Appcelerator Titanium Webview rendering issue loading local HTML files - webview

in my app I use webview with many local HTML files. When the app is running over Android version 4.4.X or newer, the performance of scroll worsened and the text selection ceased to function properly. Looking for a solution, I saw that to solve this problem the Appcelerator docs recommend to set borderRadius property to a value greater than zero (the problem is associated with rendering on Chromium). Indeed, when I set borderRadius to 1, the scrolling performance is better and the text selection works well, but the quality of text (pixel) worsened and the users are complaining rightly. I'm using Titanium SDK 5.0.2GA and 23 platform API. I tried too using 5.2.2GA and 5.3.1GA but with the same results. I spent many hours to find a solution but without success. Please, someone can help me? I have been desperate. Many thanks in advance.

I found the problem and solution. In tiapp.xml, in the tag manifest, there were parameter android:anyDensity with value to "false". When I changed to "true", the scroll of webviews became very quick. In other hand, I needed to change all app's interface because this change caused change of all UI reference. But, after many hours of adjusts, finally the app is OK. Thanks.


VueJs Nuxt PWA not rendering on iphone

My vuejs nuxt portfolio( not opening on ios phones but working flawlessly on all other devices. On IOS devices only a red spinner is shown and nothing more.
What can be done?
A script "tag.js" took time to load, which I have currently disabled but still not working.
I had a look on your application and found out two problems.
First was about regular expressions, It seems Safari doesn’t support look behind yet. One alternative would be to put the / that comes before in a non-captured group, and then extract only the first group (the content after the / and before the #).
And second is about The minimal-ui viewport property that you can find out more here
Look at all your js/vue files especially in store. And see if any variable used is not imported. Nuxt in SPA mode doesn't detect those kind of errors and surprisingly the UI gets stuck on loading only on iOS. Very weird but scratched my brain over it for a day.

Why does the angular-material `Getting Started` example not actually work?

Is it just me, or is the angular-material "Getting Started" example broken?
On that page (link above), there's an inline codepen to show using angular-material. But the demo doesn't work! (In particular, I don't see a button to collapse the sidebar.)
Since I used this example in my started project, I spent quite some time troubleshooting it -- to no avail. Then, I realized the example itself it may be broken. And sure 'nuff, it is!
Does anyone know what the actual bug is, so I can work around it on my test app? It must have worked at some time; but I can't figure out why it's broken now.
That particular pen is working fine for me but I have noticed a few are not working, and it's due to the angular-material.js link being incorrect in the dependencies (under the pen's settings) the link provided redirects to the CSS.
This is intentional - the sidebar only becomes collapsable on smaller screens and is open on larger screens. Shrinking your browser window will show the collapse button.
That being said, the Getting Started page is definitely in need of an update. It is a good guide for a basic page structure, but the individual demo pages will be a lot better if you're looking to try out some of the components. (Every demo has a CodePen link to open an editable version.)

ShowShareSheet creates black/blank screen

Using an ActionList and Tbutton that is linked to the aciton: ActionShowShareSheet, the picture above is my result. I can not find a lot of troubleshooting around or many examples regarding the topic. I am trying to share an image with informational text - nothing to fancy - either by email or whichever the desired social sharing service is preferred by the user.
Yes, I have looked at the example provided by Delphi, and even attempted copying and pasting the same controls/components from that example.
edit ---
Okay, so I tested in in the iPad as well, it appears to show the popver modal but no items are shown to share with. So I am now facing two problems:
1. ShowActionShareSheet does not display properly with an iPhone device/simulator
2. I have nothing to share with, or I can't. I have signed into Facebook as a test via the iOS device settings and it still does not work properly.
Help ! Thanks
~ Simple solution. Just doesn't work in the simulator.

"Rubber band" events on phonegap app

I'm working on an iOS app using Phonegap/ Cordova and jQuery Mobile.
I want to be able to refresh the data when the user pulls the page down (rubber band effect). I tried using iScroll 4 but it made scrolling my page slow.
I didn't find a phonegap plugin for this. I thought this was a pretty standard iOS feature so maybe I am missing something? Is there any easy way to listen to the pull down event using phonegap / cordova?
Adding this line into CDVViewController.m (Cordova 2.0 or later) is said to work but I've actually never tried it myself as I'm still using iScroll 4. Give it a shot and let me know how it worked for you.
[webView.scrollView setDecelerationRate:UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal];
Likewise, however somewhat irrelevant to this matter, the code snippet below is said to reduce the on click delay from 300 ms which is also something phonegap developers usually want. Neither this nor the line above has been properly tested but perhaps a good way to start off.
[webView.scrollView setDelaysContentTouches:NO];

Pixel perfect (firebug addon) alternative

I've been using pixel perfect for quite a long time, and grown to love it (despite it's annoyances). Now, when pp is no longer compatibile with fx 6, I'm looking for a tool to replace it.
I found x-precise and am one step from buying it, but I don't quite like the necessity to include something in source page.
I know that I can do it myself, maybe not as good as xprecise or pp, but I just don't have time right now.
I'm curious to know what do you use? Or do you stick to old fx, just to use pixel-prefect?
I have been working for 3 years as a developer and created my own script for pixel perfect mode.
In Chrome, try PerfectPixel
I haven't managed to add a layer in PixelPerfect under any of last Firefox ..27.x.x builds - checkbox is locked. I tried PP versions older than 1.8 it didn't help. I tried to find a decent alternative and failed. Eventually I simply wrote a bookmarklet that provides a similar service
Pixel Perfect 2 for Firefox native developer tools is available:
Using the "Compatibility Reporter" seems to work for me so far. The only issue I recognized is a needed reload of the page, to see recently added overlays in the pixel-perfect list.
Just change line 15 in install.rfd file to
Also there are little issue with left position. To fix it change file panelAction.js at line 108 to
this.setPrefValue("pixelPerfect.lastXPos", this.findPixelPerfectXPos(overlayDivId) + 1);
at line 355 to
xPos += 1;this.updatePanelDisplayOfXAndY(xPos, yPos);
After adding new overlay just refresh page or reopen firebug
