Place an image inside of a google maps marker icon - ios

Currently the markers on my Google Maps Map view appear to look like the first picture I uploaded, however I need to find a way to add a thumbnail in the center of the image similar to the second view, I am unsure of how to do this as the thumbnail is dynamic so I cannot set it to a specific image like I am doing by setting the marker.icon to the icons bubble image. Has anybody attempted anything like this before? The thumbnails are being retrieved from a Parse server so I cannot prepare this ahead of time with code.

I had a similar problem in a project a while back. What I did to solve it, was in the javascript I started by making all the markers set to be hidden initially. As I added each one I added an eventListener to the src of the icon image so that when it loaded I could switch the marker on with setAnimation("BOUNCE") to make it look intentional. That's the idea and it worked for me. Let me know if you run into any bumps.


ios mapkit markers load their images in unpredictable way

So, i am using native mapkit and load markers in json format.When i parse my json i have a special parameter, which detects what image should be used as icon(from images.xcassets) for current marker.But every time i load it, smth goes wrong and image assigns in unpredictable way and when i scroll map to new position and then back, markers again change their icons .Moreover, the same algorithm works fine on android using native sdk.I don't think the problem is in parse algorithm, but in map itself.Any suggestions?
Have a look at reuse identifiers for annotation views. It sounds like you are reusing views when you don't want to be, thus the new image is never set.

view images in ios7 app and make interactive

ok guys im not to shure where to start with this one its a first for me but i have a floor plan that i would like to show in my IOS7 App and i know i want the user to shrink and grow the image so he or she can zoom in to areas of the map. it would be nice if they could click on the an area of the image and it would be linked to data in my parse database. but i think thats a long way off for me.....
but for now just to let the user shrink and grow and rotate the image would be nice.
anyone got any tutorials they can point me to?
Have a look at Apple's PhotoScroller example. Here an ARC-ready version.
This will not cover rotating the image, but you can easily get this by following this tutorial.

how to let user drop interactive pin/marker on one uiimage

Right now I am working on one application which needs to have an interactive image.
While the user is viewing this image, they should be able to drop pin/marker onto the image by tap any location on the image. Once a pin/marker is dropped on the image, user should be able to tap the pin/marker again to add some comments to the pin, delete this pin/marker or even some other operation.
Right now, I am using the MKOverlayView to hold my image and put the MKOverlayView into a MKMapView so that I can use customized annotations to do that. However, there are always some zooming issues when I limited the visible region of the view(Because I do not need the entire world map). More importantly, I find out that I cannot get rid of the leftbuttom legal link(I need to submit my app to app store. And Apple does not allow it.) Also, each time when I first load the app, I can definitely see the mapping is loading and the map grid. And I do not want user to see it.
So I am thinking to find some other ways. Can anyone provide me a more feasible way to implement it, like some similar project example or tutorial? Any help is appreciated.

iOS How to create a custom image picker/browser

I have been looking around and haven't found a good answer for this.
Instagram uses an image browser/picker like . As you can see above the images from the photo gallery are displayed in a grid below and you can directly choose image from there instead of using the default image picker layout.
The Groupme app also does something similar..
Where images are displayed in a horizontal scrollable list and you can just choose from this.
I have been reading up on the image picker and the documentation says that subclassing is not support.
So my question is:
How do you create something like this?
If this is just a custom view that loads the images stored on the device. How do I access those images?
I just need a starting point and what to specifically look for (custom browser/image picker etc).
Thanks in advance.
You use the ALAssetsLibrary APIs, docs here.

grabbing a screenshot from gmaps4rails

So yeah we're trying to display a pretty small version of the map and all the user interface elements were getting in the way.. and we realized a screenshot would probably be just fine, so just wondering if it's possible to generate a screenshot of a map position and just have it display as an image instead of an interactable map.
You can use Google Static Maps to show a non-interactive map without user interface controls (zooming buttons etc.)
As they return an image file it is easy to cache. Please note that Google does not allow caching of maps due to copyright reasons of the map owner, but probably caching is not necessary with the static map.
