sample app to illustrate use of OData in NancyFx - odata

I am developing a sample app to illustrate use of OData in my application(NancyFx based).
Can any one help in get started with this.

First, I'm not familiar with NanchFx. As far as I know, it is a different framework to build Web application than Web API.
Second, what do you mean a "sample app" ? Is that a app to build an OData service or to consume a OData service? If it's for server side, maybe you need to get started with ODataLib. If it's for consuming, then maybe a little bit more options like OData client for .NET, OData client code generator, and other JavaScript library supporting OData like JayData, Olingo ODataJS, Breeze, etc. HTH


Olingo - OData Help needed?

Am pretty new to OData.
Per my internet reading what I've gathered is Apache Olingo is better (vs OData4j) for Java implementation of OData service and OData consumer.
Can you please help me with sample code of Olingo service and Olingo consumer?
Any help in this regard is much appreciated.
Have a good one.
First you'll want to consult Olingo's documentation here. Their documentation is alright for basics but once you start extending it there's not much out there. As you can tell from no one answering this for 18 hours OData doesn't seem to be a hot topic right now.
If you want to create a basic service without JPA this is a good resource: OData Service with Olingo
If you want to create an OData service that uses JPA this is a good resource: OData JPA Web App. Also this one is helpful Olingo OData with MySQL.
Here's a document on how to create a client: Olingo Client We actually use Excel as a client which is quite nice for Excel users. However, there are times when Excel has compatibility issues with certain features (EDM Complex Types). Here's some good documentation on how to use Excel and OData

Aspnet Web Api - data contract and operations [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
ASP.NET web api: documenting/specifying a service
I'm new to Web API. It seems there is no formal definition of the input and outputs for the Web APIs, unlike SOAP-based ones where a WSDL document contains all the schema required for requests and responses to the service. I am very familiar to this concept due to my past experiences in WCF.
How a client knows how to consume those APIs ? Does we need to provide 'examples' ?
I think your best bet is to go for ASP.NET Web API Help Page nuget package - It's been released the same day as Web API RTM was released, that's why there is no so much info on the web about it yet, and why most people would still point you to IApiExplorer.
There is a really nice introduction screencast by Yao Huang from MSFT about how to use it -
It's not as low level as IApiExplorer (it operates on top of that) and should be more than fine for most use cases.
Also, if you are building a REST service do not use WSDL. It has not been designed to document REST services, and its much closer to RPC type of API.
ApiExplorer is the way to go for Webapi.
Since there is no WSDL or anything for REST Apis that can exactly tell the consuming client about the operations/ contract exposed. Webapi had IApiExplorer that can be used for generating documentation of your api

Blackberry - Consume .Net Soap Service

I am new to blackberry app development and was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction(and may be a sample application) of how to consume web service in native apps. I'm using Blackberry JDE plugin for Eclipse.
I am able to consume a restful webservice, but now I want to consume a SOAP service. I am new to eclipse , so I would require in detail information.
I followed this none-ksoap2 route and it worked well for me:
This series of articles explains how to utilise the support the BlackBerry Platform has built in for JSR 172, the J2ME Web Services Specification, by creating a java stub class through the use of a utility in the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC and the wsdl for your web service.
The articles give a very thorough and detailed explanation of the steps required to achieve the objective, so I would not wish to repeat them here in full, nor paraphrase them at the risk of my debased shorter version being quoted later. I understand the risk of answering in this way, and I realise that my short explanation above will in no way compensate should the original articles disappear from the internet.
Hey thanks for all the help. Figured it out. The problem was wcf service. When I tried with a simple web service(.asmx), it worked like charm and all the stubs were generated correctly. Probably wcf uses Soap 1.2 default and asmx service SOAP 1.1.
I even tried using KSOAP2 for calling wcf service with little success. Again switching back to asmx instead of wcf, solved the issue.
Now I have problem of plenty, which method to use(KSOAP or Stub) :)
I am all for non KSOAP method, but the only thing that is stopping me is I have to generated stub files everytime a introduce a new method.
Anyways +1 for all the help


I'm developing an ASP.NET MVC 3 application. I need this application to make use of an API I also need to implement. The API should both be available from ASP.NET MVC controller actions and Ajax. Now it is quite easy to make an API using ASP.NET MVC, but is it possible to use this from other ASP.NET MVC website actions? I guess the WCF is quite easy to use as it is just a service reference.
Other users of the API could be Windows Phone and iPhone.
Many only sees the API as a place where you consume data, but what about the part where you want to execute commands or do stuff, like add customer or change foo?
You may want to check our new WCF web API that was announced at PDC. We recently released a big upgrade. WCF Web API is designed specifically for allowing you to expose APIs to a range of clients in a pure HTTP manner. It is lightweight, offers a nice configuration story (no configuration files) and also is much easier to test.
You can download the bits at It includes various samples, and there is also a set of NuGet packs for getting you started. Search for webapi.all on NuGet.
The way I like to do this is with RESTful controller actions. You can return JSON and use your calls with JavaScript on your own site. Other websites would almost certainly understand JSON and so they'd be able to consume your API pretty easily. This is much easier to write and test than a heavy WCF layer.
Check out this question for some example REST frameworks for MVC:
ASP.NET MVC REST frameworks
One of the newer ways of accomplishing data feeds is using OData. Scott Hanselman has a great introduction to it in Creating an OData API for StackOverflow including XML and JSON in 30 minutes.
It allows you to even throw LINQ queries into your URLs to retrieve exactly the data you need.
Open Data Protocol (Official site)
Open Data Protocol (MSDN, Microsoft)
WCF JSON binding was really terrible last time I used it. WCF also comes with all sorts of crazy rules about streams and how you have to use [MessageBody] attributes for everything.
It was a real PITA to me.
I knew I've answered something like this before:
What is the best way to implement a RESTful architecture in .NET today?

How to use SOAP in mvc

A 3rd party site sends its notifications after my web application has completed some action in order to notify me of its success. Receiving a notification item requires a response back to the 3rd party server (URL) with the a containing the value "accepted".
I have never user SOAP and with the basic info found I'm a bit lost for the case of mvc. Are there any good links showing the principle of receiving and sending SOAP responses?
Tutorials / information may be presented in other languages such as java, (classic) or something. I need to get a general idea since googling on SOAP has not given me anything for the past few hours.
You need to learn a little about WCF. See the WCF Developer Center, especially the Beginners Guide.
What you want is to create a simple WCF service that corresponds to the WSDL that they will give you. You will need to implement only the operation (method) that they will call to notify you. You can host a WCF service in IIS along with the rest of your application.
The issue will be how to correlate the notifications with the page you're on in your MVC application.
I don't think this is specific to ASP.NET MVC really. If you have a WSDL for their web service, just use that to generate stub classes using either wsdl.exe or by adding a web reference to your project, then call the web service from your controller.
If I remember correctly SOAP is basically xml requests and responses.
You might want to look into WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) to avoid having to deal with raw data, and you would likely find a great deal of tutorials on wsdl as well.
