Is there a way to prevent outside access to container memory - docker

So i'm playing around the idea of application containers and os containers and I was wondering if it is possible to prevent code to access the container memory from the outside (from the machine that's running the container).
I understand that application container prevents the process inside the container to access other processes in the system (and interact with them?), but what if a container is used to prevent users to mess with the process, is it even possible?
For example if I run a game in the container, can I bring it to a state that people can't use hacks on the game process?
Thank you for your help!

Unless you put it into something you control. Easiest way is when you physically control computer where it is running, but that's not what you want. Another way is to put it in some tamper resistant computer, but these are mostly small and weak (eg. simcards and secure storage for private keys).
And even those are not 100% secure.


Restrict user from accessing code inside docker [duplicate]

I am about to decide on programming language for the project.
The requirements are that some of customers want to run application on isolated servers without external internet access.
To do that I need to distribute application to them and cannot use SaaS approach running on, for example, my cloud (what I'd prefer to do...).
The problem is that if I decide to use Python for developing this, I would need to provide customer with easy readable code which is not really what I'd like to do (of course, I know about all that "do you really need to protect your source code" kind of questions but it's out of scope for now).
One of my colleagues told me about Docker. I can find dozen of answers about Docker container security. Problem is all that is about protecting (isolating) host from code running in container.
What I need is to know if the Python source code in the Docker Image and running in Docker Container is secured from access - can user in some way (doesn't need to be easy) access that Python code?
I know I can't protect everything, I know it is possible to decompile/crack everything. I just want to know the answer just to decide whether the way to access my code inside Docker is hard enough that I can take the risk.
Docker images are an open and documented "application packaging" format. There are countless ways to inspect the image contents, including all of the python source code shipped inside of them.
Running applications inside of a container provides isolation from the application escaping the container to access the host. They do not protect you from users on the host inspecting what is occurring inside of the container.
Python programs are distributed as source code. If it can run on a client machine, then the code is readable on that machine. A docker container only contains the application and its libraries, external binaries and files, not a full OS. As the security can only be managed at OS level (or through encryption) and as the OS is under client control, the client can read any file on the docker container, including your Python source.
If you really want to go that way, you should consider providing a full Virtual Machine to your client. In that case, the VM contains a full OS with its account based security (administrative account passwords on the VM can be different from those of the host). Is is far from still waters, because it means that the client will be enable to setup or adapt networking on the VM among other problems...
And you should be aware the the client security officer could emit a strong NO when it comes to running a non controlled VM on their network. I would never accept it.
Anyway, as the client has full access to the VM, really securing it will be hard if ever possible (disable booting from an additional device may even not be possible). It is admitted in security that if the attacker has physical access, you have lost.
TL/DR: It in not the expected answer but just don't. It you sell your solution you will have a legal contract with your customer, and that kind of problem should be handled at a legal level, not a technical one. You can try, and I have even given you a hint, but IMHO the risks are higher than the gain.
I know that´s been more than 3 years, but... looking for the same kind of solution I think that including compiled python code -not your source code- inside the container would be a challenging trial for someone trying to access your valuable source code.
If you run pyinstaller --onefile you will get a compiled single file that can be run as an executable. I have only tested it in Raspberry, but as far as I know it´s the same for, say, Windows.
Of course anything can be reverse engineered, but hopefully it won´t be worth the effort to the regular end user.
I think it could be a solution as using a "container" to protect our code from the person we wouldn't let them access. the problem is docker is not a secure container. As the root of the host machine has the most powerful control of the Docker container, we don't have any method to protect the root from accessing inside of the container.
I just have some ideas about a secure container:
Build a container with init file like docker file, a password must be set when the container is created;
once the container is built, we have to use a password to access inside, including
reading\copy\modify files
all the files stored on the host machine should be encypt。
no "retrieve password" or “--skip-grant-” mode is offered. that means nobody can
access the data inside the container if u lost the password.
If we have a trustable container where we can run tomcat or Django server, code obfuscation will not be necessary.

Does Docker Swarm keep data synced among nodes?

I've never done anything with Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes so I'm trying to learn what does what, and which is best for my purpose before tackling it.
My scenario:
I have a Desktop PC running Docker Desktop, and ..
I have a Raspberry PI running Docker on Raspbian
This is all on a home LAN, so I don't really want to get crazy with complicated things.
I want to run Pi Hole and DNSCrypt Proxy containers on both 'machines', (as redundancy, mostly because the Docker Desktop seems to crash a lot taking down my entire DNS system with it when I just use that machine for Pi-hole).
My main thing is, I want all the data/configurations, etc. between them to stay in sync (i.e. Pi hole's container data stays in sync on both devices, etc.), and I want the manager to make sure it's always up, in case of crashes, and so on.
My questions:
Being completely new to this area, and just doing a bit of poking around:
it seems that Kubernetes might be a bit much, and more complicated than I need for this?
That's why I was thinking Swarm instead, but I'm also not sure whether either of them will keep data synced?
And, say I create 2 Pi-hole containers on the Manager machine, does it create 1 on the manager machine, and 1 on the worker machine?
Any info is appreciated!
Docker doesn't quite have anything that directly meets your need, but if you've got a reliable file server on your home LAN, you could do it really easily.
Broadly speaking you want to look at Docker Volume Plugins. Most of them ultimately work via an external storage provider and so won't be that helpful for you. There's a couple of more exotic ones like Portworx or StorageOS that can do portable/replicated storage purely in Docker, but I think most of them are a paid license.
But, if you have a fileserver that you trust to stay up and running, you can mount an NFS/CIFS share as a volume as mentioned in the Docker Docs, and Docker can handle re-connecting it when a container moves from one node to another due to a failure.
One other note: you want two manager nodes and one container per service in your swarm. You need to have one working Manager node for the swarm to work (this is important if a Manager crashes). Multiple separate instances would generally only be helpful if the service was designed as a distributed/fault tolerant application.

Docker image white labelling [duplicate]

I am about to decide on programming language for the project.
The requirements are that some of customers want to run application on isolated servers without external internet access.
To do that I need to distribute application to them and cannot use SaaS approach running on, for example, my cloud (what I'd prefer to do...).
The problem is that if I decide to use Python for developing this, I would need to provide customer with easy readable code which is not really what I'd like to do (of course, I know about all that "do you really need to protect your source code" kind of questions but it's out of scope for now).
One of my colleagues told me about Docker. I can find dozen of answers about Docker container security. Problem is all that is about protecting (isolating) host from code running in container.
What I need is to know if the Python source code in the Docker Image and running in Docker Container is secured from access - can user in some way (doesn't need to be easy) access that Python code?
I know I can't protect everything, I know it is possible to decompile/crack everything. I just want to know the answer just to decide whether the way to access my code inside Docker is hard enough that I can take the risk.
Docker images are an open and documented "application packaging" format. There are countless ways to inspect the image contents, including all of the python source code shipped inside of them.
Running applications inside of a container provides isolation from the application escaping the container to access the host. They do not protect you from users on the host inspecting what is occurring inside of the container.
Python programs are distributed as source code. If it can run on a client machine, then the code is readable on that machine. A docker container only contains the application and its libraries, external binaries and files, not a full OS. As the security can only be managed at OS level (or through encryption) and as the OS is under client control, the client can read any file on the docker container, including your Python source.
If you really want to go that way, you should consider providing a full Virtual Machine to your client. In that case, the VM contains a full OS with its account based security (administrative account passwords on the VM can be different from those of the host). Is is far from still waters, because it means that the client will be enable to setup or adapt networking on the VM among other problems...
And you should be aware the the client security officer could emit a strong NO when it comes to running a non controlled VM on their network. I would never accept it.
Anyway, as the client has full access to the VM, really securing it will be hard if ever possible (disable booting from an additional device may even not be possible). It is admitted in security that if the attacker has physical access, you have lost.
TL/DR: It in not the expected answer but just don't. It you sell your solution you will have a legal contract with your customer, and that kind of problem should be handled at a legal level, not a technical one. You can try, and I have even given you a hint, but IMHO the risks are higher than the gain.
I know that´s been more than 3 years, but... looking for the same kind of solution I think that including compiled python code -not your source code- inside the container would be a challenging trial for someone trying to access your valuable source code.
If you run pyinstaller --onefile you will get a compiled single file that can be run as an executable. I have only tested it in Raspberry, but as far as I know it´s the same for, say, Windows.
Of course anything can be reverse engineered, but hopefully it won´t be worth the effort to the regular end user.
I think it could be a solution as using a "container" to protect our code from the person we wouldn't let them access. the problem is docker is not a secure container. As the root of the host machine has the most powerful control of the Docker container, we don't have any method to protect the root from accessing inside of the container.
I just have some ideas about a secure container:
Build a container with init file like docker file, a password must be set when the container is created;
once the container is built, we have to use a password to access inside, including
reading\copy\modify files
all the files stored on the host machine should be encypt。
no "retrieve password" or “--skip-grant-” mode is offered. that means nobody can
access the data inside the container if u lost the password.
If we have a trustable container where we can run tomcat or Django server, code obfuscation will not be necessary.

save and handle files in Docker application

Our application run in a Docker Container. The application retrieves files from a directory outside our network. The application needs to process the files and save them somewhere for a year.
What is the best approach? Do we use the writable part of the Docker or a directory on the hosting system? what is the addvantages and drawbacks?
Preferably you have your container as dumb as possible. Also if your container gets killed or crashes, you would lose your data if you have it stored within the container.
A volume mount would be a possible solution, what would make it possible to store files directly to the host; but my question would then be: why using Docker?
Another advantage of having a quite dumb container is that you would be able to scale more easily. Having a queue, you could scale the amount of containers needed upto the a certain threshold to process the queue. :-)
Therefore I would advise you to store the data somewhere else; another FTP-server, hosted and managed by yourself.

A completely closed source docker container

I was wondering if it is possible to offer Docker images, but not allow any access to the internals of the built containers. Basically, the user of the container images can use the services they provide, but can't dig into any of the code within the containers.
Call it a way to obfuscate the source code, but also offer a service (the software) to someone on the basis of the container, instead of offering the software itself. Something like "Container as a Service", but with the main advantage that the developer can use these container(s) for local development too, but with no access to the underlying code within the containers.
My first thinking is, the controller of the Docker instances controls everything down to root access. So no, it isn't possible. But, I am new to Docker and am not aware of all of its possibilities.
Is this idea in any way possible?
An obfuscation-based only solution would not be enough, as "Encrypted and secure docker containers" details.
You would need full control of the host your containers are running in order to prevent any "poking". And that is not the case in your scenario, where a developer does have access to the host (ie his/her local development machine) where said container would run.
What is done sometimes is to have some piece of "core" code to run on a remote location (remote server, usb device), in a way that the external piece of code on the one hand can do some client authentication but also and more importantly run some business core code in order to guarantee that the externally located code "has" to be executed to have the things done. If it were only some check that is not actually core code, a cracker could just override it and avoid calling it on the client side. But if the code is actually required to be run and its not then the software won't be able to finish its processing. Of course there is an overhead for all of this, both in complexity and probably computation times, but that's one way you could deploy something that will unfailingly be required to contact your server/external device.
