distribution certificate doesn't seem to match - ios

Hi I get this error when I try to validate my application,I looked all over the internet,did everything people suggest to do.
I'm kind of new to iOS development and a little afraid to revoke my distribution certificates.
I deleted all the certificates in the keysChains and downloaded my certificates from the apple developer console,still same error.
Please help.

Firstly check your Certification are right after it check you provisioning profile are correct, after it go to xCode and delete your developer ID and go to Keychain access and delete all Certification and restart your Mac after it set your Certification to KeyChain access and sign with your Developer ID to xCode after it Download your provisioning Profile and set it to xCode, restart your Mac again, after it upload your app to store.
I hope it helpful.


Problems with iOS Free Provisioning Profile

I've been using Xcode with a free Apple ID, and signing a App with a free provisioning profile.
However, after I signed the App with another Mac, the certificate on the first Mac I used to sign the App with does not work anymore.
I received this error message when I tried to run it on my iPhone:
Please verify that your device's clock is properly set, and that your signing certificate is not expired. (0xE8008018).
After generating a new certificate via Xcode > Preferences > View Details... > iOS Distribution > Create, I got this error instead:
The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid.
After deleting the App from my iPhone, I tried to run the App again and received this error message instead. This also caused my phone to freeze for a while:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Referenced from: /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/Test.app/Test
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/Test.app/Frameworks/libswiftCore.dylib: mmap() errno=1 validating first page of '/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/Test.app/Frameworks/libswiftCore.dylib'
Update: I'm using Free Provisioning Profile, thus I don't have access to iTunes Connect. I also can't import the certificate from my 2nd Mac as it was it was reset.
Update 2: I've also visited Keychain App and found 2 certificates - one expired and one valid. I deleted the expired one and tried to run the App on my phone again, but the error persists.
Update 3: I've tried to revoke all my certificates in developer.apple.com, but there isn't a certificates management. Only 'Programs & Add-ons' and 'Your Account' sections are available in the nav, which allows me to enrol into Apple Developer Program.
Update 4: I've also restarted my Xcode to no avail.
The main problem is that I'm not sure why I cannot revoke and regenerate a new certificate.
How can I solve this problem?
Generate a New CSR from your Keychain and download new certificate using this CSR. Include this certificate in your provisional profile and download it. Make sure you remove all expired certificates from Keychain. Good luck.
You don't need iTunes Connect to manage your certificates, IDs and provisioning profiles. iTunes Connect is used for managing your app store releases, which as you know you can't do with a free account.
You need to go to developer.apple.com and log in with your free account to the member center. You will be able to see the certificates and provisioning profiles under your developer account.
Since you don't have anything in the store (you can't with a free account), I would go into the developer's member center, revoke and delete any certificates that are out there, and delete all provisioning profiles. Start from scratch and generate a new certificate using a brand new CSR. Then generate a new provisioning profile using the existing app ID and the newly created certificate. Download the profile update your project settings to use the new signing identity and profile, and you're back in business.
Also, this is assuming that you are not sharing this developer account. If you are, doing the above instructions will make it so other developers will not be able to build with the signing identity unless you give them the private key for the certificate.
I managed to fix this problem by renaming the App name, and recompiling the App. I think that by renaming the App, a new certificate is generated, thus it would work.
Even though, it's not really a great solution, but it solved my problem as I wanted to rename the App in the first place.
Thanks everyone for providing answers!
I had to create a new Apple ID and it worked. Not the ideal solution but without access to certificates its the only solution that worked for me.

XCode export app, wildcard error

I am developing a Swift iOS app for in-house distribution and I am having trouble exporting the app - I get: "Wildcard App IDs can not be used to create In House provisioning profiles. Please use an Explicit App ID."
In the Member Center, I have created an explicit App ID:
In the Member Center, I have also created an iOS Provisioning Profile for Distribution:
In XCode, I have downloaded the distribution provisioning profile (under preferences > Accounts):
This is a Swift iOS app (my first) and I am trying to export the app (.ipa & .plist file), so that I can deploy it from an Intranet site. Note: I do not have an MDM (nor do I want to purchase one at this time). Xcode version: 7.2.1.
What am I missing?
Edit 2/15/2016: This SO Post is about a similar issue, but the steps outlined there did not resolve the issue for me.
I faced the same problem and almost spent one day to solve the problem.
When I encountered the problem, I thought it was an error related with invalid distribution certificate or provisioning profile. I renewed certificates and all other stuff. Nothing worked! Neither certificates nor provisioning profiles were the root cause.
I have seen an announcement on Apple Developer page. Apple's WWDR Certificate was expiring and newest one available on that page. I updated that certificate and it worked!
Steps you should follow:
Open Keychain Access and remove expired Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority from certificates.
Download new certificate as suggested.
Be sure that Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority is located under Systems keychain, not in login.
Open XCode (If already, close and then open)
Clean your project.
Select your valid signing certificates and provisioning profiles. (You don't need to refresh your certificates or profiles as annoucement suggested)
Hit Archive button!
Hope this may help someone else.

Xcode 6 App Store submission fails with "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate"

I'm using the latest XCode (6.1) and I need to submit the app as soon as possible, but I can't seem to get around the "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate" error.
I have the client's provisioning profile and I have his distribution certificate (which is valid) and his private key (I've checked using Keychain, it's definitely there). The bundle ID is also correct. I've deleted my provisioning profiles and certificates and reinstalled the client's many times now.
What could be causing this issue? I've seen a lot of topics here on SO with this problem, so I apologise beforehand for creating yet another clone, but I really don't know how to fix this.
edit: I'm running a brand new install of Yosemite by the way
Got it solved by editing the iOS Distribution Provision Profile in the Developer Member Center.
For some reason there were 2 certificates to choose from for the Distribution Provisioning Profile. I switched over to the other certificate and I could Validate and Submit my Archive build for beta testing.
So, you may have more than one certificate for signing your Provision profiles. Make sure you have the right one (by trying all of them) and hopefully that should work.
I tried many things like Exporting Developer profile from Xcode Accounts and importing it in the organizer, installing the provision profiles from the member center, adding them to my keychain. But none of those worked. It started working only after editing the appropriate Provisioning Profile manually.
You could also trying removing all your available Provisioning Profiles and let Xcode create new ones for you. This will work too.
I also had this issue, which turned out to be caused by an attempt to export for ad hoc deployment using a development provisioning profile instead of a distribution profile. It seems this is no longer supported in Xcode 6.1. Once I created an ad hoc profile and installed that the problem went away. A more useful error message would have saved me hours of work and would be greatly appreciated, Apple.
This thread was helpful:
xcode 6 beta 2 issue with exporting ipa "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate"
Besides all the other answers, there's one more possibility after 2/15/2016: the old World Wide certificate expired and I guess everyone has already downloaded the new cert (or check this out). However, you'll be seeing this error if you haven't remove the expired one. You may need to choose View -> Show Expired Certificates to unhide expired certs. If the error is still there, try regenerate provisioning profile as advised by the others.
I was moving to new Mac when I faced this issue.
On your older Mac:
Go Preferences > Accounts > Select Account > Details.
In the dropdown right click on iOS Distribution (or whatever is the name of your distribution certificate).
Set a password for the .p12 file.
Move and install this .p12 in the new mac.
Try Again.
Another possible cause for the problem (at least in my case) was that in my Keychain Access, I had two certificates for the team I was working with. One was expired, and the other one was the one I wanted to use. Deleting the expired certificate in Keychain Access solved the issue.
I ran into this problem, and I wanted to avoid screwing up my push notifications.
The easy fix for me was to just go to developer.apple.com > project > certifications, ids, and profiles > profiles > create a new profile (for development or distribution)
Download the created profile, drag and drop the profile over the Xcode icon, and then in your project target, set the new profile as the provisioning profile.
This fixed my problem--it may provide further help in the future.
The error message could mean that you need to get the Distribution certificate and private key from the developer who created them.
This can happen if some other team member has pressed the enticing "Reset" button (which means revoke certificate and create a new one).
Here is a picture what the revoked certificate looks like:
You can export the valid certificate from the developer who created
it and import it to other team members keychains.
Go to "Keychain Access" app.
Click on the "Login" in the top left box
Click on the "Certificates" on the bottom left box
Check which team member has the valid certificate:
when clicking on the "iPhone Distribution" certificate
everyone else sees "This certificate is revoked" in red at the top.
(Maybe backup the deleted certificate to avoid doing anything irreversible)
delete the revoked certificates
Export the one valid certificate and distribute to team
Import the certificate file for everyone else
Today I was solve problem by delete from keychain old certificate Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority and install new one (exp. in 2023)
I'll add to here because while the accepted answer got me on the right track it wasn't the solution. There was a second (automatically created by Xcode) distro cert which I revoked. After doing that a new error came up. ("An App ID with Identifier '' is not available"... it also wasn't helpful) Eventually this lead me to the fact that my App Id in the member portal didn't have entitlements matching the build.
I solved this issue by editing the provisioning profile in the member center which is used in my app and re-install the provisioning profile.
I recently changed computer.
The reason for me was that I had several developer certificates in the Apple Developer member portal.
The solution was :
Go to Apple Developer Portal
Go Under Certificates -> Production
Click on "Revoke" for the oldest certificates and keep the most recent one
Revoking certificates won´t affect your Apple Store apps :).
I had this happen to me when I accidentally reset the certificate on another mac. Here's my scenario.
Mac1 - Had working certificate.
Mac2 - I accidentally reset the iOS distribution certificate
Mac1 stopped working and I get the message "Your account already has a valid distribution certificate"
The fix was
On Mac2, Keychain access -> certificates -> iOS Distribution certificate (for you/your company) -> export to p12 file (it will ask you to set a password)
Copy the exported file to Mac1
On Mac1, Keychain access -> certificates -> iOS Distribution certificate (for you/your company) -> delete (this is the old one that does not work)
On Mac1, double click the p12 file (then enter your password).
You should see a new iOS distribution certificate (for you/your company) in the certificate section of Keychain access.
This fixed the issue for me on Mac1.
Got it solved by deleting the provisioning profile which is managed by Xcode
(XC iOS Ad Hoc: *) from the member center

Xcode 5 valid signing identity not found

While I appreciate there's a hundred posts on here relating to this topic, after having read through those posts and nothing working for me, I've got no option but to start my own thread.
I have downloaded the certificates that are available on my companies enterprise account, added those to my keychain and generated and installed a provisioning profile that pairs with the downloaded certificates, yet I'm still getting the valid signing identity not found error?
I'm literally pulling my heart over this. I've removed and reinstalled certificates and also regenerated a provisioning profile and still no luck... Anyone any ideas?
Running XCode 5.0.2 on OSX Mavericks
From the screenshot of your certificate, I do not see a private key corresponding to the 'iPhone Developer' certificate. There must be a private key installed for the certificate and it should show up when you expand your certificate as shown in my screenshot:
You will have to generate a CSR, request for a new certificate, download and install it and verify you have a private key, then associate the certificate with the profile, redownload and install the profile.
Make sure your bundle identifier same exactly with app ID and check your device selected in provisioning profile in your developer account.
I suggest you follow this tutorial step by step for your more understanding.
You can also use the iPhone Configuration Utility to make sure provisioning profiles are installed on your device.

Can't code sign with distribution provision profile after renewing distribution certificate

I recently renewed my distribution certificate and added it to my laptop. I re-created a distribution provision profile that uses the new certificate and added it to Xcode. The only issue is that now it can't find the correct distribution profile. Per example, the App ID is 18FH128DBH.ApplicationName and the bundle ID set here is 18FH128DBH.ApplicationName. However, if I try to find the provision profile, it just reads:
ApplicationName - for Bundle Identifiers ('ApplicationName')
profile doesn't match bundle identifier '18FH128DBH.ApplicationName
So, I removed the bundle seed ID and it found the correct profile to sign with. I can build successfully from there. However, when I try to submit to the App Store, I get an error saying that the 'Bundle identifier 'ApplicationName' differs from prior bundle identifier '18FH128DBH.ApplicationName'. Not sure how I can rectify the issue; I've been working on this for several hours with no avail.
Any clue on why this is?
These instructions might be a little bit outdated, but I've had a similar problem happen to me in the past and wrote this down for myself. I think the issue is that the keychain gets "out of whack". I can't promise this will work, because I honestly am not sure what causes the problem but this has worked for me in the past. Good luck!
Launch XCode
Open Window Organizer
Delete all provisioning profiles from your device
Delete all provisioning profiles under 'Development'
Log into the developer website
Click on 'Certificates' and Revoke your certificate
Launch 'Keychain Access' on your local desktop.
With the 'login' keychain selected
Delete all developer certificates
Delete all of your public/private keys
Close and restart 'Keychain Access'
Go back to the developer portal and request a new certificate (follow instructions)
Once the CSR has been uploaded and approved
Make sure that the new certificate is associated with the appropriate provisioning profiles.
Download and install the new certificate
Open XCode -> Organizer and add your device to the team provisioning portal
Go back to the developer portal and download and install the provisioning profile.
You should be good to go now to build and install to your device.
