video stream using the facial recognition and skeletal tracking features in the newest Kinect for Windows SDK, and if so, how/where should I start trying to do/implement this? Any point in the right direction would be great. Thank you! PS And yes, I have read the UI guidelines and the facial documentation. My problem is one of not knowing where to start programming, not one of not understanding the fundamental concepts. Thanks!
If you are serious about getting into developing for the Kinect I would recommend getting this book:
This goes through developing with the Kinect for Windows SDK from the ground up. There is a face tracking and an augmented reality example so I'm pretty sure you will be able to achieve your goal quite easily.
All the code from the book is here:
Alternatively, there is an example here which pretty much is what you want to achieve:
It is developed using the Beta version of the SDK, but the same priciples apply.
You can also check out the quick start videos here:
In summary, based on my own experience, I would spend some time going through the beginner examples either in the vides or the book (I found the book very good) just to get familiar with how to setup a simple Kinect project and how the different parts of the SDK work.
When you have developed some throwaway apps with the Kinect, I would then try tackling your project (although, the Incredible Hulk project above should get you most the way there!)
Best of luck with your project
