how can i control wifi enabled light bulbs with blackberry? - blackberry

I got one idea that I make one project that how to operate Bulbs using blackberry smartphones
I want to know some manuals and guidance.
Please provide me any useful links.
If it is not possible then please avoid this question.
Please guide me how to Control wifi enabled light bulbs with blackberry phones.

The lights will likely have a URL for controlling the state (on/off). Then your app can call the URL using a web-form. Start by finding the IP address of your light on your WiFi network. Then use the web interface to discover the URL to do the switching. Make a prototype web form on your PC and test that the switch works. Then write a phone app to replicate the form... or find one that someone else has made ;)


How to display custom text in ios wifi settings

I have a very specific question in programming an ios app.
In general when you open your ios wifi settings, there should be a list of available networks to choose.. so far..
now I want that in some cases, if a network meets specific requirements, a text is diplayed down below the network name (e.g. like "connect with WIFIAPP") and by clicking on the network you open the "WIFIAPP"..
Is there any possibility to do that and if yes, how? A framework or something like that?
Hope you guys understand my concern..
Thank you for any help!
The feature you are after is implemented by the NEHotspotHelper class in the Network Extension Framework. In order to use this class you need to complete a questionnaire and be authorised by Apple.
More details are included in the Hotspot Network Subsystem Programming Guide, but essentially your app runs in the background and takes part in the network scanning process. It can provide an annotation for recognised networks and the user can invoke your app from Settings in order to complete the network authentication.
Unfortunately, access to wifi network parameters is completely closed from developers. From your app you can only tell apart if device is closed to wifi or 3G cellular network. Nothing more. I don't even say about native Settings app. You can do only some extra limited things outside of your app, like play music, or show your custom Widget.

installing wifi option in sony smart glass

I have been using sony smart glass in my project.It is very important for me to access wifi. how can i connect..? it just gives w-lan address when i click w-lan option in glass.I went through sony website but i couldnt find anything related to it. I also found this question in stackflow asked by some other user.The solution given to him was.,the glass can connect automatically itself. If w-lan is password protected how can it connect automatically.? because it is not there any other option available.? like is it possible to install wifi option.?
Initially for SmartEyeglass to work with your device you have to connect over Bluetooth, but if you need extra performance from the glasses you can shift it in to high-power mode. If you activate the camera button on the glasses they will automatically switch to high-power mode. If you are referring to this question then that is what it is talking about:
Connect Sony SmartEyeGlass to Wifi
Here is more information about high power mode
Unfortunately there is no way for you to use the wifi connection other than this. Hope that helps

Wifi native with metro style app (Windows 8)

I would like to know if it is a way to to manage a wifi configuration with metro apps ?
Basically I want my application to list and retrieve information about all the available wifis the phone detects. I saw that it was possible so far using the wlanapi.h but I can't figure out how to use it in this metro style app context.
If you have any idea, please tell me.
According to this MSDN thread - it is not possible to list all wifi networks in range, but you can call NetworkInformation.GetConnectionProfiles() to list the known networks (or connection profiles) or NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile() to access the one currently used for Internet access.

Iphone as a start button

I would like to develop an (personal) iphone app to use the iPhone as a controller for a small device such as a fan or for example a light bulb. Does anyone know if there is some kind of controllable iphone-dock to use for something like this. And are there some kind of methods to use with such a dock? For example the fan just needs a variable voltage for different rpm.
Thanks in advance,
EAAccessory requires that you become a Apple hardware partner, which is very expensive and not easy (this is why you only see large companies releasing hardware accessories for iOS devices).
There's a few ways around this. The easiest way is to have your app send OSC signals over WIFI to an OSC server. I've set this up before using TouchOSC on the iPhone and an Arduino connected to my desktop via USB. It's not hard at all, but it requires that you have an Arduino connected to a computer; it's not ideal.
Alternatively you can use audio output to send commands over the line output in the iPhone's dock connector, effectively turning the iPhone into a software modem.
Good luck and if you get this figured out, post the code on github. :-D
EAAccessory framework might not be what you want because of the requirement for you to have the license and hardware. You could better implement some sort of small webserver that runs an arduino or something similar. check this out for an example of that. on the arduino, you could just have a 5v relay to control the switch of whatever device and have the other pins of the relay connected to a hot (or cold depending on the relay state) standard 120v plug so you can plug anything into it. here is a good project for arduino controlled relay
for direct serial control, you could do something like this but it would require being jailbroken. i think for a personal app, doing it via wifi would be the best way unless you jailbreak and install the full bluetooth stack where you do not need EAAccessory stuff
Check out EAAccessory Framework. Used to handle external devices.
You could try using an ultrasound detector attached to your device, and playing an audio file at the appropriate frequency etc. on the iPhone.

Access Internet From My Blackberry App

This is my first attemp to code a blackberry app so please bear with me.
I am developing an app to make it easy to access certain information from certain websites using screenscrapping.
Now I am done with the ui part of the application onto the internet access part.
My question is how do i access internet from my app ? I see that blackberry offers http, wifi and some other forms to access the internet ... does my app need to be worried about what mode is being used ? or as far as my app is concerned theres a general api to access the net with the logic of connecting to the internet being handled by the device itself ..?
any pointers with some sample code would be much appreciated.
thank you,
Blackberry applications internet access is a nightmare.
Good starting point here:
Helped me.
