How to change the port no of the grunt server in the yeoman - yeoman

By default it is taking localhost:3000 only. If I want to change it to any other port number, how would I do it? Can you suggest which file to change in the folder structure?


Can't change default worldserver port in dockers build

I installed AzerothCore successfuly on Windows 10 Pro using Docker, and it works fine locally. I was trying to make the server public so friends can connect from the internet for testing.
Since port 8085 for worldserver can't be forwarded on my router (probably ISP or router firmware reserving it, other ports can just fine), I tried everything to change it in conf files, literally changed it everywhere and added the overrides in the 2 conf.dist. Changed it in the realmlist field in authserver DB too. Recompiled everything: it stays 8085 no matter what (I can see it using netstats).
In more detail: I changed the port to 8086 in \azerothcore-wotlk\docker\worldserver\etc\worldserver.conf.dist
added the line "WorldServerPort = 8086" in worldserver.conf and worldserver.conf.dockerdist in the same directory.
Even changed the port in .env.dist in main installation directory.
Also changed the relative field in the realmlist entry in authserver database.
I rebuilt all the containers from scratch after the config modifications and recomposed them: worldserver port stays 8085.
I managed to solve the problem with the help of Francesco Borzi: turned out dockers containers have their own ports exposed so I needed to change those too accordingly.
I edited the docker-compose.yml file in main directory, where ports for the world server container are listed, along with the usual editings of worldserver confs and authserver database entries as usual, and recomposed from scratch.
Thanks for help.
Remember you're using docker, you only change the port redirection in docker-compose.

Change Apache server port dynamically (not manually, through programmatically)

I have installed Apache 2.4 in windows successfully, It is working.
Now I want to change the listening port dynamically (Not manually. meant to say, open a file and edit the port), might be place any properties file and read port from this or passing port as parameter to hhtpd.exe while starting server. Ultimately I have to configure port externally.
not possible. Use a script that changes it and gracefully restarts the server, or you won't be able to do it otherwise.

Rails. Getting PORT and HOST in Config file

By default rails uses localhost:3000 in development mode. This one is not written in any projects config files. I am currently trying to edit ./config/environments/development.rb file to use CORS.
There is host_and_port method which may be used in contollers to get the HTTP requests HOST value as defined in its heading (point me if I am wrong).
I can write my host:port in config files manually and change it as long as my development host and port changes... But I want to configure my development environment as rarely as possible, so I need to access host and port configurations in config files.
So... how do I access my HOST and PORT in config files?

How to change port no of the jboss 4.2 server

I have to different eclipse ide and jboss server.I need to start both the server at a time but problem is what when I try to start the second server it gives error(port conflict as the first one is using it already).Please guide me to how to change the port no of jboss 4.2
You can change the port of JBoss 4 as detailed in "How to change port 8080 in JBoss?".
Goto the deploy folder of the server instance you use.
Goto the jbossweb-tomcat55.sar inside that deploy folder.
Find the file named server.xml inside that folder. (tomcat service file).
Then look at the Connector configuration in that file.

Wamp server can't connect to localhost

I am having a problem with wamp server (again). First the icon would not turned green so I change the port to 8080 and now it turns green. However, when I visit localhost, I just get the message in the screenshot below.
Does anyone know what's going on here? Same when I try to go to PhpMyAdmin. I have version 2.1
try http://localhost:8080
(or if there is a problem with the resolution of localhost)
you changed the port and I am not sure if you reflect this in your request.
Do you have Skype on in the background? If so turn it of restart your web server on port 80.
Edit: Like said in another response check for anything on port 80 and turn it off.
Check your system for any program that uses the port 80, and turn it off.
This will surely work:
Check in which Drive your Windows OS is installed. If it is E, F or other then C, then install wampp in that particular drive.
If Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package is not intalled then install from : Download link
It should work.
I too faced the same issue during the installation.
This error is due to
1) if some other service is running on the same port
2) if some other application may block your application.
For checking
1.) Select the server icon. Select "www directory" and make sure it is pointing to where it should and that there are files there. --- It points to my Documents/wamp/www --- where there are an index and your test files.
2.) Select the server icon. Select Apache. Select service. Select "test port 80". See what port 80 is actually used by. --- I get "your port 80 is actually used by:......
Here you can find your port is used by which service.
If you have iis running remove that temporarily now by control panel-> uninstall program -. turn window feature on/off -> iis.
After this restart your system and run wampserver now. It will work Hope this may help
Check in your hosts file to see if there is a entry like this: localhost
if there is a # before it like this
# localhost
delete the hash as that is a comment
you will find your host file at:
