Xcode crash reporter and bitcode - ios

My main app binary is not symbolicated correctly. But I see symbols from frameworks built with help of CocoaPods.
It is the same problem as described in this question:
Resolving problems in XCode 7 crash reporter
But answers for this question is not resolve an issue absolutely.
It's crazy to re-symbolicate reports every time manually.
And it's not really forward-looking idea to turn off bit code.
I fill the problem is somewhere in project configuration. Looks like CocoaPods do this the right way but I can't find suitable configuration for my app.
Do anybody know solution that solves problem fully once and forever?
Here the same project crash with bitcode turned off:


_hidden crash on Crashlytics using Bitrise - iOS App

I am using Bitrise as a CI/CD on my iOS app.
In the workflow there is a step to release the app via Fabric.
When a crash happens the only think I can see in the Dashboard is many __hidden steps on the stack.
I guess that this is because of some missing symbols but Fabric doesn't says that any symbol is missing. I tried to add them manually any way but I am still seeing the __hidden crashes.
Any ideas of how can I fix this issue?
Here is an example of what I get.
Check out Apple's document describing hidden symbols. Look for the "Translating 'hidden' symbol names back to their original names" section.
The issue here isn't that Crashlytics is missing symbol information. It's that the symbol information they have literally tells them your symbols are named __hidden#xyz. This has resulted in obfuscation you are seeing here. As the Apple doc describes, it is possible to de-obfuscate these symbols, but I'm not sure if Crashlytics supports this. They have a little bit of info here.
My understanding is this happens when you opt to not share symbol information with Apple during the app submission process. If I'm right, once you do this, it is impossible to change until you release a new version of your app.
I've discovered an option in dsymutil that makes it possible to deobfuscate a dSYM in this situation.
This will modify the dSYM in place with deobfuscated symbols. Uploading that dSYM to Crashlytics should result in expected symbolication. However, due to caching, you will probably need to reach out to them first to make sure this change takes effect.

XCode Project Invalid Bundle on App Store Upload

When submitting our app to the app store the validation process for the build keeps getting rejected with the following error.
Invalid Bundle - One or more dynamic libraries that are referenced by your app are not present in the dylib search path.
Has anyone else had issues with this error? I feel like I've tried just about everything. I'd done the suggested otool -L on the main app as well as the watch app. The only library that it shows linked for is the Mixpanel library. The only other two libraries we are using is Fabric and Crashlytics. From my understanding those are not actual real frameworks? I've also tried to set ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES to YES as many posts online suggest. The project builds and runs fine so I'm completely lost as to how to resolve this issue.
This is a React Native iOS app if that has anything to do with it. I'm not the most experience when it comes to iOS stuff but I can find my way around xcode. Anyone have any suggestions? Maybe the best solution is to just create a new xcode project and set everything up again and copy/paste in the code from the previous project?

App is NOT Crashing While Debugging

I am facing a strange issue in my currently working app. App is crashing when we install app through diawi or directly install using .ipa . But I am not able to regenerate the issue through debugging. I am totally confused and how can I solve the issue?
I am using Xcode 8.2.1
You can try building the app in Xcode in the Release configuration instead of the Debug configuration.
You do this by
clicking on your app name at the top left (near where you press to run the app)
choosing 'Edit Scheme' from the drop down
clicking on the disclosure indicator by 'Run'
choosing 'Run' from the three choices which appear
there is a drop down called 'Build Configuration'. This will almost certainly be set to Debug. Set this to Release.
Now when you run your app you will be building a far more optimised version - this is the version you build when you are submitting to Apple. It's just the same app optimised for speed/memory instead of debugability.
Hopefully, you should be able to reproduce your crash in Xcode now. However, you'll notice that you get far less debugging information when you hit your crash - this is because Debug builds have lots of extra information in (and are much less optimised by the compiler) specifically to make debugging easier. Being able to reproduce the crash in Xcode should give you a few more clues as to what's going on. At the least you should be able to see the chunk of code causing you issues.
Let us know how you get on.
Use crash tracking tool to track crash here is the detail about installing crashlytics

Cannot see the specific line or file on Crashlytics - iOS - OBJ-C

I'm not sure why Crashlytics didn't show me where is the line crash
i have follow all the integration instructions and read the documentation but still no result
and i'm sure that i've been upload the right dSYM file
its just showing me something like this screenshot
and i've been looking around and they said to do this
but it doesn't help
any idea?
This is a known issue that happens with some bitcode enabled apps. It seems to be a bug with how Apple is regenerating dSYMs and we've (Fabric) submitted a report to them about it.
In the meantime, if you turn off bitcode and rebuild then you should be all set for future crashes.

Added Fabric/Crashlytics to new project but doesn't upload dSYM

I've just created a new iOS Swift project, using Xcode 7 beta-4, and have integrated Crashlytics (part of Fabric now) with the usual process.
It integrated all fine, and I can simulate crashes etc.
However when I go to the Crashlytics dashboard it warns me that:
Missing dSYM
We're missing a dSYM to process crashes, upload it here!
And none of the crashes show up.
Clicking the warning message (it's link is mentioned here:
http://docs.fabric.io/ios/crashlytics/crashlytics.html#troubleshooting) gives me a list UUIDs Crashlytics is missing dSYMs for.
The page gives the option to upload a dSYM, which I have tried doing (getting it from /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos). However after doing so this does not resolve the issue.
I've tried getting the frameworks from CocoaPods instead of manually adding them, in case that made a difference. It didn't.
So my only thought is perhaps Crashlytics doesn't handle dSYMs produced by Xcode 7 beta? Or is there something fundamental I've overlooked?
Many thanks for your help!
After many back and forth emails with the Crashlytics team, this particular problem was discovered by them to be caused by changes made in one the beta Xcode 7 versions. A fix to Crashlytics was pushed out and since then it worked.
If you're experiencing similar issues, I suggest first ensuring you're using a release version of Xcode, and also the latest version of Crashlytics :)
Go to Build settings and choose Dwarf with dSym File option for both debug and release builds.
You haven't uploaded dsym ..You can get dsym file from:
Goto https://itunesconnect.apple.com> SignUp> MyApps> Activity> Then select the version of App for which the Missing dsym error is showing and download the dsym file from there...
upload it to fabric
Hope so your issue is resolved..
