Olingo - OData Help needed? - odata

Am pretty new to OData.
Per my internet reading what I've gathered is Apache Olingo is better (vs OData4j) for Java implementation of OData service and OData consumer.
Can you please help me with sample code of Olingo service and Olingo consumer?
Any help in this regard is much appreciated.
Have a good one.

First you'll want to consult Olingo's documentation here. Their documentation is alright for basics but once you start extending it there's not much out there. As you can tell from no one answering this for 18 hours OData doesn't seem to be a hot topic right now.
If you want to create a basic service without JPA this is a good resource: OData Service with Olingo
If you want to create an OData service that uses JPA this is a good resource: OData JPA Web App. Also this one is helpful Olingo OData with MySQL.
Here's a document on how to create a client: Olingo Client We actually use Excel as a client which is quite nice for Excel users. However, there are times when Excel has compatibility issues with certain features (EDM Complex Types). Here's some good documentation on how to use Excel and OData


Olingo odata 2 structure and flow of work

Recently I joined new company. In that company they are using odata 2 for REST API's and JPA for ORM.
Can any one explains how exactly this odata 2 olingo frameworks works. I am familiar with MVC, Spring MVC, RestController.
But I am not able to get this olinog odata 2 flow, to create project from scratch.
I believe Spring MVC knowledge will not help you to understand Olingo framework.
A good start is reading OData basics if are not familiar with this protocol.
Then you can play with Olingo. They have a great sample project, just follow instructions from the documentation.
Investigating sample project + reading examples will help you to get familiar with Olingo quickly.

Querying OData api from Redux

I have a Web API using OData that I need to query. The client application is a SPA built with React/Redux, but it looks as if most data service libraries such as isomorphic-fetch do not support OData. Can BreezeJS be useful for me in this situation? Or OLingo's ODataJs? Any examples, tutorials, resources on using these or any other OData clients with Redux? AFAIK, I just need a the client library to query an OData source and support promises. And as far as the data I get back from the server, I just need simple json objects; no need for models that support binding.
I've seen discussions of Breeze + Angular/Backbone, but can it support Redux/React?
I doubt that either Breeze or ODataJS supports ES6, so if i had to wrap them in a ES6 module, would they still function properly?
Maybe it helps if you consider that OData isn't that far off from REST. If it's just about pulling the data from a OData service, you won't need much more than jQuery.getJSON and Breeze will work too. However, if you want to do it the fancy way, and want you app to introspect the meta-model and such, you should have a look at datajs or olingo.

Will OData Service implement both metadata document and service document definitely?

I'm new to the OData protocol.
I saw that it seems like there are 2 types of well-defined resources that describe the OData Service Data Model, which are Service Document and Metadata Document.
But I want to know that if both of these two resources can be found at the OData Service definitely / for sure?
Since I did not see any restriction from the OData specifications that OData Service must fulfil these 2 resources together during implementation, I guess that there is only one type of Service Data Model that can be found from service.
I really appreciate if any one can help to clarify it.
It depends on which libraries is used to implement the OData service. For example, if the service is implemented using ASP.NET Web API for OData or RESTier, the two documents will both exist for sure.

sample app to illustrate use of OData in NancyFx

I am developing a sample app to illustrate use of OData in my application(NancyFx based).
Can any one help in get started with this.
First, I'm not familiar with NanchFx. As far as I know, it is a different framework to build Web application than Web API.
Second, what do you mean a "sample app" ? Is that a app to build an OData service or to consume a OData service? If it's for server side, maybe you need to get started with ODataLib. If it's for consuming, then maybe a little bit more options like OData client for .NET, OData client code generator, and other JavaScript library supporting OData like JayData, Olingo ODataJS, Breeze, etc. HTH

Data fetch using OData API in ios

I an new in iPhone.Currently i am working on OData based web service. But i am little confusing with how to call webservice and getting response with OData.I have below information with me.
The metadata of this service is located at :
and Base url is :: http://enumbler.azurewebsites.net/odata/User
Can anyone help me to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not familiar with IOS, but I may help with common way to consume OData services. Take one OData sample service TripPin, if you want to get all airlines, you can simple calling http://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinService/Airlines. The response is in JSON payload, you can consume this either directly dealing with JSON or use some OData client libraries for IOS. One difference your service and the sample service has may be that TripPin is OData V4 and your service is OData V3. Maybe your service doesn't support JSON but ATOM payload, but you can deal with either way I mentioned above. For more detailed information of OData, you can go directly to OData.org. Hope I helped you with part of your problem.
