How to change port no of the jboss 4.2 server - eclipse-indigo

I have to different eclipse ide and jboss server.I need to start both the server at a time but problem is what when I try to start the second server it gives error(port conflict as the first one is using it already).Please guide me to how to change the port no of jboss 4.2

You can change the port of JBoss 4 as detailed in "How to change port 8080 in JBoss?".
Goto the deploy folder of the server instance you use.
Goto the jbossweb-tomcat55.sar inside that deploy folder.
Find the file named server.xml inside that folder. (tomcat service file).
Then look at the Connector configuration in that file.


Change Apache server port dynamically (not manually, through programmatically)

I have installed Apache 2.4 in windows successfully, It is working.
Now I want to change the listening port dynamically (Not manually. meant to say, open a file and edit the port), might be place any properties file and read port from this or passing port as parameter to hhtpd.exe while starting server. Ultimately I have to configure port externally.
not possible. Use a script that changes it and gracefully restarts the server, or you won't be able to do it otherwise.

Jboss 6.4 only works on localhost and how do i specify some other name instead of localhost

I am able to access my application in jboss with https://localhost/appName
but how do i change the localhost to whatever name i wanted to have?
i would like to have it like https://nameiwanted/appName
I am using jboss 6.4 and windows 7 Professional
Thanks in advance
open jboss server at eclipse and check the check box in Server Behavior:
Listen on All interfaces to allow Remote and web applications
Start server with nameiwanted like
standalone.bat -b nameiwanted -bmanagement nameiwanted
make sure nameiwanted is bound to machine.

Issues with Jenkins 1.67 URL set up

I am trying to set a new Jenkins instance (version 1.67) on to a Windows Server 2012 r2.
I am trying to configure a custom URL instead of using
I have set Jenkins URL as
But I cannot access it via that url, I get presented with a message "Remote Web Access is turned off" it only allows me to connect when I follow the URL with the port number;
I am sure that Remote web access is completely different from what my goal is.
By default, Jenkins launches its own built-in webserver, listening on port 8080.
Changing the URL in the Jenkins configuration does not change the port that the running webserver listens on, but rather the URL that is shown within the UI, or in emails sent to users etc.
In order to access Jenkins at just (i.e. running on port 80), you would first have to disable Windows Remote Web Access, which is currently occupying port 80.
You would then need to stop Jenkins and start it again with the flag --httpPort=80; these options are documented on the Jenkins wiki.
If Jenkins was started as a Windows Service, you can edit the jenkins.xml file as shown in these answers.
Just wanted to say, after setting Jenkins.xml to run on port 80, and then via the Jenkins web interface using
'install as service'
I found that this process seemed to create a new jenkins.xml along with the default httpPort which is stored within the Jenkins.war.
I get around this I installed as a service, ensured that the service was not set to start on start up. Rebooted the machine
On start up I re-edited the jenkins.xml httpPort value back to 80. Started the service and now running very happy!

Can't get highcharts export server working using Java

I followed instructions on highcharts export server. And my test environment is Ubuntu Server, tomcat 7.x, java 1.7.x, the latest highcharts export server code cloned by git. No problem occurred during mvn install and mvn clean package. And soem settings of my is
port=8080 # the same port with my tomcat
exec = /home/{my user name}/phantomjs-1.9.1-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs
And from the logs of Tomcat, I can see that phantomjs is started and listening on port 8080. Also when I access http://{myservername}:8080/highchars-export-web/, it's loaded correctly, even when I click 'Generate Image' button, it gave me a file named 'Charts.png'. However, the image's size is 1kb, not the one as getting from I don't know what I am missing. I need you guys help on this.
Best wishes,
Pick a different port other than the one your tomcat (or other service) is listening on. That port you set in the files is for the phatomjs service to listen on.

grails 2.0 - deploying WAR to remote server (Tomcat), not connecting

I generally run Grails 2.0 from my IDE but have been seeking to deploy an app to a remote Virtual Private Server (linux) where I installed Tomcat and Mysql. I create a production WAR file and copy it to the Tomcat webapps dir, where I can see Tomcat restart and after some "fixing" I see the application come up, adding minimal bootstrap entries into the MySql database fine.
However, I cannot connect to the Grails app (remotely). If I specify, I am (finally) able to reach the main Tomcat server "welcome page". I also reach Tomcat if I add a "/" at the end, not my grails app.
As such I'm tried putting in full controller paths that I know work on my dev machine, and then accessing them on the remote machine (note grails.serverURL is configured as Doing this, I get
HTTP Status 404 -- The requested resource (/BareBones/bare/create) is not available.
This error is from a BareBones application I created, as I was having some problems with VPS available memory. In any case, on my dev machine I can reach the this BareBones app URL
as expected. When I deploy, I get the same HTTP Status 404 error (resource not available) when I do:
In Config.groovy, in this BareBones app I've got the minimal change:
environments {
development {
grails.logging.jul.usebridge = true
production {
grails.logging.jul.usebridge = false
grails.serverURL = ""
In my Tomcat server.xml file I changed over from the default 8080/8443 ports to 80/443, but using either either set results in the same problem.
I'm probably missing an easy step, just don't know what it is.
P.S. When I deploy the sample.war file that comes with Tomcat (isn't Grails, just a hello-world servlet), it works. I'm able to access that at
Since I FTP'd sample.war from my computer to the server, it would appear to indicate my FTPs are good, and the routing to the server is right, narrowing this down to Grails & Tomcat.
Usually in dev mode Grails mounts, as you pointed out, the context of appName, i.e. http://localhost:8080/BareBones/ here.
But the path it mounts on tomcat is not up to Grails itself, it is wholly dependent on the Tomcat configuration and primarily the name of the WAR file.
Even if you have BareBones as your appName and you deploy it as ROOT.war then it will mount the root "/" context. If you deploy it as BareBones.war then it should mount the same dir as in dev mode.
Because sites are usually mounted as ROOT.war "/", I can recommend setting = "/"
in your Config.groovy file which will make it so that you will use the root context path also in dev, i.e. http://localhost:8080/
This makes it simpler since both dev and production will now have identical relative paths to everywhere and only the hostname:port will change.
