html5 file exhibition on iphones cann't slide normallly - ios

My iOS app has some html5 pages. When you slide upper or down, then comes the question ,if you slide quickly , the page will block at some point, looks like the effect of the bounds property of scrollview,but just the opposite, it cann't show the full content on the page .only if you slide quiet slowly, then the other content on the page shows. It drives me crazy....


Google Search Assistant App browser on iPhone conflict with the bottom nav bar

I'm having an issue with the browser of the Google App on iPhone (known simply as "Google" in iTunes).
Background: on iPhone, both browsers (Google Search & Assistant and Safari) have a bottom nav-bar that appears/disappears as you scroll up and down a website page.
In any case, in many of my sites, I have a button in most pages, with position "fixed" to the bottom of the screen. In the Google browser, when I scroll up and down the page, this button appears/disappears and is replaced by the bottom nav-bar.
And when the bottom nav bar disappears and the button reappears, it is not clickable as it seems that there's an invisible layer that prevents it from happening. The "normal" behaviour in these cases seems to be for the bottom nav-bar to reappear. So, in fact, this button becomes "unclickable".
Now, when I try the same pages using Safari, the browser is "smart enough" to nudge the button up, keeping it clickable.
If you want to have a sense of this behaviour, you can find it in this page:
Why is this? Is this a bug of Google App? A feature that is not supported (fixed position)? Or something else altogether?

VoiceOver Scrolls to Top of Page when iFrame Receives Focus

I've been trying to work this out for a while but I keep coming to a dead end.
I have a youtube video embedded in an iframe on my page.
I am able to play the video just fine on my Mac when using voiceover however on my iPhone 6 and an iPad, when I use VoiceOver and the swipe gestures to move through the page and attempt to play the video, the viewport scrolls to the top of the page when focus reaches VoiceOver.
Here is a gif that is currently happening.
Incidentally, this problem doesn't occur when the youtube video is one of the first items on the page, it only happens when the video is below the fold as it were. The current has JS to make the heigh of all the divs the same.
I should mention I have seen this previous question and indeed attempted to implement it but the issue was still occurring.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.

IOS -UIWebView - changes content size

i am new to IOS programming. I am developing an ebook. I have a UIWebView below my top toolbar. on first page i am displaying the Book Picture. Problem is when i load the app first the book Picture displays fine but when i swipe back to the previous page until Book Picture displays again it shows white block above it. i think contentSize property of the UIWebView changes so that there is a white block above it. i don't know what should i do.
for example in this picture.there is a white block above it.
picture is copied from here

jQuery Mobile panel smooth scrolling

This is not a question about JQM panels scrolling independently of the page, though that is an issue I've had trouble with and almost overcome, this is about making the panel scroll smoothly and ignore the device browser's edge event (or whatever the correct term is, I'll explain below).
Basically, I'm trying to replicate the menu on Google's mobile site, which naturally isn't using JQM like us common folk. I've got it pretty close, but the scrolling animation is very rigid. I need it be momentum-based rather than fixed to your finger.
Also, when you reach the top or bottom of the menu, it's considered the extremes of the document so the browser moves the whole document up or down to indicate the edge of the page. Instead, the page should never move while the panel is open and the menu should take on this behaviour within the panel.
Since I've set the panel height to 100%, this forces the address bar on iOS Safari to come down when the menu is open. This seems to be exactly what happens on Google, but if there's a way around this I'd love to hear it.
Finally, one downside of the way I've emulated independent scrolling is to just set the content wrap as fixed when the panel is open. However, this means the page always scrolls to the top when the panel opens. Any alternatives for this would be appreciated. I suppose I could just set the page top as scrollTop or something.
To summarise:
Panel menu needs to scroll smoothly (momentum rather than direct touch)
Elastic edge on menu rather than window
iOS Safari address bar interfering with height
Page fixed at top when panel open
If any of my descriptions don't make sense, just visit on your phone and check out their menu.
ScrollFix seems to have solved all my issues.

Jquery Mobile popup causing page to scroll to top when multipage layout. (on iPhone)

I have a multipage layout and if I've navigated to a page (even the first page) and the URL now has #PageNumber in it, any closing of any popup in any manner will cause the page to scroll to the top.
Obviously, this isn't ideal, and I want to know if there's anyway to stop it.
