Manually install DSE agents - datastax-enterprise

I am attempting to get OpsCenter up and running and it is telling me that I need to the agents on my cluster. Which is fine.
the automatic install - for whatever reason - is not working so I am installing them manually by using the following command;
curl -L<version-number>.tar.gz | tar xz
I tried 5.0.1 - to match the version of DSE and while it works - OpsCenter tells me it needs to be upgraded.
So I used 5.1.0 and that worked ,too - but also tells me it needs to be updated as well.
I am using DSE 5.0.1 and OpsCenter 6;
So I also tried using 6, 6.0 and 6.0.0 as versions - but apparently they don't exist.
Can someone please advise me what version am I supposed to be specifying in the curl command?

I would love to take the credit for it....
After chatting with DataStax, via email - i have JUST noticed that the documentation was updated yesterday, with respect to how to manually install the DSE agents.
The revised documentation now states to use the following command - which of course, now works correctly!
$ curl --user dsa_email_address:password -L | tar xz


./ Error: Ubuntu focal is not supported

I'm trying to use composer and for the same I'm using the below command for installation.
curl -O
chmod u+x
These above commands successfully executed.
But when I executed this command (./ then I'm getting below error
Terminal Throws Error ///Ubuntu focal is not supported
Please help
Hyperledger Composer Installation
I also find this kind of error during Hyperledger Composer installation this problem mainly depends on the Ubuntu version.
Steps to overcome this problem.
upgrade ubuntu version as per your ubuntu versoin please follow:
open file with your compatible editor
update line:
#Array of supported versions
declare -a versions=('trusty' 'xenial' 'yakkety', 'bionic');
# Array of supported versions
declare -a versions=('trusty' 'xenial' 'yakkety', 'bionic', 'focal');
After saving this file
Run command: ./
I hope this problem will resolve if anything please feel free to write.

lack MOSQ_1.5 for mosquitto

I am using mosquitto as one of my project tool. After i successfully compile (make binary) mosquitto via source code and try to run mosquitto_sub/pub, its shows that
./mosquitto_sub: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ version `MOSQ_1.5' not found (required by ./mosquitto_sub)
while Mosquitto and Mosquitto_psswd is able is run without any problem. Besides, my mosquitto version is 1.5.
I have no idea about this problem.
Any Help appreciated .
It sounds like you have an earlier version of mosquitto installed and it's libraries are on the system path.
Make sure you have uninstalled any earlier versions of mosquitto installed on the machine.
Also make sure you have run make install as root in your build directory to copy the libraries to the correct locations
I had a similar issue building on rpi model B+ using GNU make 4.2.1 and cc (Raspbian 8.3.0-6+rpi1) 8.3.0
Error reported: ./mosquitto_sub: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ version `MOSQ_1.6' not found (required by ./mosquitto_sub)
Note: I left the existing distribution in place so that I could leverage off the systemd mosquitto.service that gets installed with the debian packages mosquitto and mosquitto-clients.
mkdir proj
git clone
cd mosquitto
# my build failed on master branch, so I picked a tag that worked for me
git checkout -b 1.6.9 tags/1.6.9
# overwrite the existing binaries
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
# verify that the newly installed binaries have overwritten the originals.
mosquitto --help|grep -w 'mosquitto version'
mosquitto_pub --help|grep -w 'mosquitto_pub version'
mosquitto_sub --help|grep -w 'mosquitto_sub version'

asdf-erlang doesn't install man pages

I am using asdf + asdf-erlang as my version manager for Erlang. All seems to be working fine, except that typing erl -man mnesia results in No manual entry for mnesia.
I have installed all dependencies mentioned on the asdf-erlang github page. I have also installed xsltproc and fop. Unfortunately "man" folder located under ~/.asdf/installs/erlang/18.3/lib/erlang/erts-73/ is empty. I haven't found man pages being generated elsewhere.
I was trying to locate build log, but I was not successful with that either.
I am using 64bit Ubuntu 16.10 & 16.04.
OK. I finally managed to resolve the issue:
Go to and download manpages for the version(s) of Erlang you have installed using asdf (so for 18.3 you're looking for:
Copy man folder with its content (extracted from the archive) to ~/.asdf/installs/erlang/<version>/lib/erlang/. After doing so, you should have .~/asdf/installs/erlang/<version>/lib/erlang/man containing man1, man3, man4, man6, man7 (and each of those folders should have some manpages in it).
Repeating steps above for all the versions installed using asdf, allows you to use manpages for specific version of Erlang you are using at the moment.
looks like erlang-manpages are not included in the asdf-erlang since you are using ubuntu i would suggest you add Erlang Solutions repository to your system, call the following commands:
sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
then install erlang-manpages:
sudo apt-get install erlang-manpages
you could also install erlang-doc — HTML/PDF documentation
sudo apt-get install erlang-doc
check this page for more information
The man path in #MaciekTalaska 's answer seems not correct, it does not work at all, for erlang 18.3.
After reading ASDF's activate script(), here's one statement:
Therefore, you just need to:
Go to and download manpages for the version(s) of Erlang you have installed using asdf (so for 18.3 you're looking for:
Copy man folder with its content (extracted from the archive) to $HOME/.asdf/installs/erlang/${version}, but not $HOME/.asdf/installs/erlang/${version}/lib/erlang/ (in fact, there isn't a folder named erlang under lib).

OpenSuse - Can't install Rails: File not found on medium

I'm trying to set up a Ruby on Rails environment within OpenSuse, but I've encountered a problem. When running sudo zypper install rubygem-railties-3_2 all I get is File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium ''. So something seems to be wrong at their side.
Is there anyone who as a workaround for, or more info about, this problem?
When running the command $ sudo zypper up I was receiving a similar error:
File ... not found on medium http:// ...
Detailed error:
File './x86_64/libxkbcommon0-0.7.2-48.2.x86_64.rpm' not found on medium ''
The solution which worked for me was to run $ sudo zypper ref before running $ sudo zypper up
Obviously, you have setup an additional repository for Banshee for a very old opensuse version. Opensuse only keeps its repositories alive for the last two two releases to the current release. For this reason, you get this error. You can disable or remove the repositorium to resolve the error.
In order to install packages that are not part of the currently configured repositories, it is the easiest to use the one-click install available at .

Install python3-gi for Travis-CI and Python >= 3.3

What is the correct way to install python3-gi on Travis-CI using the .travis.yml file?
The past recommendation was to use Python 3.2 (Travis-ci & Gobject introspection), but I would prefer testing against more recent versions.
I did try a few sensible combinations of commands, but my knowledge of the Travis-CI environment is very basic:
This for example fails with and without using system_site_packages: true:
- sudo apt-get install -qq python3-gi
- system_site_packages: true
Two examples of repositories that have this working (as far as I can tell): (CircleCI) (Travis-CI)
In order to use a newer version you would either have to build it or use a container system like docker.
gnome-news has an example of a pygobject project using circleci (which is another free alternative to travis-ci). They are using fedora rawhide in docker which has the latest versions of the entire gnome stack.
