libtiff version of OpenCV 2.3.1 - opencv

OpenCV 2.3.1 uses libtiff as 3rd party library.
And I want to know which version of libtiff is used for a security reason.
But libtiff source code in opencv dose not show a version.
What is libtiff version of OpenCV 2.3.1?
Or is there any list of 3rd party libraries`s version for opencv ?

I realize how to figure out it.
I do share the information.
check it out from
Version is written in that file.


opencv: installation of package libtiff

This package is installing opencv and here it says that libtiff4 has no installation.
And here i set from libtiff4 to libtiff 5 so it says package broken
i used all update commands again but not recovering. can any one suggest me where am i mistaken ?

what is role of libpng exactly?

I got security warning to my app from android market.
Google said my app should upgrade libpng version.
I use opencv in the app, and It seems like openCV use libpng library.
But I dont know how libpng library works.
Because I couldnt find libpng library in my project.
Is libpng library installed in OS (or OS`s common lib folder), and all applications refer to the library together ?
And libpng library is official library for viewing .png file ?
(it means libpng is necessary for viewing png files in any OS system like iOS, MacOS, Windows, Unix and etc..)
My understanding is OK ? or Much wrong ?..
Yes, libpng is the library for processing PNG files. The warning is due to a security problem that was fixed in libpng in December 2015 and in OpenCV sometime thereafter. Google allowed six months for people to rebuild their apps with the current version of OpenCV and libpng, then started issuing the warning you're seeing. The same thing happens with apps using COCOS2DX. libpng depends upon zlib, so you should upgrade zlib as well if it isn't current.

cmake: install opencv using external libjpeg library

I have two versions of libjpeg library. One is the system library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, and the another is the newer one that I have built manually /vol/me/lib/ I want to install opencv that uses the new library instead of the system one. How can I use cmake/cmake-gui to do that?

OpenCV 2.4.4 and QT5

Is the new OpenCV version supporting QT5 or is still using QT4?
I was looking in the OpenCV changelog to check if the code is compatible with QT5 but could not find any information.
Did someone compiled OpenCV with QT5?
No, OpenCV 2.4.4 doesn't support Qt 5 yet.
However, this answer shows how to build OpenCV 2.4.3 with Qt 5. I believe you'll need to do minor changes to make it work for 2.4.4.

About installing the open cv library

I have tried my level best to install open cv library 2.2.0 version.but it has'nt suceeded
it shows that errors in linking the library hughigh,
whether we wanted to insatll the ipp library prior to install the opencv?
please help me ?..............
I can only recommend the install advice on the OpenCV page. If you are using a unix download the source of the library you want to install and then use cmake to install the library. That usually works fine for me.
Try installing the 1.1 version of OpenCV.
The 2.x version is brand new and as of Nov 1 2009 you will have difficulty finding documentation for that. The 1.1 version of OpenCV, on the other hand, is very well documented and you should have no trouble finding online tutorials for your platform that walk you through the installation process step-by-step.
As an aside: "IPP" refers to Intel's Performance Primitives. In the 1.1 version these are entirely optional. OpenCV does not require them. If you have the Performance Primitives installed, however, your OpenCV code may run faster. (For me it cut down my image processing time by a factor of five.) Once you get everything up and running you can purchase the IPP library from intel here:
