Sketch 3 iOS UI Design not sync with actual design - ios

I am new to Sketch and facing a few issues.
As seen from the pictures below when I use symbols from Sketch default iOS UI Design, why does it looks smaller than the Actual. For example, the Navigation Bar and Bottom Bar look smaller than what actual seen in many applications and even apple's applications.
I am working on iPhone 6 platform with artboard size 375 x 667.
Secondly, I'm also working on iPod Touch. Hence do I need to recreate all my designs to suit the iPod Touch environment?
Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks.
From Sketch using default iOS UI Design:


How to adjust values in Xcode to depend on device played (iPhone vs. iPad)

I am currently making a classic snake game app.
The app fits and works on all iPhones however when I test on any iPad the lettering is off the screen and so is the game screen.
Is there anyway to adjust the proportion or have it depend on what device you are using?
I was unable to find much help online when looking for this question. (first image is an iPhone 7, and the second is an iPad Air 2.
What you're looking for is Adaptive User Interfaces. You should be able to have different layouts for different device sizes using a single storyboard.
You can also change values programatically in your code according to the screen size.

Can I put more content on iPhone 5 than on Iphone 4?

I am developing an app and in one of the views the 4inch screen would fit the content I want to include just fine but the 3.5 inch screen is just too small so I wanted to remove a part of the content for that screen size.
So the question is: Do apple allow the bigger screens to have more content than the smaller screens? I guess this question also applies to ipad vs iphone, iphone 6 vs iphone 5 , etc...
I have never seen this even being discussed and I've never done it myself but always wondered.
Naturally I would do it in a way that the 3.5 inch screen wouldn't miss anything too important and in a way that the content would be completely hidden on the iphone 4 and the design doesn't suffer. In this particular case I would just remove an ad for another app so the iphone 4 users would probably thank me ;)
Thanks in advance
Welcome to Stack Overflow. This isn't really a programming question the way SO defines it, but I'll take pity on you since you're new.
Yes of course. You always have to tailor your UI for the target device. That often means stripping away non-essential elements from smaller screens.
For iPhone vs. iPad it usually means presenting more on one screen on iPad and multiple screens on iPhone.

Size classes not support UI elements for regular width and regular height in IOS

I developing an iPad application to support landscape only. I have chosen the size classes with Regular Width and Regular Height size. Whenever placing UIView or UI elements and run in the device, It works fine in the IOS 8 but it wont display in the IOS 7. seems looks like size class compatabile issue. Can anyone share your thoughts about how to resolve these UIview to display even in the IOS 7.
Thanks In Advance!!
iOS 7 Does not support size classes. I had this issue and I resolved it by forcing iOS 8 compatibility.
Unfortunately I think your best bet (which is kind of terrible) would be to branch your code and make two separate storyboards one for iOS7 and one for iOS8. That being said, given you are only supporting iPad min and iPad normal, you could do two separate storyboards depending on which device it is.
I know neither of these 3 options is ideal but thus is the cost of backwards compatibility.
punt on iOS7
develop an iOS7 specific version and an iOS8 version
develop a separate storyboard for iPad mini and iPad Normal

iOS: What would be a strategy for designing a form based app that looks good on all iOS devices?

I am currently upgrading an app that was designed for iPhone 4s. It looks great. However, with the larger iPhone sizes there is a lot of space at the bottom of one of the scenes. It is formed based if that gives you an idea about what it looks like. In the iPhone 4s case I designed the scene so that there is no real estate at the bottom and it fits perfectly and looks great. This is not the case with the larger iPhone sizes. It looks just kind of just scrolled up. I am not sure what the general design strategy is for this? I would appreciate some suggestions on how to deal with form based scenes so that they fit the entire screen no matter what size iPhone they are being displayed on.
Thanks in advance.

What's the purpose in being able to resize a form for iOS?

When designing a form for a Firemonkey iOS application, you're able to resize the form into any possible size, and even the debug shows it as so. Obviously, iOS devices have very particular screen sizes. Why is it made possible to make my form in any dimensions I want?
I haven't gotten to the point of running this on any iOS device yet. This is my very first trial building an iOS HD application using Firemonkey. It's just very peculiar why it would let me design the form to any size I wish, since iOS apps are always full-screen and aligned to fit within various device screens.
Not all iOS devices run on the same resolution.
The iPhone 5 has a different aspect ratio than the iPhone 4.
And the iPad 3 has double the resolution of my iPhone 4.
You may also show a form covering only part of the screen (arguably more useful on an iPad).
Remember that FireMonkey is not written for iOS alone, it also covers OSX. In OSX you'd want all the normal VCL/Windows rules to apply.
Still I can see the sense if you're building a email application of having multiple screens (i.e. frames/panels/etc) performing different functions.
You can also imagine a pulldown/popup (modeless please) that does searching.
If you implement that using a different form it should not be full-screen.
So yes I can see lots of uses for non-fullscreen forms in iOS.
These two panels could be implemented using 2 forms; resizing would be useful here.
