Need to combine consumable and non-reniewing subscription in one purchase - ios

I need to combine two types of the app-purchases in one item -- for example my purchase should be:
5 bananas / 6 months
So I can buy 5 bananas in my app, but I can eat/use them only for 6 months.
How can I implement this? Is it a normal usage of the purchases? Thx.

I don't think this is possible. It seems like you will have to pick one of the two because your plan seems to violate some of Apple's guidelines.
According to Apple:
Because a non-renewing subscription requires a user to renew each time the subscription ends, your app must contain code that recognizes when the subscription is due to expire and prompt the user to purchase a new subscription.
So if your consumable cannot extended then it will be rejected.
Additionally, consumables
are used one time
You cannot allow it to expire before it is used.


Is is possible to create date-ranged in-app subscription in Apple and Google Plays stores?

We are currently offering a variety of premium plans on our app using in-app purchases and not Subscriptions. We have a 4 months plan and 1 year plan when user pays from the start (he can cancel at any-time by contacting us and our back-end manages the plans so after the period of the plan has ended he is downgraded automatically) and we want to switch this mechanism to monthly payments subscriptions for better revenue reasons.
It looks as (at least on Google Play) that we can define the billing period by weekly, monthly, etc, but the period of the subscription is still indefinit by meaning of time.
Are subscriptions are "for life" until user cancels it? How does it work?
Is it possible to create a fixed 4 months or 1 year subscription that is paid monthly until its finished automatically? How can we define that a subscription needs to end after exactly 4 months since user first purchase it? (It should also be auto-renewal month by month in that period).
If this is not possible, can we somehow create an indefinit subscriptions and "cancel" the subscription on iOS and Google Play stores for the user without him knowing? (from back-end or clients)
Also, what happens if user to buy a different subscription while he is already in one? Should he cancel and also then buy?
Thanks for any clarification. The official guidelines by both companies are no so clear.

iOS In App Purchase for expiring ecards

I have an application that has a requirement for a user to be able to purchase an e-card. This is a digital image. The user is then permitted to share this e-card as many times as they wish within a 48 hour period (So, the card is visible in a 'My Cards' menu) It then disappears.
I'm looking through the apple documentation for IAP, and cant figure out if this should be a consumable, or a non-renewing subscription. I currently handle all the persistence and expiry myself within the app.
The problem with the latter is that it seems every card would need its own ProductID (Rather than me just having a product for 'A Card' and the app being aware of which one it is. There's over 200 cards so this doesn't seem feasible, but the methods one must implement don't seem to work like this. For example, a user may have 10 cards, all purchased at different times.
Does anyone know the correct type of purchase this should be, and the best way to implement it?
This answer Floored by new rejection on non renewable subscription type in app purchases in iphone? , rather old (2012), claims that subscriptions must last for at least 7 days. Apart from that, iTunes Connect has no problem with 200 different products.
A non-renewing subscription might work but the 7 day issue is a problem for you. A non-renewing subscription can be purchased many times so there is no problem with duplicate cards - as long as you keep track of that.
A consumable would work except a consumable can't 'expire in time' it can only 'expire when used'. So if I purchase a card as a consumable I must be allowed to keep it on my device for a long time until I want to use it. You could let the user do that - they keep the card but can't use it. When they want to use it then it gets consumed and for the next 48 hours they can use it as often as they want. You may need to explain to App Review that this is a consumable that does not expire but that can be used for a continuous 48 hour period once it finally gets consumed.

iOS: Using auto-renewable subscription to remove ads

I want to create an Auto-renewable subscription for my app to enable the feature of removing the ads. (one year period)
Is is possible? Would it be approved?
A non-renewable can work as well but I don't want to manage users and subscriptions on my own server, I would like to have a subscription attached to an apple id.
I've previously applied to use an auto-renewing subscription for a business app, and was rejected (I've seen reports from others that this has been the case well). Even though the guidelines list the 'business' usage is acceptable, Apple are clearly aiming them at periodicals only.
There are other issues with them to consider as well.
The way I handle it at the moment is by using multiple in-app purchases for various time periods (1 month / 3 months / 12 months etc), hold an expiry date on the device and check that on each app launch. When it has passed, the users are then presented with a re-purchase screen. They can also purchase multiple time-packs which further extends the expiry date.

iOS In App Purchase - Different products in auto-renewing subscriptions

I'm trying to integrate auto-renewing subscriptions in my app, a VoIp service. But I have a very important question. So it would be great if any of you can help!
I want to offer 4 types of auto-renewing products (S, M,L, XL). Each one of them include more minutes to call and features, and the user must have just 1 one contracted at any time. I cannot define them as items in the same family because the duration is the same (1 month). So, if I'm right, I must define them as different families.
How I handle then in the app to programatically cancel an autorenewing product (M for example) if the user wants to upgrade to L?
I cannot find a way to do it.
You can not use this type of subscriptions in your case.
Auto-renewable subscriptions allow users to purchase dynamic content, such as magazine subscriptions, for a set duration of time. Subscriptions renew automatically unless the user opts out of the renewal. If the content you want offer doesn’t fit what’s outlined in the App Review Guidelines, consider offering the content through a non-renewing subscription.
Auto-renewable subscriptions can include an incentive to customers who share their contact information with you.
Link to apple developer site
You would be the best use of Non-Consumable in-app purchase type.

What's the difference between consumable and non-renewable subscriptions?

Apple, iOS, IAP.
The official doc says:
Product type - Users can buy - Appears in the receipt - Synced across devices - Restored
Consumable - Multiple times - Once - Not synced - Not restored
Non-renewing - Multiple times - Once - By your app - By your app
Of course consumable can be made same to non-renewing "by my app" if I want to, so what's the exact difference? Why Apple distinguish these two types identical on his side?
Everything is here:
Consumable (pay everytime)
A consumable In-App Purchase must be purchased every time
the user downloads it. One-time services, such as fish food in a
fishing app, are usually implemented as consumables.
Select Non-Consumable (one time payment)
Non-consumable In-App Purchases only need to be
purchased once by users. Services that do not expire or decrease with
use are usually implemented as non-consumables, such as new race
tracks for a game app.
Select Auto-Renewable Subscriptions (will deduct money from your credit card on a cycle complete)
Auto-renewable Subscriptions allow
the user to purchase updating and dynamic content for a set duration
of time. Subscriptions renew automatically unless the user opts out,
such as magazine subscriptions.
Select Free Subscription (no payment and is still visible even you did not submitted your account detail to itunes connect)
Free subscriptions are a way for developers
to put free subscription content in Newsstand. Once a user signs up
for a free subscription, it will be available on all devices
associated with the user’s Apple ID. Note that free subscriptions do
not expire and can only be offered in Newsstand-enabled apps.
Select Non-Renewing (need to renew manually)
Subscription Non-Renewing Subscriptions allow the
sale of services with a limited duration. Non-Renewing Subscriptions
must be used for In-App Purchases that offer time-based access to
static content. Examples include a one week subscription to voice
guidance feature within a navigation app or an annual subscription to
online catalog of archived video or audio.
Consumable items are individually purchased items. You need to buy one each time you want one. For example, in a game, if you ran out of lives and wanted to keep playing, you can buy an extra life (consumable). Once you use that life, if you need more than you need to buy another one.
Non-renewing is referring to subscriptions. It is the purchase of a subscription to something for a designated time frame, that will not automatically renew/re-charge after it expires. Example would be buying a one month subscription to a weekly magazine app that publishes new content every week. You purchase this one month, non-renewing, subscription and you get access to the app's content for a month. After the month is over, it does not automatically renew itself and will not bill you again.
