"No provisioning profiles found" in Xcode - ios

When I create an iOS project on my own, I can build it without any problem. I downloaded a project for testing purposes and now I get:
No provisioning profiles found
No non-expired provisioning profiles were found
In this case I downloaded an Xcode project from one of Apples tutorial pages.

Change your build setting for Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile first both in project and target...
Check image below ...
Change your Team from General tab...
Check image below ...
i hope this will help you...

In some cases that error can be caused by "Generic iOS Device" being selected as active scheme.
Changing that to a specific device solved the problem for me.


No matching provisioning profiles found for WatchKit extension when submitting to App Store

I'm using xcode 6.3
xcode had created a provisioning profile "xxx.xxx.xxx.watchkitextension" automatically, in the code signing of watchkit extension target, I've tried choosing this profile or leaving it Automatic, they all giving me this error "Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets" when I submit it to App Store.
Any ideas? thanks.
This problem looks similar to this question.
Submit WatchKit Provisioning Error
I had the same problem. Here is the solution that worked for me.
Technical Q&A QA1830 The beta-reports-active Entitlement Q: How do I resolve the "beta-reports-active" code signing error? https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1830/_index.html
I had to regenerate the "Distribution" Provisioning Profile that I was using to submit my entire app, before I included the WatchKit extension. Specifically, these steps fixed my problem:
I logged onto developer.apple.com, selected "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".
On the Certs IDs & Profiles website > Provisioning Profiles page, click the App Store profile.
Click 'Edit'
Click 'Generate'
Following steps help me out:
1.Make sure "App Groups" in Capabilities page in Container target and Extension target.
2.Goto Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > YOUR_ACCOUNT > View Details ..., CTRL+Click one of the Profiles and open in Finder. Move all Profiles to Trash.
3.Open "App Groups" in Container target and Extension target. Xcode will generate two profiles for you, just like iOSTeam Provisioning Profile: YOURAPPID and iOSTeam Provisioning Profile: YOURAPPID.watchkitextension.
(Make sure your container target and WatchKit App target choose the first one as PP,and your extension target choose the second one).
4.If everything goes well, you can do whatever build, run and submit.
I needed to revoke my certificates (preferences -> accounts). After that XCode offered to recreate them. All fine now. Not sure whether this has unwanted side effects as previous certificates are now invalid.
I had the same error message trying to submit an update to a Watch App that was previously rejected. Since i had previously uploaded, I did not see this error. I used a support incident to get help after exhausting all paths.
I got a response in just 1 or 2 business days -- which at first annoyed me. They said i needed to reset everything to use "team provisioning profiles" and all would be fine. I am an individual developer, so my "team profile" is just mine... but I did walk through all the steps and ta-da, much to my surprise, everything worked and the errors went away. Nothing really to do with any of the application specific or other provisioning profiles i had -- i must have changed a "signing identity" somewhere so Xcode's automatic resolution / fix up did not work.
Apple's message was:
Team-based signing should be used in Xcode 5 and later: it’s the recommended workflow and is what’s covered in App Distribution Guide. Team based code signing requires resetting of all code signing settings in each targets build settings to their defaults. Xcode will no longer use the Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile build settings, but instead choose the best combination of signing identities and provisioning profile for the scheme being built.
Technical Q&A QA1814 - Setting up Xcode to automatically manage your provisioning profiles
Which is quite clear and solved all my problems.

Xcode The executable was signed with invalid entitlements [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
The executable gets signed with invalid entitlements in Xcode
(40 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I would install an application in my mobile phone by using Xcode but it was not installed with following an error message.
Error Message
"The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016)"
Matters of Inquiry
Why does the error message occur while I install the application?
Would you mind if you can give me the solution of this problem?
Check if you are using Entitlement file in Build Setting > Code Signing Section.
If yes, try deleting that file name.
You are using Entitlement file
The entitlements file defines certain capabilities of your app. Usually, the file is automatically generated by Xcode when you enable a capability for your app. You only need the file if you enable certain capabilities, e.g. Healthkit integration. If you'd like to use these features, you have to add it. Otherwise, Apple will reject your app.
To fix this
Go to the build settings of your target.
Make sure that you have "All" selected instead of "Basic"
Type "entitlements" into the search box
The result is the build setting where you can specify where your
entitlements file is located
Remove them
You are using the wrong Provisioning Profile
A provisioning profile is a collection of digital entities that uniquely ties developers and devices to an authorized iPhone Development Team and enables a device to be used for testing. A Development Provisioning Profile must be installed on each device on which you wish to run your application code.
Go to Build Settings > Code Signing > Provisioning Profile
Select a development profile under Team
Please ensure that the Team in the project, target and tests are the same.
Bundle Identifier and App ID do not match
Go to the build settings of your target
Select Packaging and change your App ID to match the Bundle ID
Clear cache in Xcode
Command-Option-Shift-K to clean out the build folder. Even better, quit Xcode and clean out ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData manually.
You are using wrong provisioning profile to build your app on devices make sure you are using right type of profile. I was using App Store Deployment profile to build on devices. Use ad-hoc profiles or development profiles to build on your devices.
You are using the wrong Provisioning Profile i.e. Distribution for development. Go to Build Settings > Code Signing > Provisioning Profile and select a development profile.
Check the if your "Code Signing" configurations are same on "PROJECT>Build Settings" and "TARGETS>Build Settings".
Personnally, I use for both:
- "Code Signing identity": iOS Developer
- "Provisioning Profile" : Automatic
Check your "Team" parameter at your targets. It should be the same for your project and tests.
For me none of the above answers worked. I tried to remove every code signing certificate from Keychain and build the app. When I resolved all code signing related errors for my target I still had some of them in Tests target. It has been set by someone else from my team before. I just switched to iOS Developer, and the invalid entitlement error went away.
I was getting this problem after moving app from one account to another. I tried all the solutions given by others, those might be correct in other cases. But I fixed the problem by going File -> Workspace Settings -> Build System and choosing "Legacy Build System". I'm using XCode 10.3.
I faced this problem and my problem was My Bundle Identifier and AppID was not matched. Please change your Bundle Identifier in Build Settings->Packaging like your AppID.
Just goto Apple developer portal from where you have downloaded provisioning profile.
Select your profile click edit and check whether all certificates are selected or not.
In my case selecting all certificates and downloading that new profile solved the above mentioned issue.
Also make sure in your schema you have set "Build configuration" to the correct configuration, in most cases "Debug".
I got this error when export the ipa with App Store provisioning wrongly during CI process. My intention was to export with Adhoc provisioning.
I had the same error. My problem was that I checked 'Enable HealthKit' in Entitlements.plist, but I did not enable HealthKit when I created the App Id.
In short, all entitlements in your app (Entitlements.plist file in your project) should be configured on the provisioning profile you use (Provisioning profile = app ID + certificate + information about devices your app can run on).
Had the same problem that suddenly popped up in my project from one day to the next.
What fixed it for me was turning "Automatically manage signing" off and on again for both targets and making sure the right development team was selected once it was on again (defaults to none in my project).
It could seems a easy solution but I solved updating my iPhone's iOS version.
All answers I have seen talk only about xcode update. It was strange because my old iOS version was iOS 13.3.3 and it worked on another iPhone with iOS 13.6. After updating to iOS 13.7 it worked.

Xcode6 error: "No matching provisioning profiles found for application"

I'm trying to submit my iOS app in Xcode6. When I click Submit or Validate in the organizer, a window pops up that says:
Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets:
Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and
failed to do so because of the following issues:
No matching provisioning profiles found for "Applications/MyApp.app”
None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified
entitlements: application-identifier, beta-reports-active,
I have created a distribution provisioning profile for this app in the member center and it appears in Xcode.
I've looked around and have not found anything online that has told me how to fix this. Can anyone help? Thanks.
There's a couple possibilities for your issue, but the main causes is what I got from experience as well as other SO answers.
Your certificate or profile is outdated, in which case you have to go and regenerate your profiles again. I had this problem before, but Apple has described (partially) this issue.
You haven't set your profile in the Build Settings/Code Signing area, along with the appropriate certificates. Verify your Team in General/Identity and ensure that your profile is properly set.
From Xcode 5: Code signing entitlement errors (The image is a bit outdated, but its the same as Xcode 6):
You are using a beta version of Xcode.
#jaytrixz states: "I just removed Entitlements.plist in Code Signing Entitlements under Build Settings" which could possibly work. Be sure that your provisioning profiles are configured as well.
As jaytrixz, wrote in the comments...
"I just removed Entitlements.plist in Code Signing Entitlements under Build Settings "
I did the same and it worked after an hour of trying other things!
There are a lot of answers here, some have worked for me in the past, but not this time. I'd even created a new provisioning profile but that still did not help.
Based on the "None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements" part of the error I tried the following on a hunch and it worked for me:
1. add and remove a particular Capability
Go to Targets > Capabilities, and turn one on and then off.
I doubt it matters which you choose, I added "Push Notifications" (which I don't need for my app), once it was "ON", I changed it back to "OFF"
2. Archive again
I am now successfully uploading my app to the store.
Another solution, that fixed this symptom for me, can be found at: Xcode Watchkit: None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: beta-reports-active, com.apple.security.application-groups
Briefly: clear ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
If you are sure you have valid certificate and provisioning profile, then you may need to do the following:
I would suggest people to refresh the link between xCode and developer account by doing the following:
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Account -> View details -> (Refresh icon)
Otherwise you may not be able to see the provisioning profile as an option in the build settings (You may only see old profiles)
A lot of times it gives me connection error, you may need to retry.
Do this refresh every time you edit the provisioning profile or certificate online on apple developer member center
If certificates and build setting are all good, and you are part of multiple teams, make sure to select the proper team for the app.
Clean and archive again.
I had another cause for this problem.
I had 3 different Configurations (Debug, AdHoc, AppStore). I accidentally had the AdHoc Configuration selected in the Archive Scheme setting and tried to upload the generated archive to the AppStore.
So setting the Archive configuration to AppStore solved the problem for me.
It's the year 2017, and the provisions are still not just working. I had to put them on manual mode because automatic didn't worked after struggling half an hour. I have no idea what are those entitlements, i have no entitlements file.
After trying every possible fix in the world, I ended up just adding this to the entitlements file:
Find the right entitlements file by looking in Targets > Build Settings > Code Signing > Code Signing Entitlements.
Maybe it's something to do with this Apple doc, although I couldn't follow the instructions fully as certain things were missing in XCode 7 (e.g. the refresh icon in Preferences > Accounts).
Another possible cause for this message is if you accidentally did remove the 'target inclusion checkbox' for the entitlement file – in that case the error message is slightly misleading...
In my case, the problem was caused by different Bundle Identifier in Target General tab than in Build Setttings.
If you have only development provisionning profile, just create distribution also
I played with fastlane gym, and there it gave some interesting insights:
There was an error exporting your application Unfortunately the new
Xcode export API is unstable and causes problems on some project You
can temporary use the :use_legacy_build_api option to get the build to
work again
This is the according Bug-Report. Seems to be unfixed for month.
Building the app in legacy mode worked for me.
gym --use_legacy_build_api true
Hope, this helps anyone.
In my entitlement file for Health kit there was development key. I removed that and my problem resolved.
I hope this answer could help :)
There seem to be many possible causes of this error.
In my case, my app was an Enterprise release and I was clicking "Validate" when I should have been heading straight to "Export".
I found this in the Apple docs:
Validate or Submit is not intended to be used with Development, Ad Hoc or Enterprise builds. Ad Hoc or Enterprise distributions should skip straight to Export.
Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/qa/qa1830/_index.html
I ran into this issue using App Groups. To resolve, I had to log into developer.apple.com and reassign the App Group ID to my App ID.
If other solutions do not work, try going to XCode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> View Details
Now look in Provisioning Profiles section. If your provisioning profile has an action button of 'Download', click the button and download. Then try again
Create a new provisioning profile
This solution worked for me when I had this problem.
Step by step :
log onto the apple developer portal and go here : https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/production
Click the [+] add button and fill in a new profile name and select your app ID
Click the Download button, and once it has downloaded double click to open that file in Xcode
Re-Archive, and this time you should be able to upload succesfully to the store

A Productivity App Built in Swift

I tried to build the sample code in Swift provided by Apple
A Productivity App Built in Swift
But when I ran it, it pop up an error like this:
"Command /Applications/Xcode6-Beta.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-stdlib-tool failed with exit code 1"
Does anyone know how to fix it?
The actual cause is because xcode cannot code sign:
iPhone Developer: no identity found
**error: Couldn't codesign /Users/zhaoj5/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Lister-hehrkmcyuflnfucnsqcofjotmglo/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/com.example.apple-samplecode.Lister.ListerToday.appex/Frameworks/libswift_stdlib_core.dylib: codesign failed with exit code 1**
Command /Applications/Xcode6-Beta.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-stdlib-tool failed with exit code 1
This is because you are not a registered Apple Developer. If you go to project -> General, you will see there is a warning:
"This product type must be built using a provisioning profile, however, no signing identity or provisioning profile was specified, Xcode can resolve this issue by downloading a new provisioning profile from the member center."
There is a button "Fix Issue", you can enter your account information once you become a registered developer.
As the flip side to not being set up with a developer profile, I ran into this problem as a result of having duplicate certificates set up. Once I deleted all but one, Lister finally compiled.
As volatilevar mentioned, it's a problem with the project settings, though I assume you are a registered developer with access to the sample code and Yosemite beta. I had the same issue. The Provisioning Profile isn't selected because you downloaded the code and the previously selected profile doesn't exist!
If you installed Yosemite fresh, make sure you export your profile from Xcode where you were using it before and import it again in Yosemite.
Check that your profile and identity are correctly selected under General and Build Settings for the target.
If you need some guidance on moving your profile see exporting and importing.
My solution was to set both Code Signing and Provisioning Profiles to "Automatic" under My Project -> Target My Project ->Build Settings -> Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile

Code Sign error: No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates

I think I've reached the nadir of iOS provisioning hell. After migrating to a new mac and doing an archive for distribution, I received the error:
Code Sign error: No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain
any of the keychain's signing certificates
I then erased all certs and keys and provision profiles and did a "hard reset" (deleting all keys, certs, and profiles), following Apple's instructions by hand, with the same error. Then I did another hard reset and then had Xcode handle the whole thing via the Organizer, did another archive - only to see the same error.
I have all certs (WDRCA, Developer ID Cert Authority, iPhone Dev, iPhone Distribution) showing in Keychain Access, Xcode shows that it sees the dev and distribution certs, as well as the provisioning profiles, all marked with a green checkmark and "valid" status.
Code signing within the app show the correct dev and distribution is selected.
What's really troubling is that a Google search on the error shows one tech note from Apple that isn't very helpful, 2 tweets, and 3 results in Japanese - and nothing else. I contacted one of the tweeps and he said he fixed it with a hard result, which I have done twice.
Any ideas on where to go or what to do next?
Fixed it by Organizer -> Teams (select Your Team) -> Refresh (low right corner).
After removing all devices/profiles/certificates and adding/creating it did still not work here too....also removing the Xcode prefs did not help.
but it seems to in the project settings, check in the build settings under CODE_SIGN_IDENTITIY, in my project the first line was set to a old profile but not visible in the list, only if you open the pulldown, after removing that it worked.
I just had this problem as well. I finally realized that the identifier is case sensitive. For example if your product name is "StackOverflow" it automatically tags the identifier with com.yourcompanyname.StackOverflow. (this of course can be changed by going to the summary of the target). The problem lies in what the app id is in the developer portal. Make sure that the identifier in the portal matches what's in Xcode.
I have the same issue here since Xcode 4.3 install (moving from /Developer to /Applications). I found this post for changing the Xcode dir
in the terminal check what path it is set to with:
/usr/bin/xcode-select -print-path
and then if it is still set to /Developer set it to /Applications:
sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications
which worked for me to be able to do the update to 4.3.2 but this did not resolve the issue mentioned....so maybe it helps you.
After nine hours of hair pulling, cursing and burying my head in my hands... All I had to do was create a new project, transfer the files over by hand, and the error went away. Argh.
Update: My marking my own answer as correct does not mean these other answers were wrong - I didn't get a chance to try any of them.
i 've met the same problem.
the answer of the problem is simple.
you need to login your apple develpoer web site
to apply and download a profile for your app .
after double-click the download file ,
you can see the file in organization of the project in xcode .
the name of the bundle id is the type like com.yourname.appname
the xcode device choose the ios device
and the codesign of the target should choose distribution
which is one of the file in organization of the project in xcode .
A few days ago I had exactly the same problem.
The issue is related to no having the correct distribution provisioning profiles; My error was that I added a new device to the portal and did not re-download the distribution profile from the developer site.
Today I had the same issue; while it was working perfectly with the developer profile i could not archive or build a distribution package..
I had to go to the portal and manually re-download my distribution profile because new hardware was added even though I am not actively using it on the developer profile (did not check the box to add it to the provision)
Hope it helps anyone
I went straight to "but it seems to in the project settings, check in the build settings under CODE_SIGN_IDENTITIY, in my project the first line was set to a old profile but not visible in the list, only if you open the pulldown, after removing that it worked."
And that seems to have done the trick.
I fixed it by updating the bundle identifier in the project settings > targets > appName
in the info tab.
I had this problem, and fixed it by putting my scheme back to Debug, as opposed to Release.
I faced the same problem after upgrading to Xcode 4.3.2 and SDK 5.1. Everything worked perfectly in the previously version of Xcode with SDK 5.0. After many hours of hair pulling I created a new distribution certificate in the iOS Provisioning Portal->Provisioning-> Distribution Tab and after downloading it and installing it into Xcode (drag-and-drop) it works to archive after selecting the new certificate in the Code Signing area for my target.
I had the same problem after upgrading the OS/xcode so its worth to try.
the solution for me was simple,
go to the ios provisioning portal.
make sure the app certificate for the app is valid and not expired.
download again it again and double click it to install.
it should fix the problem.
I had this error when trying to build a release version - no problem occurred for debug builds. Baffling because in the code signing section of the build settings I had the same profile selected.
The solution for me was to create and download a new distribution provisioning profile, even though from the settings it appears not to be used.
I found a solution that was not on here, after looking through the errors and looking into my raw .app file, i found the solution.
Go to your target, and then "Build Phases" instead of Build Settings.
Make sure that in "Compile Sources" is your storyboard. For some reason Xcode didn't add the storyboard to this area of my file when I coppied the storyboard in.
P.S. I had to add the other .m's that i wanted in the project to this area as well (the ones that I dragged in, not created in the project)
Hope this helps
In the Target settings, in Sumary, check if Bundle Identifier is exactly the same as in itunesconnect.com
as example:
Bundle ID: com.mycompany.myapplication
I fixed mine by Analysing instead and checking that error. It indicated that my bundle ID was not lowercase as in the provisioning profile.
I actually was having this issue but whenever I tried to get into the organiser it caused XCode to crash. To resolve this issue I went into my targets and changed everything under Code Signing Identity to iPhone Developer. The target defaulted to the provisioning profile I wanted and it worked.
What worked for me is to choose "Don't code sign" and then do a build. This generates an error, but seems to clear out whatever xcode is hanging on to. Then choose the right provisioning profile and build. This has solved similar problems for me in the past.
Fixed it.
Went to Project-> general-> found an option "no provisioning profiles found" Fix Issue button. Clicked it . Automatically fixed
Reason Of Error
If you don't have any valid provisioning profile downloaded to your system's Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles folder then you might run into this error.
Login to your Apple Developer Account from Xcode->Preferences->Accounts and then download a valid provisioning profile.
Move to Target->General and select the correct Team.
Now go to Project Build Settings->Code Signing Identity and select just 'iOS Developer' and 'Automatic' in Provisioning Profiles. Your app will run smoothly.
In the Build Settings look for
General > Identity > Bundle Identifier and Team Settings. Fill in the Bundle Identifier and select Team. (this basically your publishing info). Of course as the others have written you'll need the correct dev or team account. This solution worked for me and resolved the build error.
Its because of the SUDO permission you have given while adding the platform.
Follow this link Ionic Code Sign error: No unexpired provisioning profiles
