Xcode 5 valid signing identity not found - ios

While I appreciate there's a hundred posts on here relating to this topic, after having read through those posts and nothing working for me, I've got no option but to start my own thread.
I have downloaded the certificates that are available on my companies enterprise account, added those to my keychain and generated and installed a provisioning profile that pairs with the downloaded certificates, yet I'm still getting the valid signing identity not found error?
I'm literally pulling my heart over this. I've removed and reinstalled certificates and also regenerated a provisioning profile and still no luck... Anyone any ideas?
Running XCode 5.0.2 on OSX Mavericks

From the screenshot of your certificate, I do not see a private key corresponding to the 'iPhone Developer' certificate. There must be a private key installed for the certificate and it should show up when you expand your certificate as shown in my screenshot:
You will have to generate a CSR, request for a new certificate, download and install it and verify you have a private key, then associate the certificate with the profile, redownload and install the profile.

Make sure your bundle identifier same exactly with app ID and check your device selected in provisioning profile in your developer account.
I suggest you follow this tutorial step by step for your more understanding.

You can also use the iPhone Configuration Utility to make sure provisioning profiles are installed on your device.


Provisioning profile doesn't include any certificate for which the matching private key is installed in the keychain

I have the problem while attaching distribution certificates to Enterprise app. Xcode throwing an error
Provisioning profile doesn't include any certificate for which the matching private key is installed in the keychain (Xcode 8).
I have searched a lot but didn't find satisfactory answer for Xcode 8 (latest answer).
I have following queries on solutions I found in the internet:
Use Automatically manage signing: is it not going to create any issue for other apps using the same distribution certificate?
Export private key from older machine: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12867963/2741603 posted long ago, still is this going to work ? or do we have any other new alternatives?
Your Keychain is missing the certificate i.e. p12 file for the selected provisioning profile. You have to just open the .p12 file , if you have already else create a new one from your apple developer account.
Then Clean and Build your Xcode Project.
I will solve your issue.
This is what worked for me:
Create a new production certificate from the machine you need to deploy from.
Create a new ad-hoc provisioning profile and make sure that the newly added certificate is included in it
Download both files to your machine and double click them
Choose the new provisioning profile in Xcode code-signing settings
Good luck!
I faced the same issue and I was missing the installation of APNS's .p12 certificate on my mac. After installation of .p12 certificate problem was resolved.
I'm having this issue. My UDID is in the provisioning profile. I've downloaded the development provisioning profile and still get:
Provisioning profile "ProfileName" doesn't include any certificate for which the matching private key is installed in the keychain.
Not sure what to do to rectify

distribution certificate doesn't seem to match

Hi I get this error when I try to validate my application,I looked all over the internet,did everything people suggest to do.
I'm kind of new to iOS development and a little afraid to revoke my distribution certificates.
I deleted all the certificates in the keysChains and downloaded my certificates from the apple developer console,still same error.
Please help.
Firstly check your Certification are right after it check you provisioning profile are correct, after it go to xCode and delete your developer ID and go to Keychain access and delete all Certification and restart your Mac after it set your Certification to KeyChain access and sign with your Developer ID to xCode after it Download your provisioning Profile and set it to xCode, restart your Mac again, after it upload your app to store.
I hope it helpful.

iOS Distribution certificate

I am having a problem with Xcode and the iOS Distribution certificate.
When I try to validate an archive, I get the message that there already is a valid distribution certificate but that it is not installed. My signing identity is also installed altho the message says it is not. I have no idea how this is possible since I have published apps to the app store before without any problems.
Anyone who knows how to fix this?
Xcode version 6.4
I solved it by doing this:
Create a NEW production certificate through developer.apple.com which
requires you to use Keychain Access to create a new private key on
your computer
In the same developer portal, open your distribution Provisioning
Profile used with this app and select the new production certificate
which you just created. Generate the provision then download it and
run it
Run your app, Archive it, then export the archive.
And viola
This took me days if not weeks to figure out, I hope it helps you.
The problem is the distribution certificate was installed in another mac.
You can:
Export it from that mac and import to your Xcode.
Go to apple developer website, revoke current distribution certificate. Then open Xcode get new distribution certificate for your mac.

Can't code sign with distribution provision profile after renewing distribution certificate

I recently renewed my distribution certificate and added it to my laptop. I re-created a distribution provision profile that uses the new certificate and added it to Xcode. The only issue is that now it can't find the correct distribution profile. Per example, the App ID is 18FH128DBH.ApplicationName and the bundle ID set here is 18FH128DBH.ApplicationName. However, if I try to find the provision profile, it just reads:
ApplicationName - for Bundle Identifiers ('ApplicationName')
profile doesn't match bundle identifier '18FH128DBH.ApplicationName
So, I removed the bundle seed ID and it found the correct profile to sign with. I can build successfully from there. However, when I try to submit to the App Store, I get an error saying that the 'Bundle identifier 'ApplicationName' differs from prior bundle identifier '18FH128DBH.ApplicationName'. Not sure how I can rectify the issue; I've been working on this for several hours with no avail.
Any clue on why this is?
These instructions might be a little bit outdated, but I've had a similar problem happen to me in the past and wrote this down for myself. I think the issue is that the keychain gets "out of whack". I can't promise this will work, because I honestly am not sure what causes the problem but this has worked for me in the past. Good luck!
Launch XCode
Open Window Organizer
Delete all provisioning profiles from your device
Delete all provisioning profiles under 'Development'
Log into the developer website
Click on 'Certificates' and Revoke your certificate
Launch 'Keychain Access' on your local desktop.
With the 'login' keychain selected
Delete all developer certificates
Delete all of your public/private keys
Close and restart 'Keychain Access'
Go back to the developer portal and request a new certificate (follow instructions)
Once the CSR has been uploaded and approved
Make sure that the new certificate is associated with the appropriate provisioning profiles.
Download and install the new certificate
Open XCode -> Organizer and add your device to the team provisioning portal
Go back to the developer portal and download and install the provisioning profile.
You should be good to go now to build and install to your device.

iOS provisioning and keychain generation

I'm using Xcode 4.3.1 on Mac OS X 10.7.3 trying to provision to iOS 5.1 phone. First I used the Development Provisioning Assistant to create a provisioning profile. After dragging/installing the profile in Organizer, it says "valid signing identity not found". I continued with the Development Provisioning Assistant, got a new Development Certificate, installed it. But it didn't help. It's still "valid signing identity not found". After reading this topic on google and other people's solutions, I deleted all keys in Keychain Access, walked through the Development Provisioning Assistant again, did everything it said, but still didn't fix the problem. So I thought I needed a fresh start again. I deleted all provisioning profiles, certificates, keys. Then I redid everything, but no use. I also tried "Add to portal" in the Organizer, which only generated 4 certificates but still no keys.
Should I restart my machine? Just kidding.
If you created your provisioning profile BEFORE you created the certificate, it is invalid. You have to go to the profile and press renew. Then redownload it. The profile is created based on the certificate.
I've been there a couple of times where you are right now. So I tried to understan what was going on and documented it here (Understanding iOS Code Signing) (warning: tl;dr).
Its easy to make mistakes while "following" the steps listed on the portal, and understanding it can help you identify what went wrong.
Here's a quick checklist for you before you go reading the whole thing:
Create a developer certificate from your mac.
Create a provisioning profile on the portal, and make sure to include your developer certificate (created in the previous step) in that profile.
Download and install the profile on your mac (must be same that was used in first step). (You can actually use it on other mac if you export the certificate, but lets not go there)
If you are doing this and still face the problem, you should try 'understanding' then :).
