installing wifi option in sony smart glass - wifi

I have been using sony smart glass in my project.It is very important for me to access wifi. how can i connect..? it just gives w-lan address when i click w-lan option in glass.I went through sony website but i couldnt find anything related to it. I also found this question in stackflow asked by some other user.The solution given to him was.,the glass can connect automatically itself. If w-lan is password protected how can it connect automatically.? because it is not there any other option available.? like is it possible to install wifi option.?

Initially for SmartEyeglass to work with your device you have to connect over Bluetooth, but if you need extra performance from the glasses you can shift it in to high-power mode. If you activate the camera button on the glasses they will automatically switch to high-power mode. If you are referring to this question then that is what it is talking about:
Connect Sony SmartEyeGlass to Wifi
Here is more information about high power mode
Unfortunately there is no way for you to use the wifi connection other than this. Hope that helps


How do wifi bulbs pair with the mobile

I have been working on making a commercial-equivalent smart WiFi bulb. I cannot understand how the bulb pairs with the app on smartphone and gains access to the Internet through my personal modem. The bulb cannot communicate through the personal WiFi before getting paired, as it doesn't have the credentials. I tried to experiment with my existing commercial bulb and while putting it in reset mode, noticed -
There wasn't any WiFi (that could be the bulb's AP) visible in the available networks list of my PC. Well, I don't know if it was a hidden network.
There wasn't any Bluetooth device visible in the list that could possibly be the bulb.
So I want to know how the bulb communicates with the app -
Does it act as AP (Access Point) and the app connects to it and gives it the credentials.
Else, does the bulb use any other type of communication to pair with the app.
Or, does it somehow just get to the smartphone and it all "mysteriously" works.
I would be happy if someone could explain the process to me. Also, the app scans for the available devices whenever I want to pair to a new device. Then, I can select the desired device and pair it. So, please also explain (if possible) how the scanning works.
No need to get to each technical detail, I just want to know the process. I will ask later if I need the tech details.

How to make existing device IOT only?

For iOS application, IOT(Internet of thing) is a new things.and we can connect our device with other hardwares.
My question is , is there any way by which i can connect our existing devices like (Air Conditioner,Other ele. component) IOT only?
Here is one of the best example for connecting and controlling such devices like A.C., TV, etc with your iOS device.
It's Open Source so you can explore more.
(opensource infrared remote controller).
IRKit is a WiFi enabled Open Source Infrared Remote Controller device.
Home electronics with an infrared remote, like air conditioners, TVs, lights can be controlled using iPhone and iPad via IRKit.
IRKit works with IRKit's official app and you can easily create iOS apps to send IR signals to control home electronics using IRKit iOS-SDK .
You can create apps for example that does:
Use location, turns on air conditioner when you arrive near your home.
Press one button to turn off all your home electronics when you leave home.
Connect with Facebook, and automatically change your TV's channel to which your friend is watching.
Hope It will help.
If your component have any types of connectivity which is suitable for iOS devices the you can do this, like:
If your Air Conditioner has bluetooth connectivity and it can handle command like turn on/off or controlling temperature, then you can do it with any kind of device that can communicate with the electrical components.
I used to turn off my computer via internet. There was a process running in my computer that hits an URL, receive JSON data and if it gets shutdown flag yes, it turn itself off. I can set that flag from my mobile. The lacking was I could not turn on.
Yes you can, but you have to do a lot of hardware related work. like: Bluetooth Relay Controller. Here is a video.

Can i get details of wifi networks near my iPhone? Scan all wifi networks near my iPhone

I want to get the list of wifi network near my iPhone. Get the details such as signal strength,SSID , MAC Address from the wifi network, without using any 3rd party library (i do not want my app to be stuck off in any review process). please help me , i need to get this going soon.
Simple answer… You can't by using public library. You sure can using private ones, but you don't want apple to reject your app.

How apple devices recognise that an open wifi requires credentials

Sorry for the title, but I don't fully know how to ask this questions, and I do think it's related to programming.
If you have an apple mobile device, and you walk into a place that has an open wifi (such as many on the coffee chains or airports), and you try to use the Internet, a screen appears asking for the credentials to use the Internet. This screen is not in safari, but ios recognises that it needs a password to access the internet and displays this screen. In the UK, BT open zone does this.
I'm wondering how the apple device recognise this. Is it a standard? (I haven't seen this on android devices). I've tried googling this, but I couldn't find anything (probably because I don't fully know what to search for)
Just in case, I'm not talking about a secure wifi, that requires a password.
I don't know about Apple, but Windows 8 apparently tries to connect to one of Microsoft's web servers and verifies if this works.

how can i control wifi enabled light bulbs with blackberry?

I got one idea that I make one project that how to operate Bulbs using blackberry smartphones
I want to know some manuals and guidance.
Please provide me any useful links.
If it is not possible then please avoid this question.
Please guide me how to Control wifi enabled light bulbs with blackberry phones.
The lights will likely have a URL for controlling the state (on/off). Then your app can call the URL using a web-form. Start by finding the IP address of your light on your WiFi network. Then use the web interface to discover the URL to do the switching. Make a prototype web form on your PC and test that the switch works. Then write a phone app to replicate the form... or find one that someone else has made ;)
