Migrate one of the features in the Android application to iOS - ios

I plan to make an iOS application in the future. How do you create a dialog like the one below on the iOS app? Like Android. Look at the screenshots.
UPDATE: my goal is to make users choose one of their emails to use for a login or register


Xamarin - How do I get my application to show up in the Open in... menu of "Photos"?

I want to add my app to iOS share menu (like instagram, facebook etc), and open selected items in my app. I develop xamarin forms app and I can do it on Xamarin Android. For iOS, I follow this documentation:
And I follow this article:
And I can do it in ios. But it only work for "Files". I also want to do this in the "Photos". My first question: How can I do this on photos?
And I receive responses with OpenUrl. If user makes multiple select and after they select share with xamarin app, how to receive responses? Because OpenUrl gets only one file.
Thank you in advance.

How to open an app in my flutter app without making it fill up the whole screen?

I'm trying to make a flutter app that can open Instagram, twitter or any other app.
But, I don't want the app to fill up the whole screen. I also want to display the app inside of my own app like this:
Is there a way to display an app like this?
This is not possible.
Opening other apps require their permission.
This means that you need development access for those apps.
The way an app is displayed is handled by the OS and that functionality is not accessible for iOS and Android developers to be customised.

How Facebook App integrate with Siri. Any Apple Framework to do that?

I have an task to make ours company application more voice controlled. To do this I would like to integrate it with Siri the same way like Facebook app integrates (Look at the screens). How can I accomplish this. I was looking for some frameworks on Apple side that can let me do it but I can't find any suitable framework to do it. I know this must be something like service extension or app extension that is starting with iOS (not with my application) because Siri knows that the Facebook is integrating with it even when the Facebook app is turned off. Take a look at those screens to see what kind of integration I'm talking about. This screens can be opened when I say to Siri: "What can You do":
As the comment mentioned, Apple decided to partner with certain companies and integrate these features into the OS and it's impossible for you to do so yourself. If you go to the Settings menu, you'll notice you can link your Facebook/Twitter/Flickr/Vimeo account even if you don't have the corresponding apps installed.

How to pass objects/data between my iOS applications

I have an existing iOS application on the app store, and I am building a new companion app to work with this existing app.
I need to pass objects/data from this new app to my existing app when a certain action is taken. The behaviour I'm looking for is very similar to AirDrop but the data is passed to another app on the same device.
The objects I want to pass locally between apps are simply NSObject's.
As per your comment you wants to share NSObjects between your iOS apps. The best approach would be "Custom URL Schemes". But in this approach you may need to add or re write some parts in your old iOS App as well.
checkout this SO Answer for more info on implementing custom url scheme and history of sharing data between ios apps.
Apple documentation for sharing data is also available.
If your app supports greater than iOS 8 you can also use the new feature called "App Group Functionality"

Apple App rejection due to non native buttons and features

While developing a phonegap smartphone application which runs on ios/android and bb v6+, im using a web service call to google maps and using tags for navigating through the application. I received an answer from apple with the following rejection message:
We found the following issues with the user interface of your app:
- Did not include iOS features. For example, it would be appropriate to use native iOS buttons and iOS features.
Additional user interactive features are needed.
My app has 2 buttons, one for searching and one to view the search results, both of which are non-native, html < button > tags.
Is it possible to use the native iOS buttons with a phonegap project, i.e using the search button (magnifying glass with word 'search' underneath), with a plugin?
Is it possible that my app was rejected for using a Google Maps web service call? if that were the case, i imagine the rejection message would be similar to the rejection message seen in this previous post
Any ideas/suggestions/guidelines would be great,
You could implement the NativeControls plugin. Judging by your screenshots a the iOS tab bar should work well with your app.
Not using native controls isn't a problem in itself. However, your app is too close to the appearance of a standard iOS settings page, which means that anything which doesn't exactly match that will feel broken.
