Could someone, please, tell me how to delete from the following tables:
I have a jiraissue's ID that I need to remove. Can I find associated records in these tables to delete as well?
but inaccurate actions on this table easily lead you to inoperable Jira
I am trying to create a Rails app and I have a database consisting of author and a quotation by that author.
Now different users can choose to destroy or kill quotations from the database however it must only be deleted for that particular user i.e other users should still be able to see quotes that they didn't delete even if another user did.
I know that I would need to implement cookies but other than that I am unsure how to proceed. Can anyone point me to a tutorial or give me some pointers to get started on this complex task?
You surely have a User model in your application - one 'Rails-like' way to go about this would be to add a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship between User and Quotation.
This creates a relationship between each individual user and 'their' quotations. This relationship can be deleted without actually deleting a quotation, so all quotations would still be available to other users. If you want each user to be able to see all quotations by default, you would need to set up the relationship in advance.
Assuming you are using Devise to log your users in, all you'd need to do then is to replace Quotation.all with current_user.quotations in whichever controller you are using to display quotations.
The Rails guide linked above is quite helpful but basically you just need to add something like the following:
class User
has_and_belongs_to_many :quotations
before_create :add_quotations
def add_quotations
self.quotations << Quotation.all
class Quotation
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
and then run a migration adding a new table called users_quotations with the columns user_id and quotation_id.
As #Yule pointed out this wouldn't let users see any quotations that were created after they were, and it would be quite annoying to have to set up the join tables in advance, so a more efficient way would be to have an excluded_quotations join table instead. So users can see all quotations except the ones that they have excluded.
We have a users table. Users have many listings.
We'd like to shard the association model Listing such that all users stay on database "master" shard. Users will get a shard_id column and listings will be split into different databases "shard1", "shard2".
We can augment our code to access the listings on the correct shard using the using method:
Listing.where(user: current_user).using(current_user.shard_id)
However that is a big code change. Ideally we want to just keep using our existing association statements like this:
And have it automatically use current_user.shard_id beneath the hood.
Any suggestions for doing this?
According to the documentation, current_user.listings should work out of the box.
Octopus also handles associations. When you try to get a object that is associated to another object, you could use normal ActiveRecord syntax to get the objects
I don't know what's the best way to solve this problem and I'll appreciate your help.
This is what I want to achieve:
There is an Act model. And it has many Organizations.
An Organization can have many Groups and also, a Group can have many Subgroups.
The Groups are loaded dynamically depending on the selected Organization, and the Subgroups are also loaded depending on the selected Group.
An Organization could have a Group or not, and also a Group could have a Subgroupor not
Here you are a mock-up of what I have explained above:
In the new Act form there is a section to add Organizations, something like this:
When you write an Organization it loads the options for the Group selector, and the same happens with a selected Group and the Subgroup selector:
When you click the add button, a new Organization section appears
A field can be empty. (This is a valid form)
Also, If you want to edit the Act, the form should show the Organizations added before:
I have this DB:
ActOrganizations is a polymorphic table, and also a join table
My main problems are about the form: how to build it to retrieve and persist the data easily and how to retrieve the stored Organizations to show them in the edit form. (I'm using simple-form)
I tried many approaches, but they were not very elegant. I'd like to know the closest way to the "rails-way" to do this.
Thank you very much for your time
long time reader first time poster.
I recently started using ruby on rails so I am still very new to the environment (even though I have completed a few guides) so be gentle please.
What I want to do is create a sort of archive table of another table that the user can access at any time(via a different link on the website).
So for example, if I have the "users" table, I want to be able to archive old users but still give the option for someone to go and view them.
Basically, it will sort of have to delete the user from the initial table, and save his/her info in to the archived_users table.
Thank you for your time.
I figured my comment was more of an answer, so posting it here and adding more info
In this situation you're better off adding some sort if "active" flag to the users table, which you can flip on or off as needed. That way you don't need to worry about dealing with yet another model class, and you can reuse all the same view and controller structures. In your views, you can then simply "hide" any inactive users (and maybe only show inactive folks if the logged in user is an admin...etc).
You also have the freedom to include other meta data such as "deactivated on" (time stamp) for example.
Long story short, if you're concerned about performance, with proper indexing (and partitioning if necessary), you shouldn't really need to create a separate archive table.
The only reason I can think of to do this is if you're dealing with billions upon billions of records, and/or growing by an insane amount (which is probably not your case).
The best way to do this is probably to add a column called deleted on the original Users table. You can then filter out the old users in normal circumstances (preferably using a default scope) but allow them to be seen/queried when needed.
Papertrail might work for you.
It creates a "versions" table and logs create/update/destroy events for any class which includes has_paper_trail. For example:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
deleted_users = Papertrail::Version.where(item_type: User, event: "destroy") # assuming the users table has a 'name' column
I have two categories merchants and aliases who have a join table called aliases_merchants
In ActiveAdmin, how can I display a textbox whose content will get entered into the joining table?
I'm able to display the textbox but upon post it doesn't create the record in the joining table in the db.
Ideally, I would love to be able to get the functionality like the following (but I feel ActiveAdmin wouldn't be able to do it)...
I solved this by creating a sidebar and two member functions in the ActiveAdmin resource to accomplish this. Works just described above.