How can I customise the dictation view in presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestions - ios

I made a page with a presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestions and I want to customise the dictation view.
I don't want to see "Cancel" but "Retry" for example.
I saw that in Messages app, the dictation view is the default view but with "Send" and not "Done".
Do you have an idea if this customisation is available and how can I do it ?

No, it's not possible to customize the Cancel and Done buttons.
Apple can use their private API methods to customize the UI/UX for their apps to do what we can't (yet).
Best thing to do is to submit a feature request.
You can determine what you're able to change by looking at the documentation methods or examining the header files, both of which are readily available within Xcode.


Is it possible customize SFSafariViewController like edit "Share" button?

Is it possible customize SFSafariViewController like:
- change "Share" button
- or add new button on same toolbar where "Share" and "Compass" buttons are
Any help will be appreciated.
No. However, you can change some specific configuration of that controller. Namely:
through SFSafariViewControllerConfiguration, you have barCollapsingEnabled and entersReaderIfAvailable.
Data for activityItemsForURL and excludedActivityTypesForURL.
preferredBarTintColor and dismissButtonStyle, etc...
Apple says:
In accordance with App Store Review Guidelines, this view controller
must be used to visibly present information to users; the controller
may not be hidden or obscured by other views or layers. Additionally,
an app may not use SFSafariViewController to track users without their
knowledge and consent.
Lastly, indeed, you may use WKWebView instead for further customisation of your screen.
If your app lets users view websites from anywhere on the Internet,
use the SFSafariViewController class. If your app customizes,
interacts with, or controls the display of web content, use the
WKWebView class.
Read doc:

iOS AudioKit using `AKKeyboardView`

The question is very simple. Is it possible to programmatically send a note on/off so it will show on the keyboard view? What I'm trying to do is link the AKMIDICallbackInstrument to the keyboard.
There was an article about doing something similar but it doesn't seem to be possible. (Thinking about it, the keyboard delegate should be the one handling keyboard view touch events, not the other way around...) Also checked the AKKeyboardView code, but it seems like there are only touch related code.
If there is no such method, are there plans to add them?
Two methods have been added to AKKeyboardView on the develop branch of AudioKit:
programmaticNoteOn(_ note: MIDINoteNumber)
programmaticNoteOff(_ note: MIDINoteNumber)
These allow you to programmatically simulate key presses and key releases without calling the delegate.

Smooch- Customize chat interface window

So this time i want to integrate the Smooch api to make ios chat application.
I have integrated the smooch SDK successfully and with [smooch show] method, it opens the chat window.
Does anyone one know how to customize this window? The methods in documentation to customize user interface is limited to change navigation color and text of button. Let's say i want a background image in my chat window. So how can we customize this whole window?
Unfortunately the docs are correct, only limited customization is possible at this time (source: I work at Smooch). There are plans to allow greater customizability in the future.
If all you wanted was to change the background color / background image though, you might be able to walk the view hierarchy of the conversation view controller and find a good place to put your view. I haven't tested this code, so it may not work, but this is the general idea:
UIViewController* conversationVC = [Smooch newConversationViewController];
[conversationVC.view addSubview:myBackground];
[conversationVC.view sendSubviewToBack:myBackground];

Adding iOS Dictation (microphone) Button to Keyboard

I am currently making my UISearchBar first responder and the following keyboard is produced (sorry, my rep isn't high enough to post images):
I plan on using a third-party API to implement speech-to-text. In order to make the user experience as friendly and familiar as possible, I'd like to add the microphone/diction button on the keyboard just to the left of the space bar, and use some sort of delegate methods to watch for the pressing of the button to make the API calls.
Here's the keyboard I want:
How would I go about doing this, if it is even possible?

Does Apple HIG enforce that tapping a cell in a UITableView should have the same action in Normal and Edit mode?

I have a UITableView showing a Weekly Planner.
In normal view if the user taps on a cell it opens the activity in a non-editable view. In the Edit mode however tapping a cell allows the user to replace an existing activity with another one from a list of activities. The Edit mode also has some extra "Add ..." cells that allow users to add activities from a list to their schedule.
While it seems to be intuitive from my experience while testing, I want to know if Apple does not allow this or recommends against this. I couldn't find a direct reference in HIG to something like this.
Has anyone ever faced any issue with something like this?
It's allowed to have different actions in edit and normal modes. In fact, some of Apple's apps do this. The Contacts app for instance will dial the tapped phone number in normal mode but edit it in edit mode. And there is a new Add button to add new numbers.
