Fabric + Appsee with Ad Hoc / Release API Keys - ios

I’m using Fabric, and porting my existing Appsee integration over (from Cocoapods). I can’t find a way to tell Fabric to use my two separate API keys for my Ad Hoc and Release builds, everything’s being piped through to live at the moment since that’s the key in its plist entry.
Anyone done this?

Right now - there is no way to do this through Fabric. The only way is to replace the call:
[Fabric with:Appsee]
[Appsee start:#"apikey"] and specify the different API keys manually.
We are working with the Fabric team to improve this.


Moving Firebase (GoogleService-Info.plist & API Key) to Production on iOS App Store?

My question revolves around how to transition the information in the GoogleService-Info.plist file to Production (i.e. deployed on the iOS App Store)?
My predicament is pretty simple: I am developing a native iOS app in Swift. I am using Firebase ML Kit (Google Cloud Vision API). When I first set up my project in Firebase, I was prompted to download the GoogleService-Info.plist file, which I did. It is on the Desktop on my local computer, and all my local development works fine.
But, now I am ready to deploy this app to the App Store. Obviously, the App Store app is not going to fetch the credentials from my local Desktop. I am confused on how to transition my credentials to Production. I have read all of the Google Cloud docs (Securing API Keys, Service Accounts, etc.) but I have not found a simple, well-explained solution on how to approach this. If you are able to explain this to me as opposed to link to one of these resources that would be incredibly helpful. Thank you very much.
So, already you have a iOS project configured for GCV API. If the FCM development account and production account are same, the GoogleInfoServiceInfo.plist going to be same. So no worries. You can move to production with same file.
If production account is different, in the new production FCM account you have to configure the iOS app in the FCM API console for accessing the GCV API, download the plist file and replace it with the old one in same path. It should work perfectly.
Make sure to backup your old plist file before replacing with new one.

how to integrate crashlytics in Xcode that uses CMS and script for multiple apps

I have the common code in Xcode and a test app identifier. But I generate the ipa for different/many live apps using scripts at admin side and I generate many applications using CMS. So how do I integrate Crashlytics in such case. Currently when I open the fabrics dashboard I just see one app - that is the test app(identifier). Please help
Mike from Fabric here. In order for an app to be activated on the Fabric dashboard, a build and run of the app is needed. You'll need to build and run each of the apps with Fabric configured within them.

How to use fabric when having multiple target in project

I have an iOS project with 2 targets, I am trying to integrate fabric to the project. After following through their documentation I was able to implement crashlytics for first target and I am able to see the crash log in the dashboard also. Everything is working fine.
In the second target I used same API key and script which was used for first target then I tested the second app, in the dashboard I am able to see two different app reports.
Is it the right way to do it. I mean to use same API key for multiple targets.
Hope you understand the problem.
Mike from Fabric here.
API keys are set per organization within Fabric, so multiple apps or targets within the same Fabric organization would use the same key.

How to get Twitter Fabric Key

I'm developing an App using Ionic.
I want to add get twitter-connect-plugin but to install it I must provide a Fabric Key.
I go to Fabric.io but it force me to download an extension for my IDEs.
Why I need a Fabric Key? Is there a way to get a Fabric Key without installing these plugins?
Mike from Fabric here. The API key is used to help identify apps and the data that flows into Fabric for them - such as crash reports or analytics for Answers. For example, a crash report for your app using a specific bundle id A, API key B and platform D, would be identified differently then bundle id A, API key C and platform D. This is helpful when developers want debug data to not be in the same grouping as production app data.
If you can't or don't want to use the IDE plugin, then you can go through the web onboarding here: https://fabric.io/kits
One thing to note is that Ionic based apps are not officially supported.

Add Fabric app (Twitter) without Xcode

I have this situation: I need to build my app on the command line, but I need to make changes too. (The tool I would be using is Fastlane).
I could enter the api keys externally, but the question is: How do I create a Fabric app without opening Xcode?
If you already have a Fabric account, all you need is the organisation API key. On the first launch of a new app, the app will automatically be created on Fabric.
