How can I link a label to a mutable variable in F#? - f#

I want to create a label in F# which uses a mutable variable to return a value. Unfortunately F# sets this label to a constant value. If the value of the mutable changes, the value of the label remains. Isn't it a bit inconsistent? Is there a way to get the label ("a") being dependent of the mutable ("x")?
let mutable x = 0;
let a = x + 2; // I want not to set a to a constant value
let b two = x + two;
x <- 1;
let c = b 2;
let isConsistent = a = c;
val mutable x : int = 1
val a : int = 2
val b : two:int -> int
val c : int = 3
val isConsistent : bool = false

From your own comment you want a to be a function returning x + 2
Direct translation of that is :
let mutable x = 0
let a () = x + 2
let b two = x + two
x <- 1
let c = b 2
let isConsistent = a () = c // don't forget to call the function 'a'
val mutable x : int = 1
val a : unit -> int
val b : two:int -> int
val c : int = 3
val isConsistent : bool = true


Generic values in F# modules?

Consider a generic container like:
type Foo<'t> =
Foo : 't
This generic function works OK:
module Foo =
let inline emptyFoo () =
Foo = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
But this value does not:
module Foo =
let emptyFoo =
Foo = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
This is because the compiler infers emptyFoo to have type Foo<obj>.
However, the standard library has generic values like List.empty, so how is that achieved there?
You have to make it explicitly generic.
List.empty is implemented like this:
let empty<'T> = ([ ] : 'T list)
You could implement a List by yourself, with an empty. It looks like this.
type L<'a> =
| Null
| Cons of 'a * L<'a>
module L =
let empty = Null
let xs = Cons(1, Cons(2, L.empty))
let ys = Cons(1.0,Cons(2.0,L.empty))
So, why does L.empty in this case works in a generic way? Because the value Null has no special value attached to it. You could say, it is compatible with every other generic.
In your Record on the other hand, you always must produce a value. LanguagePrimitive.GenericZero is not some Generic value. It help so to resolve to a special zero value, and this value is determined by the other code you write.
For example
let x = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
is also obj
let x = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero + 1
will be int. And
let x = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero + 1.0
will be float. So in some case you can think of GenericZero just as a placeholder for zero for the special type you need, but the code needs to determine at this point, which type you want.
You could change your type, with an option to provide a real empty.
type Foo<'t> = {
Foo: 't option
module Foo =
let empty = { Foo = None }
let x = Foo.empty // Foo<'a>
let y = { x with Foo = Some 1 } // Foo<int>
let z = { x with Foo = Some 1.0 } // Foo<float>
Zero Member
Maybe you want a Zero Member on some types. For example
type Vector3 = {X:float; Y:float; Z:float} with
static member create x y z = {X=x; Y=y; Z=z}
static member (+) (a,b) = Vector3.create (a.X + b.X) (a.Y + b.Y) (a.Z + b.Z)
static member Zero = Vector3.create 0.0 0.0 0.0
static member DivideByInt(a,b) =
(LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt a.X b)
(LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt a.Y b)
(LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt a.Z b)
then you can write
let xs = [1;2;3]
let ys = [Vector3.create 1.0 1.0 1.0; Vector3.create 1.0 1.0 1.0]
let inline sum xs =
List.fold (fun a b -> a + b) LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero xs
let sumx = sum xs // int: 6
let sumy = sum ys // Vector3: 2.0 2.0 2.0

overload dereference (!) and assignment (:=) operators in f#

I'm trying to overload the dereference (!) and assignment (:=) operators but not globally. I still want to keep the usual ref op overloads. Here's some code to illustrate the issues:
type MyVar<'a>(init:'a) =
let mutable _value = init
member __.Get() = _value
member __.Set x = _value <- x
//static member (!) (s:MyVar<'a>) = s.Get() // compiles, doesn't work
//static member (:=) (d:MyVar<'a>, s) = d.Set(s) // warning, doesn't work
//let inline (!) (x :MyVar<'a>) = x.Get() // overrides !ref
//let inline (:=) (x :MyVar<'a>) (v :'a) = x.Set(v) // overrides ref := v
let inline (!!) (x :MyVar<'a>) = x.Get() // works but ugly
let inline (.=) (x :MyVar<'a>) (v :'a) = x.Set(v) // works ... meh
let test_myvar() =
let mv = new MyVar<_>("wee")
let r = ref 100
let x = !mv
let y = !!mv
let z = !r
mv .= "haaa"
r := 42
#Carsten's solution is what I was looking for & works. However, it turns out that I am using Websharper which compiles using Quotations and #Carstens solution becomes a little more complex. Since Websharper.UI.Next includes that solution, all I had to was include in my project, and it works!
you can get this to work with static constraints - by overloading the (!) and (:=) operators as you tried:
type MyVar<'a>(init:'a) =
let mutable _value = init
member __.Value with get () = _value and set v = _value <- v
let inline (!) a =
(^a : (member Value : ^b) a)
let inline (:=) a v =
(^a : (member Value : ^b with set) (a, v))
I removed your accessors because I only need the same as Ref<'a> has (but you can re-add them)
Here is an F#-interactive session demonstrating this with your values:
val mv : MyVar<string>
val r : int ref = {contents = 100;}
> !mv;;
val it : string = "wee"
> !r;;
val it : int = 100
> mv := "It works";;
val it : unit = ()
> !mv;;
val it : string = "It works"
> r := 50;;
val it : unit = ()
> !r;;
val it : int = 50
I'm not sure if I would really do this though - you only reinvent the Ref-cell (as an class) and gain nothing and of course it might be hard to read for others - so treat with care.

Rewrite a function in a more functional way

I wrote this function which computes the palindrome of a number :
let palindrome n =
let mutable current = n
let mutable result = 0
while(current > 0) do
result <- result * 10 + current % 10
current <- current / 10
How can I rewrite it in a more functional way ?
It's not quite clear what you want to do. The palindrome function as given simply reverses the digits of an integer:
> palindrome 1;;
val it : int = 1
> palindrome 12;;
val it : int = 21
> palindrome 123;;
val it : int = 321
> palindrome 9852;;
val it : int = 2589
Those aren't palindromic numbers, but let's split the problem into smaller building blocks.
You can easily split an integer into a list of digits. In fact, splitting into a reverse list of digits is the easiest way I could think of:
let rec revdigits i =
let tens = i / 10
if tens = 0
then [i]
let ones = i % 10
ones :: revdigits tens
This is a function of the type int -> int list.
> revdigits 1;;
val it : int list = [1]
> revdigits 12;;
val it : int list = [2; 1]
> revdigits 123;;
val it : int list = [3; 2; 1]
> revdigits 9852;;
val it : int list = [2; 5; 8; 9]
It's also easy to concatenate a list of digits into a number:
let rec concat digits =
match digits with
| [] -> 0
| h :: t -> h * int (10. ** float t.Length) + concat t
This function has the type int list -> int.
> concat [1];;
val it : int = 1
> concat [1; 2];;
val it : int = 12
> concat [1; 2; 3];;
val it : int = 123
> concat [2; 5; 8; 9];;
val it : int = 2589
With these building blocks, you can easily compose a function that does the same as the palindrome function:
let reverse = revdigits >> concat
This function has the type int -> int.
> reverse 1;;
val it : int = 1
> reverse 12;;
val it : int = 21
> reverse 123;;
val it : int = 321
> reverse 2589;;
val it : int = 9852
Bonus: if you don't want to reverse the digits, you can do it like this instead, but I don't think this version is tail recursive:
let rec digits i =
let tens = i / 10
if tens = 0
then [i]
let ones = i % 10
digits tens # [ones]
This function has the type int -> int list.
> digits 1;;
val it : int list = [1]
> digits 12;;
val it : int list = [1; 2]
> digits 123;;
val it : int list = [1; 2; 3]
> digits 9852;;
val it : int list = [9; 8; 5; 2]
You can do it with a tail-recursive function. Match the value of result : if his value = 0 then return the result else do the computations on current and result.
let palindrome n =
let rec rec_palindrome current result = match current with
| 0 -> result
| _ -> rec_palindrome (result * 10 + current % 10) (current / 10)
rec_palindrome n 0
Plus, in my version, this is no mutable values.

immutable in F#

I know that variables in F# are immutable by default.
But, for example in F# interactive:
> let x = 4;;
val x : int = 4
> let x = 5;;
val x : int = 5
> x;;
val it : int = 5
So, I assign 4 to x, then 5 to x and it's changing. Is it correct? Should it give some error or warning? Or I just don't understand how it works?
When you write let x = 3, you are binding the identifier x to the value 3. If you do that a second time in the same scope, you are declaring a new identifier that hides the previous one since it has the same name.
Mutating a value in F# is done via the destructive update operator, <-. This will fail for immutable values, i.e.:
> let x = 3;;
val x : int = 3
> x <- 5;;
x <- 5;;
stdin(2,1): error FS0027: This value is not mutable
To declare a mutable variable, add mutable after let:
let mutable x = 5;;
val mutable x : int = 5
> x <- 6;;
val it : unit = ()
> x;;
val it : int = 6
But what's the difference between the two, you might ask? An example may be enough:
let i = 0;
while i < 10 do
let i = i + 1
Despite the appearances, this is an infinite loop. The i declared inside the loop is a different i that hides the outer one. The outer one is immutable, so it always keeps its value 0 and the loop never ends. The correct way to write this is with a mutable variable:
let mutable i = 0;
while i < 10 do
i <- i + 1
x is not changed, it's just hidden by next declaration.
For example:
> let x = 4;;
val x : int = 4
> let x = "abc";;
val x : string = "abc"
You're not assigning 5 to x, you are defining a new variable.
The following example shows that there are two distinct variables.
(It also shows that you can "access" the old x if it is in a closure, used by another function):
let x = 5;;
let f y = y+x;;
f 10;;
let x = 0;;
f 10;;
val x : int = 5
val f : int -> int
> val it : int = 15
val x : int = 0
> val it : int = 15
as you see, both calls to f use the first variable x. The definition let x = 0;; defines a new variable x, but does not redefines f.
Here's a minimal example illustrating identifier "shadowing" (i.e. hiding) in F#:
let x = 0
do //introduce a new lexical scope
let x = 1 //"shadow" (i.e. hide) the previous definition of x
printfn "%i" x //prints 1
//return to outer lexical scope
printfn "%i" x //prints 0, proving that our outer definition of x was not mutated by our inner definition of x
Your example is actually a bit more complex, because you are working in the F# Interactive (FSI). FSI dynamically emits code that looks something like the following in your example:
module FSI_0001 =
let x = 4;;
open FSI_0001 //x = 4 is now available in the top level scope
module FSI_0002 =
let x = 5;;
open FSI_0002 //x = 5 is now available in the top level scope, hiding x = 4
module FSI_0003 =
let it = x;;
open FSI_0003
//... subsequent interactions

F#: wrap single element to array

in F#, How to make a function wrapper (x:'T) to wrap any inputs to an array of array, say: wrapper(1) = [|[|1|]|]; wrapper([|1|]) = [|[|1|]|]; and wrapper([|[|1|]|]) = [|[|1|]|]; something like below does not work:
let wrapper (x:'T) =
let y =
if not <| x.GetType().IsArray then [|[|x|]|]
elif not <| x.[0].GetType().IsArray then [|x|]
else x
The following seems to work:
let wrapper<'a, 'b> (x:'a) =
match box x with
| null -> null
| :? array<array<'b>> as y -> y
| :? array<'b> as y -> [|y|]
| y -> [|[|unbox y|]|]
The signature is 'a -> array<array<'b>>.
In response to your comment: this sort of thing can be done in statically-typed languages--and, arguably better than in a dynamic language--but/because stepping outside the type system must be explicit (e.g., box/unbox).
Here's a reflection based solution which will accept inputs of arbitrary nested array depth:
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let wrapper input =
let ty = input.GetType()
if ty.IsArray |> not then
[|[|input |> unbox|]|]
let depth = Regex.Matches(ty.Name, "\[\]", RegexOptions.Compiled).Count
let rec findInnerItem curDepth curArray =
let innerItem = curArray.GetType().GetMethod("Get").Invoke(curArray, [|box 0|])
if curDepth = depth then
findInnerItem (curDepth+1) innerItem
let innerItem = findInnerItem 1 input
[|[|innerItem |> unbox|]|]
Usage in FSI:
val wrapper : 'a -> 'b [] []
> let x : int[][] = wrapper 1;;
val x : int [] [] = [|[|1|]|]
> let x : int[][] = wrapper [|1|];;
val x : int [] [] = [|[|1|]|]
> let x : int[][] = wrapper [|[|1|]|];;
val x : int [] [] = [|[|1|]|]
> let x : int[][] = wrapper [|[|[|1|]|]|];;
val x : int [] [] = [|[|1|]|]
> let x : int[][] = wrapper [|[|[|[|1|]|]|]|];;
val x : int [] [] = [|[|1|]|]
> let x : int[][] = wrapper [|[|[|[|[|1|]|]|]|]|];;
val x : int [] [] = [|[|1|]|]
> let x : int[][] = wrapper [|[|[|[|[|[|1|]|]|]|]|]|];;
val x : int [] [] = [|[|1|]|]
You can't, that's not a well-typed function (try to write out the type signature).
You function needs to "wrap any inputs to an array of array". As par this statement the solution is as simple as:
let wrapper (x:'T) = [|[|x|]|];
But then the examples you have given are not as par your function definition.
i.e wrapper([|1|]) = [|[|1|]|] should be wrapper([|1|]) = [|[|[|1|]|]|] as par your function definition.
