Invalid Bundle Error When App Store Connect Processes Build - ios

I'm getting the following error after my app has processed in AppStore Connect.
"ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - The app submission can not be successfully recompiled from bitcode due to missing symbols during linking. You can try to reproduce and diagnose such issues locally by following the instructions from:
enter code here"
I did an AdHoc export as the above link recommends and was not able to reproduce the issue. This is with Xcode 10.2 with an app that includes a watch extension and several other extensions. Many previous builds of the app have been submitted successfully. As recently as last week. I even went back to the commit of the last known good submission, increased the build number and uploaded that with the same results. I started seeing this problem on Friday September 13. My instincts are telling me this is most likely a bug with AppStore Connect. Is anyone else experiencing this same problem or have advice about how to work around it?


"Unexpected Machine Code" warning from iTunes Connect

This post relates to a rapidly changing event.
After I uploaded my build to iTunes Connect by using Application Loader, I got an email about an issue "Unexpected Machine Code" see below.
Unexpected Machine Code - Your upload contains both bitcode and native
machine code. When you provide bitcode, it's not necessary to include
machine code as well. To reduce the size of your upload, use Xcode 7.3
or later, or any other toolchain that removes machine code.
I am so confused about this warning. Is this a new thing in iTunes Connect? Why it doesn't give me the warning when I upload QA build but Release build?
Update: I upload QA build last week, it wasn't any warning. And today (June 27th 2016) I upload Release build, it send me the warning.
Just got this as well, it's a bug. I uploaded the near exact same binary as I did a couple of days ago which went through fine (only change was to the version and build number). Developer support confirmed this.
If you do get the e-mail, don't worry about it. Your binary will still process and you'll still be able to submit it to the app store.
Update: both of my binaries which received this message passed review and have been released to the app store.

Unexpected Machine Code - Will this affect app approval?

This is quite linked to this question but it doesn't have any solution.
On uploading a build to iTunes Connect, I received the following message:
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for
"Hurdal IL". Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct
the following issues in your next delivery:
Unexpected Machine Code - Your upload contains both bitcode and native
machine code. When you provide bitcode, it's not necessary to include
machine code as well. To reduce the size of your upload, use Xcode 7.3
or later, or any other toolchain that removes machine code.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application
Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.
What is the resolution?
Will the app approval be affected if this build is uploaded ?
I just talked with the Apple Developer Support, the official one. They don't said it clearly, but yes it's a bug.
So, it's confirmed that there's some malfunctioning in their side.
UPDATE: It won't affect the Apps in Production neither Testing!
I have same issue but in my case I set in Xcode Build Setting Enable Bitcode to NO. After this error I change it to YES and it works
No, its not effect app approval and the binary seems to be accepted by the iTunes store.
I just uploaded a binary recently (like 20m ago). They did sent me a note just like you. After that, I just re-built it again, only update the build version (1943) and upload. Now it seems like there's nothing happened anymore. And the previous build (1942) has completed processing without failure. So I doubt it's a bug from Apple.
Just ignore it. You may want to build another binary to fix the warning tho.
I've the same problem, I send my application to review with that issue.
My app pass the review and already in publication. No problem... I think it's a issue from iTunes Connect.
The app which I published with this waring was just approved by Apple. So to answer my question, this won't affect the app approval.
Also, I am accepting #Helen Wood's answer as she was right that this is an apple bug.
Just got this as well, it's a bug. I uploaded the near exact same binary as I did a couple of days ago which went through fine (only change was to the version and build number). Developer support confirmed this.
If you do get the e-mail, don't worry about it. Your binary will still process and you'll still be able to submit it to the app store.

iTunes Connect CFBundleShortVersionShort must contain a higher version

Today Xcode is giving me problems when attempting to upload a build to iTunes connect. It's giving me the following errors:
What's very strange is my application's CFBundleVersionShortVersionString is 2.0.0. I uploaded a build to TestFlight yesterday and it worked just fine. Then I did a search for CFBundleVersionShortVersionString, and I found a 1.0.0 and 0.5.1, but they were in the info.plist in the Pods. Why is this error all of a sudden appearing? I know I'm not supposed to change anything in the Pods. Has anyone come across this issue and if so how can you fix this?
It looks like there was an issue created for this same issue in CocoaPods -
blixt mentions...
I think it's the iTunes Connect servers entirely, and not Xcode 7.0
nor Xcode 7.1. This issue appears to have started around 10 am PDT. It
is definitely a bug, and we fixed it by bumping our dependency's
Info.plist CFBundleShortVersionString up to the same version as our
app, and voila – iTunes Connect accepted the bundle.
This is an annoying fix but it seems like fixing the individual Info.plist files short version (that your dependencies may have) up to your app version should get you passed this error for now. This is definitely not a long term solution though.

iTunes Connect "Address Sanitizer Detected" email after uploading

I am having issues uploading my app to iTunes Connect for Testflight testing. I don't receive any errors when uploading the build through Xcode 7.0, but after my build attempts to processes on iTunes Connect I get the following automated email from Apple:
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "MY_APP". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Address Sanitizer Detected - The executable ${executablePath} links in the Address Sanitizer. Please remove Address Sanitizer usage before submitting to the App Store.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
I've ensured that "Enable Address Sanitizer" is unchecked for all of my build schemes. I cleaned the build folder and attempted to upload a clean build, but am still having the same issue. I don't see anything in the build settings related to Address Sanitizer.
Is there something else I need to do to remove Address Sanitizer?
we hit this same problem and our team spent the last 48 hours trying to isolate it. Turns out that it was a naming conflict in one of the bundles that we were including. Since the bundle is part of our standard SDK stack that we include in every game submission and we never had any issues with it before, I am assuming that something was upgraded on Apple's back-end to include checks for a lots of the new xCode features which caused the naming conflict during the post submission auto-code checks.
it took us over 20 submissions to isolate the offending bundles and renaming them fixed the problem. If you're hitting this issue, I suggest going through your plist to see if any of the bundle names have used keywords that are reserved for Address Sanitizer usage. It was one of our engineers that identified the problem and he's away on vacation for the next week but apparently, he replaced the hyphens in the bundle name with underscores and the problem disappeared.
Wanted to share this one quickly and hope it helps folks that are stuck on this issue as it was an absolute nightmare for us to pin down.
Thanks to some help from #Erik-Kerber, I managed to get a build through.
I was running the GM of Xcode 7 (7A218). After updating to the release build (7A220) from the App Store my app successfully passed iTunes Connect processing.
My build also get rejected.
I am using Fabric / Crashlytic library in my project.
I was also having the same issue and the same mail i got from Apple when my build rejected by Apple.
But after replacing my Fabric/Crashlytics library with updated library it get solved and accepted by Apple Succefully.

iOS app submission: App is not signed

I've been trying to submit my app for the past 24 hours to no avail. The problem has been caused mainly due to third-party frameworks I think. Especially the GooglePlus API. When I upgraded the GooglePlus API to its latest, the validation process gave me warnings about references made to non-public APIs, which I found impossible to fix, so I reverted to the previous version which hadn't given me any problems so far during submission.
Now when I did try to submit it again, it gives me the following error:
This bundle is invalid. The app is not signed.
I have no idea why. I signed it with the same provisioning profile I've been using for the previous versions. Any idea why this may be happening?
