IOS -UIWebView - changes content size - ios

i am new to IOS programming. I am developing an ebook. I have a UIWebView below my top toolbar. on first page i am displaying the Book Picture. Problem is when i load the app first the book Picture displays fine but when i swipe back to the previous page until Book Picture displays again it shows white block above it. i think contentSize property of the UIWebView changes so that there is a white block above it. i don't know what should i do.
for example in this picture.there is a white block above it.
picture is copied from here


VoiceOver Scrolls to Top of Page when iFrame Receives Focus

I've been trying to work this out for a while but I keep coming to a dead end.
I have a youtube video embedded in an iframe on my page.
I am able to play the video just fine on my Mac when using voiceover however on my iPhone 6 and an iPad, when I use VoiceOver and the swipe gestures to move through the page and attempt to play the video, the viewport scrolls to the top of the page when focus reaches VoiceOver.
Here is a gif that is currently happening.
Incidentally, this problem doesn't occur when the youtube video is one of the first items on the page, it only happens when the video is below the fold as it were. The current has JS to make the heigh of all the divs the same.
I should mention I have seen this previous question and indeed attempted to implement it but the issue was still occurring.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.

html5 file exhibition on iphones cann't slide normallly

My iOS app has some html5 pages. When you slide upper or down, then comes the question ,if you slide quickly , the page will block at some point, looks like the effect of the bounds property of scrollview,but just the opposite, it cann't show the full content on the page .only if you slide quiet slowly, then the other content on the page shows. It drives me crazy....

iOS9: Select fields in UIWebView breaking app

We are testing how our app, which contains an UIWebView, copes with the new Split View functionality for iPads. And doing so we have run into trouble with select fields.
When the user taps a select field, a popover with the available options appears. However, when the app is resized (by pulling the divider of the split view to the left or right), we see a blank screen or a select list that takes up all of the available space and which cannot be dismissed.
Any ideas?
It seems like the best solution for now would be to dismiss the popover as soon as the resize event is fired. Hopefully, Safari will soon be updated to dismiss popovers automatically, when web views are resized.
In the meantime, you can hook up a resize handler to the window:
window.addEventListener("resize", resizeHandler);
function resizeHandler() {
This appears to be a bug in the popover in Safari. When I go through similar steps, the layout of the web page changes to fit the new dimensions. However, the popover is not re-positioned with the select field. The result is that it is detached from the field that presented it.
Following these steps, I was able reproduce your issue, but to a lesser extent than what you described:
With the split bar to the right of the iPad, tap on the select box.
Move the split bar to the center of the iPad.
The popover is no longer attached the to the select field.
Here's a screen shot of the detached popover:
Here's the original select field position:
The problem still exists with iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3 beta 2.
You can reproduce it with every third-party browser.
An HTML Select input on iPad is not working in Slide Over or Split View 1/3 width.
Currently there is no workaround possible,
expect not to use HTML select.
I have descriped details on the following side.

Resizing JavaFX WebView

I'm attempting to embed a WebView into a BorderPane as it's middle component. My app starts initially in an unmaximized mode. If I maximize the application, the webview will resize accordingly, but the html & css content will not fill the whole area (it is centered in the WebView). How would I go on fixing this? I've tried to call impl_reapplyCss() and friends, but nothing seems to help.

Font size too large while retrieving the screen from history

When I retrieve the screen from history, I get the font size of the text as so large,
I use VFM within screen and i use custom component within it, which uses Graphics class to draw text.
When i press back button, it switches to history page, which shows up, with bigFont as well as some images from the previous page also shows up.
Where could be the problem?
you mean to say that when you press back button of blackberry device then the screen that was present below the current screen in the stack appears some what distorted.
Usually it(below screen) appears the same as it was before any other screen was pushed over it.
Did u tried calling invalidate method in the onExposed method of the distorted screen.
May be it helps!!!!
