Using retryWhen to update tokens based on http error code - ios

I found this example on How to refresh oauth token using moya and rxswift which I had to alter slightly to get to compile. This code works 80% for my scenario. The problem with it is that it will run for all http errors, and not just 401 errors. What I want is to have all my other http errors passed on as errors, so that I can handle them else where and not swallow them here.
With this code, if I get a HttpStatus 500, it will run the authentication code 3 times which is obviously not what I want.
Ive tried to alter this code to handle only handle 401 errors, but it seem that no matter what I do I can't get the code to compile. It's always complaining about wrong return type, "Cannot convert return expression of type Observable<Response> to return type Observable<Response>" which makes no sense to me..
What I want: handle 401, but stop on all other errors
import RxSwift
import KeychainAccess
import Moya
public extension ObservableType where E == Response {
/// Tries to refresh auth token on 401 errors and retry the request.
/// If the refresh fails, the signal errors.
public func retryWithAuthIfNeeded() -> Observable<E> {
return self.retryWhen {
(e: Observable<ErrorType>) in
return, Observable.range(start: 1, count: 3), resultSelector: { $1 })
.flatMap { i in
return AuthProvider.sharedInstance.request(
accessToken: AuthenticationManager.defaultInstance().getLoginTokenFromKeyChain(),
useFaceBookLogin: AuthenticationManager.defaultInstance().isFacebookLogin())
.catchError {
error in
log.debug("ReAuth error: \(error)")
if case Error.StatusCode(let response) = error {
if response.statusCode == 401 {
// Force logout after failed attempt
log.debug("401:, force user logout")
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(Constants.Notifications.userNotAuthenticated, object: nil, userInfo: nil)
return Observable.error(error)
token -> Observable<Accesstoken> in
return Observable.just(token)

Compilation Error
Which line has the compilation error? It seems to me that it would be this line:
.catchError {
error in
return Observable.error(error) // is this the line causing the compilation error?
If so, it's probably because catchError is expecting the block to return an Observable<Response> with which it can continue in case of an error, and not an Observable<ErrorType>.
In either case, it helps to annotate your code with more types so that you can pinpoint problems like this, as well as help the Swift compiler, which often can't figure out these kinds of things on its own. So something like this would have helped you:
.catchError {
error -> Observable<Response> in
return Observable.error(error) // Swift should have a more accurate and helpful error message here now
Note that I'm only showing you what the error is and how to get Xcode to give you better error messages. What you're trying to return still isn't correct.
Only retry on 401
I'm not sure why you're expecting this code to treat 401 differently (other than posting to the notification center and logging). As it is, you're catching the error, but you're always returning an Observable with an Error event at the end (return Observable.error(error)), so it will never retry.
To get 401 to retry, you should return an Observable from the retryWhen block, which will send a Next event (signifying that you want to retry). For all other status codes, that Observable should send an Error (as you're currently doing), which will signify that you don't want to retry, and that you'd like the error propagated.
So something like this:
.retryWhen { errorObservable -> Observable<ErrorType> in
log.debug("ReAuth error: \(error)")
if case Error.StatusCode(let response) = error where response.statusCode == 401 {
log.debug("401:, force user logout")
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(Constants.Notifications.userNotAuthenticated, object: nil, userInfo: nil)
// If `401`, then return the `Observable<ErrorType>` which was given to us
// It will emit a `.Next<ErrorType>`
// Since it is a `.Next` event, `retryWhen` will retry.
return errorObservable
else {
// If not `401`, then `flatMap` the `Observable<ErrorType>` which
// is about to emit a `.Next<ErrorType>` into
// an `Observable<ErrorType>` which will instead emit a `.Error<ErrorType>`.
// Since it is an `.Error` event, `retryWhen` will *not* retry.
// Instead, it will propagate the error.
return errorObservable.flatMap { Observable.error($0) }

When you catchError, if it isn't a 401 error, then you simply need to throw the error. That will send the error down the pipe.

There's a different solution to solve this problem without using Observable. It's written on pure RxSwift and returns a classic error in case of fail.
The easy way to refresh session token of Auth0 with RxSwift and Moya
The main advantage of the solution is that it can be easily applicable for different services similar to Auth0 allowing to authenticate users in mobile apps.


How to customize Amplify Auth Error Messages

I am attempting to implement amplify auth on iOS, and what I would like to be able to do is customize the error message that is displayed to a user when authentication fails, as the default error messages are not end-user friendly, but I have no idea how to do this.
For instance, my signIn method is as follows:
func signIn(username: String) {
Amplify.Auth.signIn(username: username, password: "bla") { [weak self] result in
switch result {
case .success (let result):
if case .confirmSignInWithCustomChallenge(_) = result.nextStep {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} else {
print("Sign in succeeded")
case .failure(let error):
print (error)
Now in the .failure case, instead of printing the error, I would ideally like to determine if the error is a userNotFound error, or something else. I can't find any info in the docs on this. Any help would be appreciated.
You can do it by checking the error.code. for example, for a user who did not confirm the email if he tries to login then error.code will have UserNotConfirmedException string value. Amplify auth returns different exception codes for different types of errors. You can see all the exceptions from this link. Although it is for flutter, the exception code is identical for any framework. I have used these exception codes in react.

PromiseKit no callback / deallocates? (Alamofire)

My promise chain is broken (maybe deallocated) before it's resolved.
This happens (so far ONLY) when I make Alamofire request fail due to host trust evaluation -> forcing evaluation to fail which results in -999 cancelled etc).
Setup is rather simple:
func start(_ onSuccess:#escaping SuccessBlock, onError:#escaping ErrorBlock) {
do {
try executeRequest { dataResponse in
} catch {
where executeRequest() is:
self.manager.request(request).responseJSON(queue: self.queue) { (response) in
Then, there is PromiseKit wrapper defined as APIRequest extension:
(This wrapper callbacks are called correctly in either case)
func start() -> Promise<APIResponse> {
return Promise<APIResponse> { resolver in
self.start({ response in
}) { error in
And finally, unit test calling the start promise (extension):
( flow never reaches this place in case of Alamofire failing )
request.start().done { response in
}.catch { error in
// not called if request failed
Outcome: if request fails -> the extension promise wrapper (catch) block is called, but it's not propagated back to UnitTest promise block.
Simply replacing Alamofire request with mock implementation (which triggers some other error( makes all setup work as expected (Unit Test completes with catch block being called etc) ex: .default).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
let result = Alamofire.Result { () -> Any in
return try [:], options: .fragmentsAllowed)
completion(DataResponse<Any>(request: nil, response: nil, data: nil, result: result))
Is this something to do with Alamofire? I don't really see how else to handle the promises there ( they shouldn't deallocate anyways... Or is this bug in PromiseKit? Alamofire? I yet have to test this in the app itself ( maybe it's Unit test issue ... )
Looking at related issues -> i'm definitely resolving promises (fulfilling / rejecting) for any flow path.
I don't see how Alamofire request is different from DispatchAsync (where the latter works as expected).
I was only 10 mins short of finding the answer... Problem is also described here:
Issue is that '-999 cancelled' error is not treated as 'Error' by PromiseKit. Solution is to use "catch(policy: .allErrors)" - then catch block is called as expected.
func start(_ onSuccess:#escaping SuccessBlock, onError:#escaping ErrorBlock) {
do {
try executeRequest { dataResponse in
} catch {
You are using self.onSuccess that means its not function parameter block but instance block thats why its not going back to block from you are calling start.

What is the best practice to deal with RxSwift retry and error handling

I read some post says that the best practice to deal with RxSwift is to only pass fatal error to the onError and pass Result to the onNext.
It makes sense to me until I realise that I can't deal with retry anymore since it only happen on onError.
How do I deal with this issue?
Another question is, how do I handle global and local retry mixes together?
A example would be, the iOS receipt validation flow.
1, try to fetch receipt locally
2, if failed, ask Apple server for the latest receipt.
3, send the receipt to our backend to validate.
4, if success, then whole flow complete
5, if failed, check the error code if it's retryable, then go back to 1.
and in the new 1, it will force to ask for new receipt from apple server. then when it reaches 5 again, the whole flow will stop since this is the second attempt already. meaning only retry once.
So in this example, if using state machine and without using rx, I will end up using state machine and shares some global state like isSecondAttempt: Bool, shouldForceFetchReceipt: Bool, etc.
How do I design this flow in rx? with these global shared state designed in the flow.
I read some post says that the best practice to deal with RxSwift is to only pass fatal error to the onError and pass Result to the onNext.
I don't agree with that sentiment. It is basically saying that you should only use onError if the programmer made a mistake. You should use errors for un-happy paths or to abort a procedure. They are just like throwing except in an async way.
Here's your algorithm as an Rx chain.
enum ReceiptError: Error {
case noReceipt
case tooManyAttempts
struct Response {
// the server response info
func getReceiptResonse() -> Observable<Response> {
return fetchReceiptLocally()
.catchError { _ in askAppleForReceipt() }
.flatMapLatest { data in
.retryWhen { error in
.scan(0) { attempts, error in
let max = 1
guard attempts < max else { throw ReceiptError.tooManyAttempts }
guard isRetryable(error) else { throw error }
return attempts + 1
Here are the support functions that the above uses:
func fetchReceiptLocally() -> Observable<Data> {
// return the local receipt data or call `onError`
func sendReceiptToServer(_ data: Data) -> Observable<Response> {
// send the receipt data or `onError` if the server failed to receive or process it correctly.
func isRetryable(_ error: Error) -> Bool {
// is this error the kind that can be retried?
func askAppleForReceipt() -> Observable<Data> {
return Observable.just(Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL)
.map { (url) -> URL in
guard let url = url else { throw ReceiptError.noReceipt }
return url
.observeOn(ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .userInitiated))
.map { try Data(contentsOf: $0) }

compare error object return by alamofire

I'm using Alamofire with EVReflection, in case responseObject fails to parse the raw response string into an object, an response.error will have some value, in case of a different error, a different value will be set.
Not sure how to compare those error values, to handle different error.
in case of JSON parsing error, print(error) will output
FAILURE: Error Domain=com.alamofirejsontoobjects.error Code=1 "Data could not be serialized. Input data was not json." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Data could not be serialized. Input data was not json.}
.responseObject { (response: DataResponse<UserData>) in
guard response.error == nil else {
When your request fails, you will get an error of type AFError from Alamofire. You can actually check AFError.swift file to get familiar with possible values. This file have really good documentation for every case.
Since AFError is an Error, which is of type enum, you can check like following:
switch err {
case .parameterEncodingFailed(let reason):
// do something with this.
// If you want to know more - check for reason's cases like
// switch reason {
// case .jsonEncodingFailed(let error):
// … // handle somehow
// case .propertyListEncodingFailed(let error):
// … // handle somehow
// }
case .responseValidationFailed(let reason):
// do something else with this
And for every reason you have some helper functions, so you can get even more info. Just check documentation.

Error handler not called for promise

I have a service, which fails when I enter bad login credentials. However, my Promise error handler does not get called.
I don't seem to grasp what's wrong with my code so that the error callback is never reached.
func loadRepositories() -> Promise<[Repository]>{
return Promise { fullfill, reject in
manager.request(Method.GET, baseURL + "/api/1.0/user/repositories")
.authenticate(user: username, password: password)
.responseArray { (response: Response<[Repository], NSError>) in
switch response.result{
case .Success(let value):
case .Failure(let e):
// The breakpoint here is reached.
}.then { repositories -> Void in
loginVC.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
// Always gets called
loginVC.isSigningIn = false
}.error { error in
// I never get here even though `reject(e)` is called from the service.
loginVC.errorString = "Login went wrong"
By default error does not handle cancellation errors and bad credentials is exactly a cancellation error. If you put print(e.cancelled) before reject(e), you will see that it will return true. If you give a wrong URL for example, you will receive false. In order to get around this, just replace
}.error { error in
}.error(policy: .AllErrors) { error in
and error will be triggered then. In case you use recover, cancellation errors will be handled by default. You can check for more information.
