How Facebook App integrate with Siri. Any Apple Framework to do that? - ios

I have an task to make ours company application more voice controlled. To do this I would like to integrate it with Siri the same way like Facebook app integrates (Look at the screens). How can I accomplish this. I was looking for some frameworks on Apple side that can let me do it but I can't find any suitable framework to do it. I know this must be something like service extension or app extension that is starting with iOS (not with my application) because Siri knows that the Facebook is integrating with it even when the Facebook app is turned off. Take a look at those screens to see what kind of integration I'm talking about. This screens can be opened when I say to Siri: "What can You do":

As the comment mentioned, Apple decided to partner with certain companies and integrate these features into the OS and it's impossible for you to do so yourself. If you go to the Settings menu, you'll notice you can link your Facebook/Twitter/Flickr/Vimeo account even if you don't have the corresponding apps installed.


Tracking app installation and campaign details without Third-party APIs

For my iOS App, I am using Campaign Links from App Store Connect for advertisement purposes, and sometimes use Branch links.
Is it possible to get Campaign details inside app after installation is done natively without using any third party SDKs?
I would like to know from which campaign the installation came from with apple provided technology.
Is it possible to get the details inside the app programatically?
I have heard that In Android, they can achieve the functionality using InstallReferrerClient of the library
Do we have any similar option for iOS?
Please guide, Thank you.

Migrate one of the features in the Android application to iOS

I plan to make an iOS application in the future. How do you create a dialog like the one below on the iOS app? Like Android. Look at the screenshots.
UPDATE: my goal is to make users choose one of their emails to use for a login or register

Can you set up iOS Universal Links without a separate website?

Is it possible to set up iOS universal links without having a separate website?
For example, if you want a universal link that 1) opens your iOS app if the user has it installed on their device and 2) opens up the App store listing on any device without the app installed.
It seems that having a separate domain you control is the standard way to do it. The Apple documentation (here), and other guides like here and here, seem to make it pretty clear that you need to add the JSON code in the Apple App Site Association file to a separate website that you control.
But is it possible to set up universal links without that website?
For an iOS mobile app developer, setting up a separate website, dealing with website hosting, etc. is distinct from building an iOS app, and an involved additional task to go through just for universal links. Many developers might have a site already or have experience building websites in addition to mobile apps, but it's still a different thing than building mobile apps.
So I'm surprised if Apple assumes app developers have a website ready to go for the purpose. I note there are non-Apple alternatives that do similar things that clearly don't require a website.
Edit: I am familiar with alternative linking systems, such as Firebase and Branch. I want to see how you can do it with Apple Universal Links.
So let's say you want to stick with Apple universal links. Is there a way to do it without setting up a website, dealing with hosts (and potential costs for that), etc?
If it is necessary, what would be the cheapest and easiest way to set up the bare minimum site for a mobile developer that would work for universal links?

Are Google Play and Apple Store allows InAppBrowser of ionic to view a website only?

Before create a new account for iOS, android to upload web app to Google play and apple store, I want to ask:
Are they allows developer to upload an application that use InAppBrowser of Ionic to view website through that uploaded app ?
We need this to keep our work up to the latest date of updates for all users without need so many versions for both iOS and android.
So, are there any positive, negative or past experiences related to this topic ?
If you take a look at the review guidelines from Apple, it states that
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store.
I would make the case to package your app as an Ionic app, and use either Ionic Deploy, or Code Push to update the content of your app on the fly. Note: This type of deployment cannot update Cordova dependencies, but it does let you keep your html, css and js files up to date.
In general yes, they allow this, but they might get confused (specially Apple) and ask you to be careful about the links that you open inside your app.
For example, Apple has certain guidelines about apps that buy/sell cryptocurrency. If you put a link to a buy/sell cryptocurrency website and open it inside the inAppBrowser, the app reviewer might "think" your app is for buying/selling cryptocurrencty and you might get rejected as a result.
However, if you put links to normal website, for example CNN, they should be ok with it, as there are many apps that already do this.

How to get listed in the share menu?

I'm creating a messaging app and I would like to enable other apps to share text to my app via the share menu option.
How do I get my app listed in there?
This is the menu I would like to get listed in:
In iOS 8, Apple has now enabled a way for you to add your application to a user's Share Sheet as one of many features of Extensibility, which aims to make your app available to the user even when closed.
You can read a lot more about share extensions here, or go straight to Apple's pre-release documentation to dive into the code.
Update: Above link of Apple documentation is not working, check here App Extension Programming Guide: Share
You can do this by adding a few entries into your apps info.plist.
Here's a post that should answer this for you.
slashdot post
also here another link
You can't automatically be added to the UIActivityViewController in other apps. The only things that appear on that "share menu" are a few predefined apps that Apple has added support for, as well as any other app specific activities an app decides to add.
You can setup your app to appear in a list of apps for opening a file but that is not the same as what you are asking for here.
