Add the “iCloud containers” entitlement to your App ID - ios

I am trying to fix this issue for hours now.
I have checked the App ID and confirmed the iCloud containers.
Also i have entered the same in the app entitlements.
But there is a always a red mark before "Add the “iCloud containers” entitlement to your App ID". I created the new provisioning profile and removed the expired provision files also.
This is the first time i am facing this issue.
Is this issue related with the developer certificate signing or something?

I was having the same problem couple of days ago. Fixed it by doing these steps:
Go to your developer account
Find the App ID you are working on
Click edit.
On the iCloud section select the radio button that says "Include CloudKit support (requires Xcode 6)"
Worked for me.

For me everything was just fine. I had to close and reopen xcode. Then go to 'Capabilities' and Toggle the 'iCloud' i.e OFF and Then ON it again.

I solved this by:
Turn off iCloud capabilities.
Change the app's bundle id.
Turn on iCloud capabilities.
Now everything is regenerated afresh, and the error goes away. Of course, now the bundle id is wrong. But now you can go to the member center, delete the old (faulty) app id and any associated provisioning profiles, and change the bundle id back again.

I was trying to add an App ID matching my project's bundle ID, but it still doesn't update the warnings in iCloud.
Then I found that in "General" -> "Signing" it says Target is ad hoc signed, and I tapped the Enable Development Signing button, then Xcode started to auto manage the App ID etc and everything turned green :]

In my case, under Xcode - General - Signing, the name in the Team field was not correct.

At least in Xcode 9.1, I had to choose the Team in Signing section (Target -> General pane). The team was already chosen but I had to choose it again to make the error disappear. It might have to do with developer certificate renewal.

I tried all of the above, in the end all I did was quit Xcode, open it up again, and toggle the iCloud capability off and on again.

- delete all provisioning profiles
- go to Xcode->preference->account
- add your apple id here (makes you easy to download profiles)
- Click download profiles.

I Turned on iCloud
Set the Cloud kit Container through the Apple Developer dashboard to the app I needed
Rename project bundle Identifier from the Xcode 10 and rename back to the original identifier after all fine
Provisional profile got updated


Xcode Error: "The app ID cannot be registered to your development team."

We are porting an Android app to iOS for a client. They have added our account to their iTunes Connect account and created an app entry. We developed the app using the bundle ID they specified.
But now, when the app is ready for testing, we can't create a provisioning profile in Xcode. It is set to Automatic signing and this error is shown:
Failed to create provisioning profile.
The app ID "<bundle-id>" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
Our account is added as an App Manager in their iTunes Connect account, but still we can't take output with this ID. This error is not shown if we change the bundle ID in Xcode.
Meet same Issue on one mac, but ok on another mac.
I'm sure bundle ID is fine and unique.
I know it is provisioning profile issue, so
Try refreshing the provisioning profile on your Local computer.
Then It Works!
cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles
rm *
Xcode > Preferences... > Accounts > click your Account and Team name > click Download Manual Profiles
Run app again
Go to Build Settings tab, and then change the Product Bundle Identifier to another name. It works in mine.
You have to rename Organization Identifier on Bundle Identifier on settings tab.
Only by renaming the Organization Identifier error will remove.
I had this same issue as OP and the problem was that I was invited only on appstoreconnect and not on After being invited as a member on and going into the preferences in XCode, I got a new option to sign as a member of the organization. Setting signing team as member of organization in project settings fixed the issue. After that creating the provisioning profile was successful using automatic signage management.
This happened to me, even though I had already registered the Bundle Id with my account. It turns out that the capitalisation differed, so I had to change the bundle id in Xcode to lowercase, and it all worked. Hope that helps someone else :)
Changing Bundle Identifier worked for me.
Go to Signing & Capabilities tab
Change my Bundle Identifier. "MyApp" > "MyCompanyName.MyApp"
Enter and wait a seconds for generating Signing Certificate
If it still doesn't work, try again with these steps before:
Remove your Provisioning Profiles: cd /Users/my_username/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles && rm * (in my case)
Clearn your project
If this persists even after clearing provisioning profile and re-downloading them, then it might be due to the bundle ID already registered in Apple's MDM push certificate.
None of the above answers worked for me, and as said in the original question I had also to keep the same bundle identifier since the app was already published in the store by the client.
The solution for me was to ask the client to change my access from App Manager to Admin, so that I had "Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.", you can check if it is the case in the App Store Connect => Users and Access => and then click on your profile (be sure to choose the right team if you belong to multiple).
Once you are admin go back to Xcode and in the signing tab select 'Automatically manage signing', then in Team dropdown you should be able to select the right team and the signature will work.
My problem was I was modifying the settings for the wrong version of my app.
I had "Debug" selected instead of "Release", so my bundle identifier was not accurate when it came time to Archive.
error message
The app identifier "" cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
try this
Apple developer > Account > Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Identifiers
I encountered the same problem when I was trying to compile a sample project provided by Apple. In the end I figured out that apparently they pre-compiled the sample code before shipping them to developers, so the binary had their signature.
The way to solve it is simple, just delete all the built binaries and re-compile using your own bundle identifier and you should be fine.
Just go to the menu bar, click on [Product] -> [Clean Build Folder] to delete all compiled binaries
Clean Build Folder
I had the issue with different development teams. I just checked the schema signings and picked the correct development team for the schemas that I needed:
I delete the Bundle identifier in the, then it works.
IF you are working with different build configs then check in Signing & Capabilities Tab are you using Correct Bundle Identifier.
For Xcode v12 and above
Open the .xcworkspace file using Xcode
Then go directly to the General section, you'll see Bundler Identifier
Then change the name in the bundler identifier
for example should be changed to
This worked for me.
I was able to get the original bundle identifier to work on my paid team membership account (after having it assigned to my personal team) by revoking the personal team signing certificate that was assigned to the same account id.
On the Apple Developer website sign in with the paid account it, go to Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
Click the personal team certificate.
Click the Revoke button.
Go back to XCode and try signing again. A new certificate will be generated that should work with the bundle id.
This won't work if you still need the certificate for other apps.
If none of the above solutions work, you may want to check your folder names. I had another folder, within a separate parent folder but sharing an ancestor directory, with the same name as my project folder. Renaming the other folder to something else resolved the issue. If I had to guess, Xcode was looking for the project in the parent directory, found the alternate folder with the same name and got confused...
Due to Security issue my client do not want to share the personal credentials. He just add my apple id in
After that I create the certificate from key chain and add it into apple developer Account.
My client also add the bundle identifier and send it to me the latest certificate
Now you need to add Team account
Note: You must add team account not your apple id account
In my case i got 2 ids one of mine and the other one is "CHT Team" i just select the CHT Team then its working perfectly
Remove your account from xcode and sign in again:
Xcode -> Preferences -> 'Acount' Tab
Choose your account and tap '-' in the bottom left corner
Tap '+' and sign in to your account again
As per shown in the picture go to runner and then click on release set your team correctly it will solve your issue thanks
I know it sounds incredible stupid and unbelievable, but what I did to fix it - after 2 hours, was changing my bundle identifier to all lowercase and appending "123" at the end.
This really solved the issue. I don't know why, as I am not a xcode developer.
The only thing that mattered was getting it running on a physical device.
What worked for me was to simply just delete the identifier from the previous developement team on the page Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
Solved by Just --> bundle identifier to all lowercase
check in apple Developer & same use in Xcode project
Issue will be solved 100%
Changing the bundle identifier to all lowercase fixed the problem for me
At the center top of your XCODE screen, change your device.
For example: Apple Pie>iPad Pro (12.9-inch)(5th generation)
^change this to your device ^

Xcode error: no provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity matching the bundle identifier

I'm trying to run an iOS app on my iPhone in xCode. The app is essentially a third party keyboard for iOS, and it was made by a group of friends. They have added me as 'developer' in iTunes connect. When I try to run the app on my iPhone I get the following error:
No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity (i.e.
certificate and private key pair) matching the bundle identifier
“com.nameofteam.nameofapp.nameofapp-keyboard” were found. Xcode can
attempt to fix this issue. This will reset your code signing and
provisioning settings to recommended values and resolve issues with
signing identities and provisioning profiles.
When I click on 'Fix Issue', it says:
An App ID with Identifier "com.nameofteam.nameofapp.nameofapp-keyboard" is not available. Please enter a different string.
TL;DR Xcode is very particular about the name you give your App ID in the member center. Having the correct bundle identifier is not enough. You must use the specific format shown below for Xcode to "see" your App ID.
#romrom's solution of deleting the App ID and having Xcode create a new one was a clue. Unfortunately it was a nonstarter for me since my App ID was used by a Store app and therefore could not be deleted.
However, I discovered through some experimentation that I could solve the problem by manually editing the exiting App ID. It turns out that Xcode is really picky about the name of the ID, and not just the bundle ID.
For a typical bundle ID such as com.mycompany.appname, the App ID name must be in this format:
XC com mycompany appname
a name in any other format won't be seen by Xcode.
How to check if you're affected / How to Fix
Log in to the Member Center.
Click on "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".
One the left-hand navigation bar, click on "App IDs".
Locate the App ID with your bundle identifier.
If that App ID doesn't have the correct name format (as shown above), click on it then click the Edit button.
Change the name and click Done.
Enjoy the reduction in stress and anger.
P.S. There are some related problems if you're using Xcode 7.3 in which it won't automatically create proper distribution profiles for you, even if you fix the name as I mentioned above. The solution is to downgrade to 7.2.1 or 7.3 Beta or use a tool like fastlane/sigh.
Try this,
Add your Apple ID to Accounts preferences in Xcode.
Go to General tab in Project and choose your team name from the Team pop-up menu.
Below the Team pop-up menu, click Fix Issue.
For starters you want to make sure your bundle identifier is exactly the same as the one on iTunes connect otherwise,
since you seem to have the source code it appears the bundle id you are trying to use is already in use, try a different unique identifier.
Also make sure you have your Apple ID connected to Xcode, it can be added in the accounts section of Xcode preferences. You may also need to create a self signing certificate in keychain access.
as stupid as it sounds - make sure your Provisioning Profile is set correctly in the "Build Settings" tab, under "Code Signing" section, and that it matches the Code Signing Identity certificates.
In my case, I had the Ad-Hoc dist & Release provisioning profiles set correctly, but the the DEBUG was set to Automatic.

The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid (iOS 8+ / Xcode 7)

The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid.
Please verify that your device’s clock is properly set, and that your signing certificate is not expired. (0xE8008018).
I've already tried almost everything I've found on SO but nothing worked for me.
I'm not sure when it started to happen, I think it was just after I tried to add a share extension to my app.
I've re-generated the provisioning profiles after adding the share extension (and enabling the app groups in Target > Capabilities) and have downloaded them via Xcode.
Any ideas on why this could happen ?
So I finally managed to make it work though I'm not exactly sure which of the following had to be done.
I deleted my Apple ID and all the provisioning profiles.
Then I added the same Apple ID and downloaded the provisioning profiles (Xcode > Preferences... > Accounts)
From what I had read on SO it should have worked here, but in my case it wasn't.
So what I did was:
going to Window > Devices
then right click on my device on the left hand corner
and click on Show provisioning profiles...
I then deleted all the provisioning profiles I had on my phone
After doing what I said above it worked.
Hope this can be helpful.
Xcode: Preferences...
Select your apple account
Remove that account (-)
Add again your apple account (+)
Restart Xcode
Run yor app!
Another possible cause for this error message is your team not being set. Whenever I start a project, mine defaults to none and this error message always gets me. Once I change the team to one with a valid cert, everything works

App installation failed due to application-identifier entitlement

I am unable to install a watchOS 2 WatchKit app due to an application-identifier entitlement. This happened after turning on App Groups in the Capabilities tab.
Full error:
App installation failed
This application's application-identifier entitlement does not match that of the installed application. These values must match for an upgrade to be allowed.
This is running the app in debug mode on a physical device. Running just the iOS app works fine.
I have turned App Groups off again and removed the entitlements files that were added, but same error.
I had this problem with an iPhone app, and fixed it using the following steps.
With your device connected, and Xcode open, select Window->Devices
In the left tab of the window that pops up, select your problem device
In the detail panel on the right, remove the offending app from the "Installed Apps" list.
After I did that, my app rebuilt and launched just fine. Since your app is a watchOS app, I'm not sure that you'll have the same result, but it's worth a try.
I had this problem and was not able to resolve it without deleting and reinstalling the app (messing with provisioning profiles, as some here suggested, did not help).
However, I did not lose my existing test data. Here's how to do that, for anyone having this problem in the future:
Before removing the app, open the Xcode "Devices" window (that's cmd-shift-2).
Select your device and find your app in the "Installed Apps" list.
Click on the gear icon and select "Download Container...". This will copy all of the app's data to your Mac. Save that somewhere for now.
Delete the app and reinstall it from Xcode. Kill the app from Xcode (click the stop button), so it's not running.
Back in the "Devices" window, click the gear icon and select "Replace Container...". Select the data that you downloaded to your Mac in step 3.
Xcode will then restore your previously saved app data.
You now have your old test data back, and the app should run.
Delete any previous versions of App from your iPhone and then Clean->Build and Run again. Your app should run smoothly on your Device.
Also, please make sure you have not selected Distribution Certificate in your Project Settings while trying to run your project directly on your device.
You will get this error when your AppID prefix does not match the prefix of the previously installed app. If your app is already in the App Store, you will not be able to submit updates without restoring the original AppID prefix or contacting Apple.
Apple's instructions for handling this problem:
If you did not intend to change the AppID prefix then Xcode is signing your app with the wrong provisioning profile.
If you do intend to change the AppID prefix (because the app was transferred to a new developer, or you are migrating from an old pre-2011 AppID) you must contact Apple to migrate an existing AppID to a new prefix.
You must also add the previous-application-identifiers entitlement to your app, listing all previous AppIDs (with old prefixes). And you must ask Apple to generate a provisioning profile for you that includes the previous-application-identifiers entitlement.
I solved this without deleting the app
With the project open in xcode.
Project -> Build Settings -> Code Signing -> Provisioning Profiles (drop down)
It is probably set to automatic and is choosing the wrong profile. Open the drop down and choose the correct one, then re-run the app.
I faced the same problem and was stuck for several minutes and after a search, the simplest solution that i found is just remove the previously installed app from your device manually and try to run the app from Xcode again.
Hope it helps you.
All the Best...
With your device connected, and Xcode open, select Window->Devices
Now select the app and download the container using setting icon
Delete the app
Install app again using Xcode
Stop from Xcode
Go to Window->Device and select the app and replace the container that is backup from previous app
This can be caused by App ID prefix, when you switching different developer accounts. See for Apple's support.
For me, this issue happened because I have signed in with a different account than the account I have installed the app on the iPhone with.
Just delete the app from the iPhone and run it again from Xcode.
I tried a few thing myself like updating/making new provisioning profiles, fixing entitlements in Apple Member Center and in project but in my case, I simply had to delete the application and re-run it.
This application's application-identifier entitlement does not match
that of the installed application.
NOTE: it says "...does not match the installed application"
I guess it happened for me because we added a new app extension and there must have been some target related migration issues? Not sure but anyways
I found that I had accidentally changed the provisioning profile to have a wildcard in it.
Ie., it went from com.companyname.appnickname to com.companyname.*
I made a new provisioning profile with the full name correctly named, downloaded it, set the Target->build settings->provisioning profile to that new profile, restarted xcode, got a bizarre error from xcode (it seemed to confuse my various app developer logins), restarted xcode again, and it worked!
I didn't want to delete the existing app, because I was trying to test what happens when a user upgraded their app to a newer version, so I had installed the app store version and then run my xcode with the newer version (which acts like 'upgrading' the app without removing any user data).
I had the same error and I solved it by changing Bundle Identifier to something new. After that it build project with no problem.
My steps:
Open Xcode
Go to General tab
Find Identity
Change Bundle Identifier to something new.
This happened when I tried installing over top of an adhoc build.
In most of the responses to this issue, there's one critical aspect being overlooked that was brought up by the original asker. The app needs to be installed without deleting the existing install. In my case, the app uses an SQLite database that stores quite a bit of data for the user. Obviously, if you delete the app, then you delete the data. A solution that allowed me to test it in the same way a user will update it was a must.
In my case, the issue was Xcode using a provisioning profile automatically generated by Xcode. This probably happened because I got a new computer and didn't transfer the distribution provisioning profile over. Not to mention, I had not updated the app in almost 2 years. So my original provisioning profile (which contains the Entitlements application-identifier) was long gone. Solution: in Xcode preferences-> Accounts-> Select the appropriate Apple ID-> View Details-> Under Provisioning Profiles, right-click on the Xcode-generated profile for that app (it's prefixed with XC iOS), and select Move to Trash.
On the developer website, create a new distribution profile with your App's ID. Download the new profile, double click and Xcode should automatically install it. Conversely, you could return to the profiles listed in Xcode and tap the Download button next to your newly created profile. Build the app and try running again. By the way, my Xcode is set to automatically manage code signing, which other than this issue works great.
I had the same issue. The bundle.identifier and the name of the project has to be the same. At least that was my issue.
I had the same error until I restored the watch to factory defaults as per
"Apparently if you have and existing WatchOS 1 app and try to update it to WatchOS 2 the bundle identifier changes and causes this error. If you update your watch you will need to do reset it if you had installed WatchOS1 app before updating that app to WatchOS2."
Even though I followed some few logical steps: uninstall app, rebuild project, the only solution that worked for me was: restart XCode. (XCode 8.1)
TLDR - delete the app from the device and run again.
In my case :
1. I compiled and run the app on the iPhone device.
2. I open in the setting the Capabilities and turn on the iCloud
3. Then I try to run the app again, boom, error : "App installation failed
This application's application-identifier entitlement does not match that of the installed application. These values must match for an upgrade to be allowed.
4.Then I deleted to app from the iPhone (after I read the answers here)
5.Everything works O.K
For the people who might be part of more than one team, this can be your problem:
If the app's bundle id is hard coded in your Info.plist then Xcode can get confused and throw this tantrum.
To fix:
Make sure that the bundle id is set as:
The accepted answer didn't work for me. To make it work I had to reset the Apple Watch to the last available backup.
Uninstall the main iPhone app, Watch app and build them again solves the problem.
I received this error after I moved from a 5s to a 6s.
I recovered the new 6s from a backup of the old iPhone.
Because of this on the new iPhone the old app was installed.
The old app did not show up in the 6s "Installed Apps" list!
I manually deleted this old app from the 6s and everything was fine.
I encountered this issue because I built to the phone with my code signing turned off from another machine, so you need to uninstall the app from the phone before installing/building to the phone with code signing on.
I faced the same issue today and resolving it by just changing the Display Name and Bundle Identifier from the previous App that also installed on my iPhone.
Xcode -> General tab -> Find Identity -> Change Bundle Identifier
So, now I have two same Apps with same functionality but with two different names and identity.
In my case it was because of the certificate.
because my own certificate to sign the app wasn't part of the developper team (new employee), upgrading the app from the App Store to a new version wasn't allow.
So in case it happen to you and you can't manage to obtain a "good" certificate, just clone the git appStore version, open two Xcode projects, compile the old version, update the settings as you wish, the compile the new one and you're done.
a little bit dirty and tricky but I hope it could help someone.
My problem was the App ID in combination with the certificate used to create the provisioning profiles. None of my provisioning profiles were working because none of them were "Elgible" (created with a certificate that matched the App ID). I had moved development to a new machine, so perhaps this was the deeper reason. At any rate I had to create a new certificate, then new provisioning profiles with that certificate being careful to choose the right App ID when creating them. Good luck.
None of the answers above worked for me.
My problem: I had installed an App Version from Testflight, so, I just deleted both, the old app and the Testflight version, and is working again.
Accepting the pending agreements from the developer website and iTunes Connect website and reopening the project in X-Code solved the situation for me.
For me, this occurred after updating to XCode 11,
like the others have said, it is a signing issue.
What fixed it for me was to go to Developer portal > Certificates & Identifiers
Edit the provisioning profile you are using
List of certificates Screenshot
You'll see that there's certificate for XCode 11 (as seen on screenshot)
Just tick that box, re download the profile, and update your projects signing with the new profile.
With MacOS Catalina, your iPhone will be displayed in the 'Locations' sidebar of Finder windows (as long as you've got the Finder preferences set up to show external devices) - you can then access the files via the 'Files' option which is available from the bar near the top of the window, just below the title (in my case I had to click the '>' at the right).

IOS: Code signing error Xcode 6.3.1 [duplicate]

I've build a new application which is going to support IOS 7. I got the new XCode 5 GM and tried to sign my apps using my fresh provisioning profile and distribution certificate, but i'm having trouble with distribution. I constantly get the following error:
"Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app
bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the
provisioning profile. According to the provisioning profile, the
bundle contains a key value that is not allowed:
'[ ]' for the key 'keychain-access-groups".
Also the same error for a key value called application-identifier.
Screenshot of the errror:
The solution lies in the new option in Xcode 5 which says provisioning profile. Just set the project target's provisioning profile to the right one and it'll work.
If you are like me and you think you tried EVERYTHING, archived your project over ten times, banged your head on the keyboard and still get this error. Please do yourself a favor and simply Restart XCode, it worked for me. Sometime Apple... I hate you.
I went through many of the steps above but what finally worked for me was refreshing my profiles in Xcode. Not sure why it was necessary since my app's distribution profile was showing up in the list already. Here are the steps:
Xcode Preferences
Accounts tab
Select your Apple ID
Hit the View Details button in the Apple ID detail panel
Hit the Refresh button in the lower left corner
In my case, i activated the same capabilities in Xcode that in Application services in Thats works for me
In my case (sorry) I switched "Team" to "None" in -> General -> Identity
In another case I needed to switch this identity from "None" to the developer account managing the identities and profiles.
Xcode sometimes messes up greatly with code signing, it seems. Or, we mere mortals simply aren't clever enough to understand what it is doing, of course. Don't give up, we're all going through some code signing torture at times!
In my case, I had to set correct Provision Profile for Release, and then had to restart Xcode. Before restarting, it had same provision profile, and didn't work. So, sometimes a restart can do miracles. Maybe this helps somebody.
If someone uses a GameCenter then check this section in your target. I worked with some old project and there were 2 errors (but everything worked fine). Disabling and enabling it back solved this problem.
Most likely this action adds Game Center entitlement to App ID and and handle it itself.
1.Go to project folder, delete *.entitlements files.
2.Then go yo in xcode project target -> build settings -> code signing entitlements - delete values
Ah, this glorious error. For me whenever I see this error I check the following things:
1. Allow XCode to access your provisioning profile info all the time - If XCode keeps asking when you start it up to have access to your computer's private files so that it can get provisioning profile information with the options to allow access always, not now, or just one time - set it to ALWAYS ALLOW access
2. If you have any old entitlement files kicking around your project get rid of them and any sign of them - if you see a .entitlements file in your project delete it (or at least remove the reference to it if you aren't sure you are ready to outright delete it), then make sure the 'Code Signing Entitlements' line under the 'Code Signing' section in Build Settings is empty
3. Check your Application Services online and match them up with your Services in XCode for the app - Go to the Apple Member Center and check the App ID for your app, click on the app to see its 'Application Services' and see what you have checked, then go to XCode and check your 'Capabilities' section to make sure the two have the same list of Apple services on both
4. Make sure you assign a valid Provisioning Profile to your app before validating - double check your provisioning profile for your app in the Apple Member Center, make sure it isn't expired, has the right App ID with the correct bundle id and distribution. Download and click on the new provisioning profile to make sure XCode has it, or go to XCode > Preferences > Accounts > click on your account and 'View Details' then click the bottom corner button to Sync all the profiles to XCode. You should have the profile available to select now in the 'Code Signing' section. Once you have the correct provisioning profile then you can set the 'Code Signing Identity' lines to the correct option for that provisioning profile.
Note - if doing a distribution certificate it can help to set all the 'Code Signing Identity' lines to the identity you use for distribution including the debug lines
5. IF ALL ELSE FAILS - Clean your project and Restart XCode and some Apple magic may just work fine the next time you open your project and try to Validate
If you're building an old 3.1.5 project, Xcode 5 has some bugs which unfortunately makes Benjamin's answer impossible, as there are no Provisioning profiles to pick from. After many a late hour of tormented reading of Xcode project files I came up with this solution that worked for me:
In the Utilities pane (to the right) in Xcode 5, under project Document, change from Xcode 3.1-compatible to Xcode 3.2 compatible.
Enter your organization name.
Close project.
Open your project file, e.g. open -a TextEdit path/to/name.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Remove the two Distribution clauses (isa=XCBuildConfiguration).
Remove the two accompanying lines in buildConfiguration (one in PBXNativeTarget and one in PBXProject XCConfigurationLists)
Now you're ready to re-open, archive and submit to App store - voilà! It works again!
How I think it works
I assume this works because Apple somewhere along the line decided to drop the need for any separate distribution config, which is a good thing. When I archive, Xcode automatically code signs for distribution. That's the way it should have been implemented in the first place, it's just a shame that Apple can't make auto-migration part of the IDE; instead they force us developers to spend man-decades to make this stuff work.
I have been struggling with this problem for more than a day now, trying all kinds of solutions suggested here and elsewhere on the internet. Nothing worked...
But, I finally managed to solve the problem!
The problem I had was with an old app that I haven't touched in over 3 years, and now I was about to release a long awaited update. Since the time I released the app, Apple has been updating how the certificates and App Id works. They have introduced the concept of Team Id which seems to be recommended to use.
In particular, the Apple's "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" site, has seen a lot of changes since then.
There I realized that the Provisioning Profile I was using for App Store Distribution were connected to the App Id* but looking at the App Id for the game I was about to submit I notice that the App Id was So the App Id prefix did not match!
That seemed to be the root of the problem. So what I did was to create a new Provisioning Profile connected to the App Id instead. Using that Provisioning Profile I successfully submitted my app to App Store and now I just keep my fingers crossed that everything else works fine at Apple's side.
(I first tried to connect to new Provisioning profile to the wildcard Id* instead, but that didn't seem to work).
But what puzzles me is that when I look at the old App in iTunes Connects and goes to Binary Details, it says that the App Id is So why is the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" page listing the App Id as
My problem was solved by removing my Apple ID from Preferences->Accounts and then adding it back again. Then all my provisioning profile files showed up on the View Details utility panel. I was mistakenly choosing "Mac Team Provisioning Profile:*" instead of the actual distribution provisioning profile for the project thinking that it was a generic selection. Provisioning files must be specific to the project. Oh, and BTW, make sure your provisioning profile has the correct entitlements (for example, Maps). I managed to release an app with OSX Maps without the entitlement and Apple approved it -- but no Maps showed up on the production version!
In my case, I had the same problem, my solution was to change the 'Release Provisioning Profile' in the Build Settings before doing Archive. I do this twice, once for App Store distribution, and another one for Ad Hoc distribution. I also add a comment on my archives. My conclusion is that there is something broken about the "archive re-signature".
There is a very good tutorial for solving that problem on this website.
It says that this problem can occur when your Projects Bundle Identifier is different to the one you entered on the iTunes Connect Website.
I think xcode 5 uses "release" instead of "distribution" that you may created yourself.
If all above didn't work (in my case after couple of days no luck trying everything) I have only one Mac application. BE CAREFULL WITH REVOKE!
1) Revoke by hand all "Mac App Distribution" & "Mac Installer Distribution"
2) Clean relevant certificates and open-keys in Keychain (Warning: export before delete)
3) Restart Xcode
4) Go to (in Safari) -> certificates etc.
5) Create CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest in Keychain->Certificate assistant
6) Create by hand on both "Mac App Distribution" & "Mac Installer Distribution" with your *.certSigningRequest
7) Provisioning Profiles -> Distribution -> create/fix custom provision for AppStore (I'm specially named it as "Mac provision profile for AppStore"
8) Xcode -> Settings -> Account -> Your account -> Refresh
9) Xcode Clean -> Archive -> Validate
I have been struggling with similar problem (I was building for Ad-Hoc distribution). Only thing that has changed since last successful deploy, was adding two devices to provisioning profile.
After double- and triple- checking all build settings, I regenerated provisioning profile (without changing anything), re-downloaded and it worked fine.
So note to self: if there is no logic explanation, you can always try good old IT voodoo.
I also recommend iPhone Configuration Utility, which despite its name, is useful for checking what provisioning profiles you have on computer.
ERROR ITMS-9000: “This bundle is invalid. New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with public (GM) versions of XCode 5.1.1 or higher and iOS 7 SDK. Do not submit apps built with beta software.
If multiple developers are using the same member center account. One of them can't use a certificate created by others cause they used a certificate request created using their computers.
You need to use a certificate created by you (certificate request
created using your computer).
Alternative, told them to send you the Developer Profile. not sure of the name. to use a certificate created on another computer.
Code signing Entitlements occur because of your resource does not contain Entitlements file in resources,Just go to build setting and search code signing Entitlements delete entry for debug and release, build project again you will see there is no error. Cheers
I had the same problem, but nothing written here worked for me. However, I found a simple way that worked for me. Here's how to do it:
1) In your Project and your Target(s) build settings, choose "None" for all Provisioning profiles, and choose "Don't Code Sign" for all Code Signing Identities.
2) Now, choose your Target and go to build settings. In Code Signing Identity Release setting, choose "iOS Distribution" for "Any iOS SDK". And then, in Provisioning Profile Release setting, choose your distribution profile for "Any iOS SDK". After that your Code Signing Identity Release setting should automatically change to "iPhone Distribution".
3) Archive your build and validate. Now it should work fine. That's it!
