How to get Twitter Fabric Key - twitter

I'm developing an App using Ionic.
I want to add get twitter-connect-plugin but to install it I must provide a Fabric Key.
I go to but it force me to download an extension for my IDEs.
Why I need a Fabric Key? Is there a way to get a Fabric Key without installing these plugins?

Mike from Fabric here. The API key is used to help identify apps and the data that flows into Fabric for them - such as crash reports or analytics for Answers. For example, a crash report for your app using a specific bundle id A, API key B and platform D, would be identified differently then bundle id A, API key C and platform D. This is helpful when developers want debug data to not be in the same grouping as production app data.
If you can't or don't want to use the IDE plugin, then you can go through the web onboarding here:
One thing to note is that Ionic based apps are not officially supported.


Tracking app installation and campaign details without Third-party APIs

For my iOS App, I am using Campaign Links from App Store Connect for advertisement purposes, and sometimes use Branch links.
Is it possible to get Campaign details inside app after installation is done natively without using any third party SDKs?
I would like to know from which campaign the installation came from with apple provided technology.
Is it possible to get the details inside the app programatically?
I have heard that In Android, they can achieve the functionality using InstallReferrerClient of the library
Do we have any similar option for iOS?
Please guide, Thank you.

Simulate application installation from app store to collect ad campaign data

I need to extract advertisement campaign data on the first application launch using AppsFlyer, specifically source(pid) and campaign(c). I'm doing it using AppsFlyer SDK methods according to the guide. To debug the solution I'm making TestFlight package and referencing it with link like:
But neither pid nor c is passed to the app when I install the app using this link.
How can I debug pid/c to be sure it will be passed to the app at the production?

I can't see the branch I build in x-code testing in Testflight

I have received a react-native project from a company I actualized the UI for the android and ios version, I have used git and created another branch to do this, I prepare my app to publish in ios, I exported to App store connect I send it by test flight to myself, and when I open the app for testing, what I have installed is the first version not the customized UI in the branch I have created the x code build, why this is happening?
I have merged my branch with the master and uploaded again and again but nothing happens I steel seeing the previous UI
I have received an email with an error message in the app store connect
TMS-90683: Missing Purpose String in Info.plist - Your app's code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data. The app's Info.plist file should contain a NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. Starting Spring 2019, all apps submitted to the App Store that access user data are required to include a purpose string. If you're using external libraries or SDKs, they may reference APIs that require a purpose string. While your app might not use these APIs, a purpose string is still required. You can contact the developer of the library or SDK and request they release a version of their code that doesn't contain the APIs. Learn more (
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs . See for more information.
But I think is not related, what could be the solution to this?

how to integrate crashlytics in Xcode that uses CMS and script for multiple apps

I have the common code in Xcode and a test app identifier. But I generate the ipa for different/many live apps using scripts at admin side and I generate many applications using CMS. So how do I integrate Crashlytics in such case. Currently when I open the fabrics dashboard I just see one app - that is the test app(identifier). Please help
Mike from Fabric here. In order for an app to be activated on the Fabric dashboard, a build and run of the app is needed. You'll need to build and run each of the apps with Fabric configured within them.

Fabric + Appsee with Ad Hoc / Release API Keys

I’m using Fabric, and porting my existing Appsee integration over (from Cocoapods). I can’t find a way to tell Fabric to use my two separate API keys for my Ad Hoc and Release builds, everything’s being piped through to live at the moment since that’s the key in its plist entry.
Anyone done this?
Right now - there is no way to do this through Fabric. The only way is to replace the call:
[Fabric with:Appsee]
[Appsee start:#"apikey"] and specify the different API keys manually.
We are working with the Fabric team to improve this.
