BreezeSharp - Is there any equivalent of AsNoTracking - breeze

I'm caching some objects on the client side local cache in a WPF app. I'd like to fetch the data from server when the app starts and then disconnect the EntityManager so that it doesn't maintain another copy of the objects.
Is there any overload of ExecuteQuery that doesn't cache the object in EntityManager? or should I be using a different way of achieving this?


How to manually update Relay store without querying server?

Let's say I have some data that I obtained through a non-graphql endpoint for example from third party server (firebase).
How do I put the data into the local relay store?
Is there an easy way to add / edit / overwrite data to relay store directly without going through query or mutation?
A non public RelayStoreData field is accessible from the Relay.Store instance and it gives you direct access to the records contained in the store. I haven't done anything with this myself but you could try modifying the cache directly like this:
I would use relay without a server, defining your graphql schema locally and doing your API requests from your graphql schema the same way you would query a database in your schema.

Confused about parse local datastore & cache

I’m developing a iOS App and I want to have a level of offline support and I’m struggling out of local datastore or cache which approach to use as It appears that you can’t use these two feature together.
My query is quite basic and doesn’t change only the data that is retrieved can change.
if i used one of the cache policies, i get connection errors and nothing appears to be returned from the cache.
The workflow i’m after is on the lines of below.
->When connected to the internet perform query and store objects locally.
->if there is no internet retrieve previously downloaded objects.
For the workflow you describe I think you're looking for a cache. If you would like the user could modify the data without connection and then, when there is wifi again, synchronise the local data with the remote data then you'll need the local datastore behavior.
The problem for me is when you want both in different parts of the same app because in parse in you use local datastore you can't use the cache. I don't really understand why!

Can I Use Async to Perform Fire-and-Forget NHibernate Saves in an ASP.NET MVC Application?

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that uses NHibernate to persist data into a SQL Server database.
There are cases where I want to save an entry into a database (initially triggered by a call into an action method on a controller) but there's no need to block the caller.
Is it "safe" to try to implement a fire-and-forget mechanism into the database that will put the database call into a Task and then invoke it on the background so control can return immediately to the caller? (OR accomplish the same thing with BackgroundWorker or the "async/await" keywords) I need a solution where NHibernate will not get tripped up by ASP.NET trying to clean up its ISession, which is per-request. I'm using Autofac for lifetime management on the session. I assume that the database operation would have a slightly longer lifetime than the web request itself, and I'm not sure how smoothly that would work.
It is not safe to do this; I have a blog post on the subject. The problem is that when you have no requests in progress, it is possible that your entire AppDomain can be torn down. Also, consider what would happen if the database insert failed for some reason? If you return early, then there's no way to notify the client of an error.
A reliable solution must store the data in some kind of persistent place before returning success to the caller. This can be directly in the database, or in a queue of some kind (to be later processed by an independent worker).

Rails app with no databse and continually updated models

I'm wondering what the best way to go about developing a rails application with the following features:
All of the data comes from a SOAP request to a 3rd party
A background task will make this soap request every ~10s
The background task will parse the response and then update an ActiveRecord model accordingly
The data isn't written to a database at all, if the app fails, when we start it back up the data will come from the soap request again
Users will make a request to the app which will simply show data in the model (i.e. from the soap request).
The idea is to avoid making the SOAP request for every single user as the data won't change that frequently. Not using a database avoids reading and writing of data that only ever comes from the request anyway.
I imagine that all of this can be completely quite simply with a few gems but I've had a bit of trouble sorting through what meets my requirements and what doesn't.
I'm not sure what benefit you're getting from using ActiveRecord in this case.
Perhaps consider some other type of persistance for the SOAP calls?
If the results form the WebService are really not changing, I would recommend the Rails caching mechanism. Wherever in your Rails app, you can do:
Rails.cache.fetch "a_unique_cache_key" do
... do your SOAP request and return the result
This will do the work within the block just once and fetch its result from the rails cache store in the future.
The cache store be of various types (one of which is the memcache store). I usually go with the file store for medium traffic sites, but you may choose another:

Make an ASP.NET MVC application Web Farm Ready

What will be the most efficient way to make an ASP.NET MVC application web-farm ready.
Most importantly sharing the current user's information (Context) and (not so important) cached objects such as look-up items (States, Street Types, counties etc.).
I have heard of/read MemCache but haven't seen a simple applicable way (documentation) on how to implement and test it.
Request context
Any request that hits a web farm gets served by an available IIS server. Context gets created there and the whole request gets served by the same server. So context shouldn't be a problem. A request is a stateless execution pipeline so it doesn't need to share data with other servers in any way shape or form. It will be served from the beginning to the end by the same machine.
User information is read from a cookie and processed by the server that serves the request. It depends then if you cache complete user object somewhere.
If you use TempData dictionary you should be aware that it's stored inside Session dictionary. In a server farm that means you should use other means than InProc sessions, because they're not shared between IIS servers across the farm. You should configure other session managers that either use a DB or others (State server etc.).
When it comes to cache it's a different story. To make it as efficient as possible cache should as well be served. By default it's not. But looking at cache it barely means that when there's no cache it should be read and stored in cache. So if a particular server farm server doesn't have some cache object it would create it. In time all of them would cache some shared publicly used data.
Or... You could use libraries like memcached (as you mentioned it) and take advantage of shared cache. There are several examples on the net how to use it.
But these solutions all bring additional overhead of several things (like network and third process processing and data fetching etc.) if nothing else. So default cache is the fastest and if you explicitly need shared cache then decide for one. Don't share cache unless really necessary.
