"Unexpected Machine Code" warning from iTunes Connect - ios

This post relates to a rapidly changing event.
After I uploaded my build to iTunes Connect by using Application Loader, I got an email about an issue "Unexpected Machine Code" see below.
Unexpected Machine Code - Your upload contains both bitcode and native
machine code. When you provide bitcode, it's not necessary to include
machine code as well. To reduce the size of your upload, use Xcode 7.3
or later, or any other toolchain that removes machine code.
I am so confused about this warning. Is this a new thing in iTunes Connect? Why it doesn't give me the warning when I upload QA build but Release build?
Update: I upload QA build last week, it wasn't any warning. And today (June 27th 2016) I upload Release build, it send me the warning.

Just got this as well, it's a bug. I uploaded the near exact same binary as I did a couple of days ago which went through fine (only change was to the version and build number). Developer support confirmed this.
If you do get the e-mail, don't worry about it. Your binary will still process and you'll still be able to submit it to the app store.
Update: both of my binaries which received this message passed review and have been released to the app store.


Invalid Bundle Error When App Store Connect Processes Build

I'm getting the following error after my app has processed in AppStore Connect.
"ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - The app submission can not be successfully recompiled from bitcode due to missing symbols during linking. You can try to reproduce and diagnose such issues locally by following the instructions from:
enter code herehttps://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2432/_index.html"
I did an AdHoc export as the above link recommends and was not able to reproduce the issue. This is with Xcode 10.2 with an app that includes a watch extension and several other extensions. Many previous builds of the app have been submitted successfully. As recently as last week. I even went back to the commit of the last known good submission, increased the build number and uploaded that with the same results. I started seeing this problem on Friday September 13. My instincts are telling me this is most likely a bug with AppStore Connect. Is anyone else experiencing this same problem or have advice about how to work around it?

Why would App Store Connect say "Newer Build Available" when there isn't?

I made a new build of my app (version 2.2 build 11) and uploaded to App Store Connect.
Then I used "(+) Version or platform" to prepare version 2.2 for submission. When I press "Submit for Review", I get a warning:
Newer Build Available
Are you sure you want to submit this build for review? A newer build of your app is available. To submit the newer build, delete this earlier build and resubmit.
The currently released version of the app is 2.1. The "Activity" tab of App Store Connect only shows this build (11) for version 2.2. Build 10 was version 2.1.
What does this error actually mean, and how am I meant to resolve it? The obvious thing is to try deleting this build and resubmitting it, but I'd like to understand more about the error, especially if it turns out deleting and resubmitting doesn't help (haven't tried yet).
Solved it.
As an infrequent iOS developer, I thought that specifying the version number after hitting "(+) Version or platform" would be enough. But I missed actually choosing the build far down in the submission form.
Presumably it defaults to the previously submitted build, which in this case would be 2.1 build 10, causing the error.
So the error message could have been better, but it was ultimately something I missed.
Check Activity tab, if it says 'Processing` than you will not be able to add the build to the release, and you will get this error message.
Wait for about 10, minutes for it to complete, add your build to the release, and you are good to go.

Unexpected Machine Code - Will this affect app approval?

This is quite linked to this question but it doesn't have any solution.
On uploading a build to iTunes Connect, I received the following message:
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for
"Hurdal IL". Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct
the following issues in your next delivery:
Unexpected Machine Code - Your upload contains both bitcode and native
machine code. When you provide bitcode, it's not necessary to include
machine code as well. To reduce the size of your upload, use Xcode 7.3
or later, or any other toolchain that removes machine code.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application
Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.
What is the resolution?
Will the app approval be affected if this build is uploaded ?
I just talked with the Apple Developer Support, the official one. They don't said it clearly, but yes it's a bug.
So, it's confirmed that there's some malfunctioning in their side.
UPDATE: It won't affect the Apps in Production neither Testing!
I have same issue but in my case I set in Xcode Build Setting Enable Bitcode to NO. After this error I change it to YES and it works
No, its not effect app approval and the binary seems to be accepted by the iTunes store.
I just uploaded a binary recently (like 20m ago). They did sent me a note just like you. After that, I just re-built it again, only update the build version (1943) and upload. Now it seems like there's nothing happened anymore. And the previous build (1942) has completed processing without failure. So I doubt it's a bug from Apple.
Just ignore it. You may want to build another binary to fix the warning tho.
I've the same problem, I send my application to review with that issue.
My app pass the review and already in publication. No problem... I think it's a issue from iTunes Connect.
The app which I published with this waring was just approved by Apple. So to answer my question, this won't affect the app approval.
Also, I am accepting #Helen Wood's answer as she was right that this is an apple bug.
Just got this as well, it's a bug. I uploaded the near exact same binary as I did a couple of days ago which went through fine (only change was to the version and build number). Developer support confirmed this.
If you do get the e-mail, don't worry about it. Your binary will still process and you'll still be able to submit it to the app store.

Redundant Binary Upload. There already a binary upload with build version'1' for train '1.1.2" at Softwareassets

I'm getting error "Redundant Binary Upload. There already a binary upload with build version'1' for train '1.1.2" at Softwareassets" when trying upload an updated version to appStore.
However, I already incremented "build" version number. as shown below:
Moreover, I notice, one issue, even though I changed build and version numbers, but still Xcode display the old version number when display the error and also in the details under organizer windows:
Notice, actually my app version and build numbers are 1.2 and 1.2.1 respectively on General settings.
I dont know why xcode doesn't realize that version and build numbers have changed.
I am not sure that this will help, becoz even I had faced many unpredicted issues while submitting the apps recently.
But for the basics,
if app is not reviewed yet:
Your Version number must be same as It is there in itunesConnect Account,
and you can update the new build with updating only build number
And if your is reviewed or published:
you need to update both version and build numbers
Also, if possible once try to submit the build from xcode and submit the app from itunesConnect.
Hope this will help,
It seems I asked the wrong question. I'm getting this error because I forgot to archive the project first before uploading to Appstore.
The reason I didn't archive because archive was giving an error which I posted as as another question at stackoverflow.

Mismatch between previous and updated bundle versions

Each time I attempt to publish an update to an app I receive this automated email response moments later:
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "App Name".
Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:
Version Mismatch - Neither CFBundleVersion ['9.1'] nor CFBundleShortVersionString ['9.1'] in the Info.plist match the version of the app set in iTunes Connect ['2.41'].
I understand why the message is being generated but I would like to resolve the issue without having to compromise the version # by making it higher than it actually is.
Being the first app I had ever developed, I was pretty clueless when it came time to publish the app and in frustration of the process I mistakenly defined the version number to some extreme value because I was, at the time, getting stuck with another error that was preventing me from completely the process .. the other error which I've since forgotten exactly, was related to the version number being incorrect. So I finally thru my hands in the air, set the version number to 8 and was able to complete the process.
Since then, I'm still pretty clueless but I've learned a thing or two, and the current version of the app is 2.41. When I prepare an update on iTunes Connect I set the version to 2.41. But if I define 2.41 in CFBundleVersion or CFBundleShortVersionString, Xcode outright refuses to upload the binary and demands a version greater than the previous version which has now surmounted to 9.1.
Obviously, any users of the app would be quite confused if the version jumped from 2.41 to 9.1 overnight.
It was you who defined the new version as 2.41 in iTunes connect. Any new version should be higher than the last one. So the straightforward solution is removing the 2.41 version from iTunes Connect and add a new 9.1 version. Then iTunes Connect and your binary will be in accordance and you will be able to upload the new version.
