Integrating InstantRails with Aptana or any other IDE [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 5 years ago.
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So I've been using InstantRails to check out Ruby on rails. I've been using Notepad++ for the editing. Now I don't want to install Ruby or Rails on my machine. Is there any walk through/tutorial on how to integrate Radrails or Netbeans with InstantRails?

Here's a tutorial:
(I don't know if it's any good.)
And here's one with InstantRails+Netbeans:

I recommend learning Rails and Ruby itself first, and then picking up something like InstantRails. Having too many layers when learning something new can make it hard to know what features are part of which language, and potentially confuse you when trying to determine where a bug is occurring.


Ruby Rails - Where to start my understanding [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to learn code and currently running through the exercises within codecademy for Rails.
Though I find this a good learning resource, i'm struggling to understand the relevance of the commands etc to "real life", so I can relate to it.
Can anyone recommend "real life" projects to work through on line re. rails, so I can piece all the fundamental pieces together, whilst seeing what my actions do to the outcome project.
Thank you in advance.
Have a look at they seem to have some good foundation tutorials on ruby on rails.
I can recommend you the Ruby on Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl. It focuses on stuff that matters by developing a Twitter-like app step by step. Also, it is free to read online..

I want to write Ruby on Rails [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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but i dont know where to start! Which version of Ruby and Rails are the best?
And all documentations I can find are for Mac users. And im on Linux( ubuntu ).
I can allready write in C++
I hope you can help me!
To install Ruby language interpreter and the Rails framework itself you can visit website and download an installer for windows.
Speaking about applications development in Ruby on Rails, there is good tutorial written by Michael Hartl in link, that is highly recommended way to start development with Rails. This tutorial introduces to Ruby language and Rails framework and by following it you will build Twitter clone.

Ruby / Rails gems and plugins that need some rails3 love? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm just getting started with rails and ruby and i wanna start giving back to the community,
Are there any cool gems / plugins that spring to mind that need some tlc or rails 3 fixes that i could start contributing on?
I know your sposed to scratch your own itch.. but most the gems i use work great! :-P
Read Contributing to Rails and take a look at Github, a lot of gems (including rails) are hosted there, it has a cool issue tracking system so you can fork and start patching :)
Authlogic. It needs to be refactored to use ActiveModel. Also take a look at the feature request at the issue tracker.

Looking for simple poll/survey Rails plugin or gem [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to find a simple poll plugin/gem (the type of single question poll that's usually found in site's sidebar). All plugins that I've found are either too complex (like having their own DSL) or they are out of date (i.e. older than couple years).
Does anyone knows a Rails plugin/gem that handles simple polls?
Have you tried SMeRF, I'm currently using Surveyor and yes it is complicated. So I recommend you to use SMeRF, it is a lot more simple. But I can't seem to make it work on Rails3. xP
What version of Rails are you using?
I ended up writing my own custom solution for a simple poll I needed. Unfortunately, I needed it fast so I wrote it within an app I was working on (i.e. I didn't separate it into gem)

Is there a replacement for Beast for Ruby on Rails [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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An open source project called Beast implemented a forum in about 500 lines of Ruby on Rails code. The project seems to have fallen silent ( Is there an open source project that replaces beast and is compatible with the database schema defined for Beast? I have used Beast to sponsor a forum and would like to upgrade and move the deployment from Ubuntu to OS X on a more recent version of Ruby on Rails.
Have you looked at altered_beast? Ground-up rewrite of Beast
If you're just looking to obtain the source for Beast, try this SVN tree.
