iOS build not showing anywhere in iTunes Connect - ios

I have successfully built and uploaded a new version of an app with Xcode 7.3.1 in OS X 10.11.5, but the build is not showing in iTunes Connect.
After the build process (launched through the "product->archive" menu) the Organizer opens.
There, I choose the build and click on "Upload to App Store..."
So far, everything works as expected.
After the upload, when I refresh the iTunes Connect web page (under the "Activity" tab), I briefly see the new build showing in the list.
If I refresh the page again, some seconds later, the build has disappeared. I can no longer find it anywhere in the iTunes Connect site.
When I try to repeat the process, XCode gives the following error message:
ERROR ITMS-4238: "Redundant Binary Upload. There already exists a
binary upload with build version '2.4' for train '1.5'" at
so I have to increase the version number to complete another upload.
I went through this process 3 times, the last one using Application Loader instead of XCode, but the same thing happened all the times.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
What could I do to troubleshoot this problem?
What other informations may be useful to further investigate?
More than 48 hours have passed since the first upload, still no signs of any builds in iTunes Connect.

The only thing I can tell you is that it's probably a matter of time. I faced the same issue weeks ago, and between 24 and 48 hours after submitting, my build was finally showing in iTunes Connect.
It's a shame for Apple to make developers wait without informations... But this kind of issue had been reported a lot.

It turned out to be a wrong icon included in the asset catalog.
After 5 days of troubleshooting and ping pong with the Apple support, I was finally pointed in the right direction. All I had to do was replacing an image that was the wrong size.
Done that, all worked as expected.


AppStore - Build not found

I archived a new version of application on XCode and uploaded it on app store using XCode , however when I open all builds from app store connect , I am not able to find the build. Thus I am not able to choose the build on the version. to submit for review.
I'm having the same issue as well, it has been 20 hours since I upload my build when I'm writing this and it's still nowhere to be seen.
I also tried to upload a second build and it's also not showing.
So I believe it's an Apple issue and not isolated, looks like we can only wait for now.
Edit: It works now. I assume it works for everyone now.
I also had this issue this morning. I have just now uploaded a new build of my app and the new build now appears, the missing one still doesn't appear. You will need to change the version number and re-archive your app, as otherwise it will be rejected as a redundant upload.
Update after 10 minutes the new build also disappears. Awesome..
After archieved file uploaded successfully it will go into processing stage. Where they are checking the internal settings using the automated tools.
Things will be checked like if any permission issues coming etc.
Lets say of example if you are using camera into your application but you have not given permission into.plist file than it will get failed into processing & removed build from the App Store.
Also if you have set up the permission properly but not given instructions that how & why this gets used than also build will get failed into processing stage. So there can be various reasons.
Ofcourse they will send you an email to your Admin email Id about the build failed while processing with the reason so by that you can resolve the issue.
Hope this will helps to everyone.

itunesConnect, Select an iOS version to test is not the latest version

My connection was dropped while I am uploading the archive to the apps store.. and it showed Uploaded successfully with big green tick..
And also it goes to the app store and wait forever in the processing state. So I just uploaded it with the new build number and it's processed within less than 10 minutes.
but troubles are not over :(
then I couldn't select my latest build for test it still showed that stuck one..
What can I do for this ?
This has happened to me a few times already i.e. when a binary doesn't finish processing due to connection drop or other issues (on apple side).
Just upload a new build and use that build for release or test flight. Don't worry about the build that never finishes. Just ignore it and move on.
If you are still seeing build 2 as the latest under testfligth section, then logout, clear your browser cache, log back in and see. Clearly your build 3 is the latest one. itunesconnect is super flaky.
Use apple support as a last resort. They will take days to solve something as simple as this.
In my experience when the build stays greyed out and (processing) for longer than a few minutes it will stay forever like that. Best to just re-upload and wait for the new build to process. It does take a bit of time to show up for testing though.
These are the steps which I did to got build to the testflight internal testers
to show Export Compliance add below line
to info.plist
change version no to different one (not the build no)
create archive and upload it without upload bitcode enable tick

i can't upload binary to itunes connect

I take about 1 month trying to upload my application but all to no avail. I called Apple, I followed the steps in your emails asking me to solve the problem but nothing works. I have tried everything, up from XCODE Version 7.1 (7B91b) and also from Application Loader 3.0 but again, nothing works, within seconds you have uploaded my application I get this:
In the image out compilations I uploaded to iTunes Connect, all with an exclamation point in red and says "There was an error importing the compilation"

New iTunes Connect can't select my app build in Processing Status

On new iTunes Connect after upgrading Xcode to 7.0 version I can't select my build after uploading it from Xcode.
Hanged on weird (Processing) Status as you may see in the picture below.
And it keeps unselectable.
It's not a problem related with Xcode 7 or the new iTunes Connect I think, it happened before but now I see it happens more often (based on the questions in these days on StackOverflow); some months ago I had my build stuck in processing for over 6 days.
I know this it's terrible but normally this processing state if happens it takes 20 minutes about and after that you can select you build.
If you have problems or the process takes too much time you can contact Apple.
Had the same problem many times, it was a time sensitive app I needed to get online, I re-archived my app in Xcode with a higher version, and uploaded it to the app store, when doing this, my build was no longer processing and I could select it (the new one was processing but the original version that I wanted was then available) it's very annoying to have to re-archive and upload another identical version, but it was the only way I found to get a build out of processing quickly.
I hope this helps!

App submission binary does not show up in iTunes Connect

I want to update my app. I have a new version of the app and now it says "Prepare for Submission".
Now I want to perform "Prepare for Upload" but I cannot find this in the new iTunes Connect.
I have tried to upload the app to iTunes using Application Loader and Xcode 5.1 but still the status hasn’t changed and when I click on "Submit For Review" I get the following error:
You must choose a build.
It is quite weird but let me show what I have learnt from this new iTunnesConnect layout.
Step 1: You should wait around 10 min to 20 min to see your uploaded binary file in the prerelease section. .
Step 2: After you wait a while (10-20 min) then you would see the below icon
Step 3: Then you could able to see that your binary is ready.
Step 4: Then click on plus (+) sign, you now could able to choose your binary and then click submit for review button to finalize.
Look for it here:
Here's the new binary I uploaded:
Then, don't forget to create a new version and then assign the new binary to it (after process is completed):
I had the same problem, and waited for more than 8 hours without any result. The plus-icon never showed up under the build section!
Then I saw a new (tax-agreement) contract that I had not signed. I signed it, waited for a few more minutes, and then the plus-icon showed up!
The reason could also be that you are still releasing binary with the old TestFlight SDK in it.
A few months ago TestFlight updated their service meaning that it is now included in iTunesConnect, previously a TestFlightSDK was included in the project and various codes needed to enable TestFlight for users. This is all now depreciated. This means if you release a new version of an app which still has the TestFlightSDK included your binary won't appear in iTunes Connect and you will receive an email like this:
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "blahApp". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
TestFlight SDK - TestFlight no longer requires an SDK to enable beta testing, crash reporting and analytics. To continue using TestFlight, set up Beta Testing in iTunes Connect and remove references to the SDK from the following executables:
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
You need to remove the TestFlightSDK and also all code linked to the old TestFlight. Once this is done the binary should start being picked up by iTunes Connect as the answer above states.
The tricky thing about this issue is that if you're like me the email could go through to your junk, to an old account or if you're working for a client and don't have access to their personal email it is tough to find. Apple give you no other indication that this is what's wrong.
Hope this helps people with this problem going forward
Just took 19 minutes. If you click the activity tab you can see that the upload is processing.
At this time of writing, binary submission should take only few minutes to appear in iTunesConnect. When my binary did not show up for hours, I can immediately tell that something is not right. Most of the answers I found resolved to waiting. This was not the case for me. I went to ask Apple support and I got the answer. My app was missing purpose string for one of my protected data class (for iOS 10 and later). Once I provided the usage description and resubmitted it, the binary shows up right away.
I thought someone else might be facing the same problem. For a complete list of protected data class that requires descriptions, check out this link:
