How to play chosen Vimeo videos in my iOS application? - ios

I'm developing an iOS app which plays Vimeo videos. Its an In App Purchase application. I already have websites where users can buy videos.
Now I'm confused how to deal with Vimeo videos which I uploaded from my Vimeo Pro account in my iOS application. Do I need to use Vimeo API or can I just embed videos in my app? If you recommend using VimeoVideoPlayer and Vimeo API, I don't know the steps. If you recommend embedding, I can create a page in my website which plays videos and I can embed that page in my app. I have heard stories of rejecting apps by Apple which use embed videos. I couldn't understand what Vimeo explains to integrate their videos in mobile app. Thanks


Deep linking into YouTube Upload from another iOS App

I make an app for video editing and would like to deep link from the save screen into places like YouTube and Instagram's upload screens.
Is there a way to deep-link into YouTube or YouTube Short's upload screen on the iOS app? I'm having trouble finding any deep-link URL schemes for YouTube (though I see Instagram does have some).
No such deep-link exists for youtube.

Is it allowed to include Youtube Video in iOS app

I want to include some youtube videos in my app, is it allowed to add youtube videos by apple? I am not sure if apple will reject the app or not, if i add any youtube video.
I know that for images, we can't add any image or else your app will be rejected by Apple. So for image i use googled images which are free to use. Is there any restriction for youtube videos as well?
Yes we can allow the YouTube Video into iOS app.
Because YouTube-provides native iOS video player to play the content
that you retrieve. You can access the documentation for the various
API endpoints offered, including ones not covered in this article, at
Integrating YouTube
My App got reject from Apple Review stating this (AUG/2020)
Guideline 5.2.3 - Legal
I'm using the youtube data api v3 to get the popular videos by country and display as a list on the app (App built using Flutter). each list item displaying only the title, description, thumbnail image and upload date. when click on list item to stream the video I launched in youtube app. (no steaming in my app). but apple reject my app stating above.
check this on apple developer forum

How to make API request to Vimeo videos in iOS application?

I'm developing an iOS app(coded in Objective-c) which plays Vimeo videos. Its an In App Purchase application. I already have websites where users can buy videos. I have Vimeo PRO account. I don't know how to get direct link to those videos using Vimeo API.
Is requesting for videos part mine or it is done in back-end(in my case PHP)? So how to make API request to those videos I own in order to show them in my app? Thanks
Did you take a look at following url:
If you still facing problem then I hope, it will give answer of all your problems.
Let me know if you have any other problem. I will try to solve it.

Is available to embed AdMob in my app that contains my youtube videos?

This is not programing question. I come in here from youtube API page by clicking 'Ask a Question'...;
I will make the app shows yoga videos using Youtube API. Those videos are mine. In that app, people can play my youtube videos. I will show AdMob on video list page. My plan is available?
Or, Except AdMob, I can insert AD onto video?
it is not allowed to simply play YouTube content in an app. This is called framing.

do pre-roll ads appear on embedded youtube videos on iOS?

We are contemplating using youtube to store and encode our videos for our iOS app. If we do so, will the pre-roll ads that appear on youtube via the web also appear on mobile?
As far as I know, no form of ad appears on the mobile or HTML5 versions of YouTube. Embedded ads only appear in the Flash Player driven version of the page, available in desktop browsers.
