Can I put more content on iPhone 5 than on Iphone 4? - ios

I am developing an app and in one of the views the 4inch screen would fit the content I want to include just fine but the 3.5 inch screen is just too small so I wanted to remove a part of the content for that screen size.
So the question is: Do apple allow the bigger screens to have more content than the smaller screens? I guess this question also applies to ipad vs iphone, iphone 6 vs iphone 5 , etc...
I have never seen this even being discussed and I've never done it myself but always wondered.
Naturally I would do it in a way that the 3.5 inch screen wouldn't miss anything too important and in a way that the content would be completely hidden on the iphone 4 and the design doesn't suffer. In this particular case I would just remove an ad for another app so the iphone 4 users would probably thank me ;)
Thanks in advance

Welcome to Stack Overflow. This isn't really a programming question the way SO defines it, but I'll take pity on you since you're new.
Yes of course. You always have to tailor your UI for the target device. That often means stripping away non-essential elements from smaller screens.
For iPhone vs. iPad it usually means presenting more on one screen on iPad and multiple screens on iPhone.


How to adjust values in Xcode to depend on device played (iPhone vs. iPad)

I am currently making a classic snake game app.
The app fits and works on all iPhones however when I test on any iPad the lettering is off the screen and so is the game screen.
Is there anyway to adjust the proportion or have it depend on what device you are using?
I was unable to find much help online when looking for this question. (first image is an iPhone 7, and the second is an iPad Air 2.
What you're looking for is Adaptive User Interfaces. You should be able to have different layouts for different device sizes using a single storyboard.
You can also change values programatically in your code according to the screen size.

Storyboard Sizes for iOS 11?

I currently use Storyboard for Screensizes.
The following storyboards I use are:
Each Storyboard corresponds to the screen size in the name.
Now with the iPhone X out, I need to create a new storyboard for this screen size.
However, my question is, what screensizes must I account for, with iOS 11?
And just out of curiosity, what screensizes must I account for, with iOS 10?
I'm finding conflicting information, so I thought I'd reach out here for clarification.
I'm thinking of making this update for iOS 11 users only, meaning I may be able to drop some older storyboards.
Separate storyboards for different screen sizes is a quick route to maintenance nightmares compared to Auto Layout, but whatever floats your boat...
That said, your set of supported screen sizes is correct for iOS 9 (which supports devices as far back as iPhone 4s, a 3.5" screen). iOS 10 drops support for 3.5" devices, but still supports 4" devices (iPhone 5s and iPhone SE, the latter of which remains for sale and will thus likely be supported for years to come). iOS 11 drops no further screen sizes (but does drop some... uh, bit sizes?), and of course, adds iPhone X.

iOS keyboard appears too large. Is this an issue with launch images? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
The keyboard in my iOS app is too tall on the iPhone 6. How can I adjust the resolution of the keyboard in XCode?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
In our iOS apps, I have seen that if we leave out certain launch images sizes, that the screen appears as if it is scaled up from a lower resolution device.
When this happens, the devices also display a taller keyboard with chunkier looking text.
When built in on my iPhone 6s+, from Xcode 7.x the keyboard in our app is 1 & 7/8ths" of an inch tall.
Looking at Skype, Slack, Waze, Messages, on the same device the keyboard is 1 & 3/8ths" tall.
I'm using whatever the standard keyboard is when our app's text fields are tapped on.
I have seen that this can be caused by missing launch images at the target device's size, but I'm not sold that this is the only cause. Does anyone have any insight why an app would appear at a lower resolution than what is native to the device?
Is there a known issue related to launchImages or some other factor that might be causing this?
In some of my testing, at one point I got the app to launch as expected at the correct size after switching full size retina launch images. This may have been fixed by building under Xcode 8.x, but I'm not sure and we can't do that yet because of other limitations.
Thanks much.
It's related to Launch Images in assets because when iPhone 5 came out first, XCode had this functionality to add certain launch image sizes to zoom in the UI of smaller screens and make it compatible to iPhone 5's screen. This was called Branding when I worked on it to make app compatible to bigger screen in a short time.
But it isn't the preferred way and you should avoid using Launch Images, use Launch.xib instead to create your Launch Screen. You can also use Launch.storyboard, whatever you prefer. It won't zoom in the Keyboard or other UI aspects then.
Hope it helps!

Fit an iOS application developed for 4 inch screen to 3.5 inch screen

I am writing my first iOS app and just realized a serious problem. I was using storyboard for a 4 inch iphone screen and forgot to take 3.5 inch screens into consideration. :( It seems that this could be relatively fixed easily if I have done everything in code. But unfortunately, I have used storyboard for some parts of my app. It seems that the table views are fit perfectly but the views with some fixed subviews fail. Could anyone please give me some suggestions on how to fix this? Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much!
This is exactly what auto layout exists for. You can create a UI, using storyboards, that works perfectly for both screen sizes. You can toggle a setting in the storyboard to have it display the two different screen sizes, so you can easily see how your views will move and resize. There is also a preview mode for the storyboard that lets you see how it will look. It also lets you see how it will look on both iOS 6 and iOS 7, so that you can make sure that your UI looks good on both assuming you still support iOS 6.
If you had done this in code, it would probably have been a whole lot more complicated, especially since you have to run it each time to see what changes when you adjust your code. Graphical layout tools such as Interface Builder (what allows you to view and edit storyboards and XIB files) make supporting multiple screen sizes very easy. Plus, generally it's not too hard to make a screen designed for a 4" screen work with a 3.5" screen, in some cases you just have to make things fit a little closer together, or perhaps have the content in a scroll view.

Will iPad2 app work on iPad3?

I am new to iOS,
I seen that iPad 2 has resolution of 1024-by-768 and iPad 3 has resolution of 2048-by-1536 with retina display..
I am sure that iPad 2 app will defiantly work on iPad mini because the resolution is same..
and same case for iPhone,
Do we need to develop separate app for iPhone 5 ? because it has resolution different then other iPhone..
I am sure this is a dumb question that any mildly experienced iOS developer would laugh at but since a simple Google search didn't turn anything up I figured id ask.
Any help will be appriciated.
Will iPad2 app work on iPad3?
Yes, it will. The iPad 3 has exactly twice the pixel density in each direction as the iPad 2, so the OS will just go ahead and "scale up" the graphics (except those which are made from images in the app - you'll have to generate a higher resolution version of these image files for iPad 3).
Do we need to develop separate app for iPhone 5?
Not a separate app, you just have to pay attention to the different screen aspect ratio. If you don't do that, you'll have black bars at the top and the bottom of the screen.
iPhone 4 Apps will work on iPhone 5 :
But it will have black spaces at top and bottom, In order to refactor it you just need to change the splash screen which is suitable for iphone 5.
iPad 2 Apps on iPad3:
It will work without any issues unless they have different iOS versions running in them.
As far as I know, the difference between the iPad2 and iPad3 won't be such a big problem. (unless you want to be really exact)
Whereas you should develop a new App for the iPhone5 because it has a greatly different screen format than the iPads.
Yes, your iPad 2 working app will work on iPad 3 (also, depends on iOS version). Just it will not look good :) In order to make it look good, for all images used for your app, you have to add #2x ones with double size.
As for iPhone 5, no, you don't have to develop different app, just you have to make your views resizable to fit on screen. Good Luck!
