Ruby Rails - Where to start my understanding [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to learn code and currently running through the exercises within codecademy for Rails.
Though I find this a good learning resource, i'm struggling to understand the relevance of the commands etc to "real life", so I can relate to it.
Can anyone recommend "real life" projects to work through on line re. rails, so I can piece all the fundamental pieces together, whilst seeing what my actions do to the outcome project.
Thank you in advance.

Have a look at they seem to have some good foundation tutorials on ruby on rails.

I can recommend you the Ruby on Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl. It focuses on stuff that matters by developing a Twitter-like app step by step. Also, it is free to read online..


Looking for an intermediate to advanced Rails 3 book recommendation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm a seasoned Symfony 1.4 developer with a good handle on Symfony 2.0, so I'm a bit beyond the basics of frameworks.
I've recently built a solution with Rails 3 and would like to pick up a book to read up on how I could have done some things better.
I'm mostly using Rails as a database layer with very minimal in the ways of ERb. Some topics I'd hope to see covered in advanced detail are:
Ideas and opinions on how to serve rich internet applications
Good ActiveRecord usage and planning
Writing models and keeping implementation out of controllers
In general, conventions on controllers and actions
There are likely many subjects I'd like to hear about however I'm not interested in focusing too strongly on testing quite yet.
Haven't read this book, but it seems really good Ruby Science
After spending a bit of time with some of the books from the comments above, it looks like Rails Antipatterns is still quite worthwhile.

How to create a plugin/gem in rails [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Whats the best guide to start working like creating a plugin/gem. I got this tutorial from railscast but this is very basic.I got some other tutorials but all of them are too basic. Any other tutorial, you can suggest.
and what the things we should kept in mind while creating a gem or plugin?
I might be late to comment here. I found very useful tutorial here. SO. just want to share it with u.
I warmly recommend Rails Guides at - they provide lots of interesting tutorials.
They also have an article about creating plugins.
I just finished creating my first rails engine which I packaged as a gem. I extracted a lot of useful foundational stuff and wrote up a tutorial on getting started with it:

Is there a Railscasts for Django? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I learned everything I know about Rails from Railscasts. Now I want to learn Django but I'm not finding any comprehensive tutorial resources like Railscasts. Does an equivalent not exist in the Django world? If so, is that because there is less to learn?
There are some screencasts in the django documentation.
I came across this website that might be what you need:
These ones are quite old and not updated anymore:
I found this one -- -- they seem to have a good coverage on a range of topics. Hope this helps.

Best Resources for Rails Social Networking Friendship [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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What do you all think are the best resources for adding a "friendship" system to your rails social networking sites? The main three I have found:
Self-Referential Associations - Railscast
However i find that the railscast one tends to be a bit simplistic, and a lack of implementation documentation for the other two. Can anyone recommend any other plugins or tutorials that might help with the development of this aspect of my social network?
If you're using restful authentication I would highly recommend this tutorial. It's not the most elegant fleshed out solution, but it will get you on the right path. I was able to copy the code almost verbatim into an app and it works great.

Integrating InstantRails with Aptana or any other IDE [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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So I've been using InstantRails to check out Ruby on rails. I've been using Notepad++ for the editing. Now I don't want to install Ruby or Rails on my machine. Is there any walk through/tutorial on how to integrate Radrails or Netbeans with InstantRails?
Here's a tutorial:
(I don't know if it's any good.)
And here's one with InstantRails+Netbeans:
I recommend learning Rails and Ruby itself first, and then picking up something like InstantRails. Having too many layers when learning something new can make it hard to know what features are part of which language, and potentially confuse you when trying to determine where a bug is occurring.
