Xcode 8 Beta (null) was unable to service the request - ios

I have an app that worked fine in the released version of Xcode. I downloaded the beta and after I fixed all the little changes I ran it and it worked. I just came back and ran it again and I get an error saying
The request to open "com.matthewhsingleton.Smoke" failed . (null) was unable to service the request.
I have quit Xcode and reopened it, I have restarted my computer, tried different iPhone simulators and all produce the same resulte

My error was similar, instead of "(null)", the message was: "SpringBoard was unable to service the request"
Restarting the simulator worked for me.

After reading #Droppy suggestion I read the thread and it is a common issue. To solve it is as follows
Problem solved for by an Apple Engineer in the lab. It's an issue they're working on. The bottom line was that when I copied Xcode to Applications folder, there was a bit set on it and that was preventing it from communicating with the simulator.
To fix it:
Copy-paste Xcode-beta.app from Applications folder to somewhere else, e.g. Documents folder.
Delete Xcode-beta.app from Applications folder.
Move Xcode-beta.app from Documents to Applications folder again.
Seen here https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/143094#143094

I had 2 versions of Xcode installed. Xcode 7 and 8. I resolved this issue by setting the command line tools to Xcode 8 in preferences. Open preferences -> Locations -> Command Line tools. Set that to Xcode 8.


Xcode App Store Connect Operation Error: Could not find or load main class 12

I'm trying to upload my build to the App Store using Xcode 12 and I receive the error message:
App Store Connect Operation Error
Could not find or load main class 12
The app is built with SwiftUI. Has anyone faced a similar issue?
Any chance you had renamed the Xcode executable?
I originally experienced the same behavior (I had renamed Xcode.app to XcodeGM.app).
The issue went away after I closed Xcode & renamed the executable back to Xcode.app.
Note that my app is swift + some objc so I don't think that the language is a factor.
I had the same problem... It was because I had several versions of Xcode on my computer.
Make sure the current version of Xcode you are using is titled Xcode and not Xcode-beta, Xcode-2, Xcode 2 or anything other than just Xcode.
You can change the application's title in the Finder (you may need to rename the old version to something else first).
I had the same problem. It was because I download Xcode from browser and did not add Xcode to the applications. I add it and then run xcode from applications, app successfully uploaded.
I just simply drag Xcode(that I downloaded from browser) to the applications folder

Internal API error

Since few days, every time I try to run my app on my iPhone, I get get this error message "There was an internal API error".
I'm getting this error just with one application only on my iPhone. In fact, there's no problem with the same app on simulator or on my iPad. No problem too with other apps on my iPhone...
I've tried many things mentioned in those threads:
"There was an internal API error." while running an app on any iPhone/iPod-touch device
Xcode 4.4 - There was an internal API error
like remove/re-run the app, reboot iPhone/mac, clear cache, check plist, check profiles, check build settings, restore iPhone.
I'm using xCode 7.1.1 and iOS 7.1.2
Can someone point me on what I forget to check please ?
As per my work and research I got a solution. Since I was preparing the build in manual way from product. In that case my appname.app was copying in folder from which I have to create a build, that app was not copied properly and I prepared the build and installed in my device, in that case I got this error.
I again clean the Xcode prepare the build properly and installed it, it works.
When I rename my project and delete the special character "ç", xCode success to run the app on my iPhone. It might be related to xCode 7, before there was no problem for compiling.
I also had this problem. The way I solved it was by removing the special characters from the Product Name (in Build Settings) - I had an 'æ'. Indeed, it looks related to Xcode 7, because it used to work on previous versions of Xcode.

How to fix a broken iOS Simulator (The operation couldn’t be completed. LaunchServicesError error 0.)

When I try to run my project with my favorite simulators (iPhone 5s/8.4 and iPhone 5s/9.1) I get this error, and in syslog I see:
kernel[0]: AMFI: Simulator(pid 6881) - [deny-mmap] mapped file has no team identifier and is not a platform binary: /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 7.1.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/usr/lib/system/host/liblaunch_sim.dylib
This started happening after I had built and run an xcodeproject downloaded from github. My main project had been working fine and when I switched back to it, I started getting this error.
Other simulators, such as iPhone 6/9.1, work OK.
Previously, when switching back and forth between my own project and examples projects from the internet, I have seen xcode pop up a provisioning error alert, offering to fix the problem, and when I click "Fix" I am able to continue with no issue. I'm an xcode newbie and all this is quite mystifying.
I have tried to "Reset Content and Settings" of the offending simulator, Quit the Simulator, quit xcode, and rebooted. I've checked my Provisioning Profiles in Preferences > Accounts and they look fine as far as I can tell.
Using the SimDir app I found the device directory for the simulator and dragged it to the trash. After that, the simulator worked for a little while then broke again.
I found this apple article but frankly I couldn't understand it (and I'm not running Swift. This is a react-native app.)
Oh one more thing. It's weird that the syslog message mentions iOS 7.1.simruntime when I'm using the 8.4 or 9.1 simulator. The project's deployment target is 7.0 but ???.
By the way I also tried cleaning my build folder (CMD-K) and anything else relevant in this SO question and this one.
UPDATE: Like a virus, the working simulator is now getting infected. The iPhone 6/9.1 simulator worked well for a while, but now keeps getting this error (which can be 'fixed' temporarily by Reset Content and Settings). It looks like my Provisioning Profile is OK in xcode because I can run on my iPhone, and when I build an Archive of the project and validate it with Apple it validates succesfully. It's just the simulators.
A good night's sleep resolved this issue! The next day I had the error pop up a couple of times but was resolved by "Reset Content and Settings". After that day the problem has not reappeared. I have no idea why I was seeing this... The only thing I can think of is that I might have had my own project and the example project from the web open in Xcode at the same time. You wouldn't think that should cause a problem but...
If it has an Apple Watch App bundled in you should use the bundle IDs correctly, like:

Xcode suddenly stopped running project on hardware: "Could not launch xxx.app: .. No such file.." [closed]

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Xcode has stopped being able to run my app, it started directly after I deleted it from the device and attempted to re-install by rerunning it in Xcode (something I've done hundreds of times before).
It says
"Could not launch XXX.app"
"No such file or directory (/Users/Mylaptop/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-ekxcbebfpzkahtfkujyqkcwprzia/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyApps.app/MyApp)."
I've rebooted the phone, relaunched Xcode, cleaned everything, rebuilt everything. This error message won't go away.
This is with Xcode 4.5 which I've been using since it became available, if I revert to 4.3.2 then Xcode says "Finished running app" but it doesn't actually do anything - the app is neither installed nor run.
I'm completely stuck - unable to run anything on the device anymore.
Any suggestions?
That is really annoying. This error happens in a number of different situations. Sometimes restarting the Xcode, fixes the problem. If not, follow these steps:
Disconnect your device.
Delete the app from your device.
Quit Xcode (Do not just simply close the window, quit it)
Delete derived data folder (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/-gbrvhlvwmpiobxdujegtghggrffp - or something like that)
Now start Xcode once again, connect device and run the project. It should work fine.
from DhilipSiva blog
Try deleting "Required device capabilities" in the -Info.plist file.
You can't require armv7 on a 3G, and you can't require armv6 on any newer device, so just delete this attribute entirely.
I found the answer. The iOS deployment target's version was not the same as my device's OS version.
First tried some of the above with info.plists and deleting derived data, clean, etc.
My solution: quit XCode, reopen project. Go to derived data in Finder. Deleted data for all projects (was all trashable, but I would try deleting your troubled projectdata first). And then it worked again. Deleting derived data from XCode didn't work.
The following resolved my problem... my app worked for me in debug/release, then I built a few ad-hoc archives and debug/release builds stopped working.
invalid entitlements errors when launching from Xcode to device (play with entitlements...)
immediate abort with no error (finished running ) when running simulator
could not launch ... directory blabla.../build/product/debug-iphoneos/... not found when launching from Xcode to device.
Eventually after trying to benefit from everyone else's pain I found in Targets [AppName]:
Build Settings
Build Locations
Build Products Path build
should be
Build Products Path build/Products
No idea how this got set incorrectly.
This must be hard-coded somewhere in Xcode/Springboard because 'Products' appears in both Xcode and in the Device console.
This is Xcode 4.5.1.
I solved this problem by
renaming a directory above my XCode project
Changing the name of the project in XCode fixed it for me.
In XCode, under the Project Navigator, click the project name, and it should let you rename it just like a file in Finder. Deleting derived data did not help.
I built my XCode Project with CMake and somehow it (or my stupid self) deleted or emptied the property "Executable file" in the info.plist. I set it back to ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} and it worked again.
Took me really alot of time working through all the suggestions and fixes until I finally found that problem.
Hope this will help some one struggling with the same problem
It was in some way CMake messing up my plist file. I created my own Info.plist and used it the following way:
Inside my plist I had this entry:
<key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>${EXECUTABLE_NAME}</string>
Unfortunately CMake still seems to parse that file and replaced ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} with an empty string since its the CMake variable syntax. My quick work around is the following:
Now it works like a charm.
I am probably alone with exactly this problem, but who knows.
I had the same problem, but in my case I had a wrong requirement in my info.plist (require gyroscope for an iPhone 3Gs)
I tried to run my project on a different system other than that on which it was developed. I was getting “Could not launch xxx.app: .. No such file..”.
Removed the app from the device and then deleted the derived data from organizer in xcode for the app.
Organizer-->Projects-->Derived DAta-->Delete
My problem was resolved.
You need to set the deployment target LOWER than your device's version
For me, the solution was just to use the correct (non-distribution) provisioning profile.
I was defaulting to always using my ad hoc provisioning profile, but then I changed to using my developer profile (team profile) and that solved things. I went ahead and cleaned out the Derived Data directory to be safe but I don't know for certain if it is required.
XCode used to have a warning that told you to use the correct provisioning profile but that error message seems to have gone away in XCode 4.5.
I've had this problem by a very strange solution.
My problem was slightly different as I have 2 Developer certificates in Keychain. We have two developer accounts (lets say AD and BD).
1) I did change Bundle identifier from com.BD.game to com.AD.game
2) Device on which I had problems was only signed in AD provisioning profiles.
3) I was unable to debug the game on iPad - although the device had valid provisioning profiles, I had valid certificates, I restarted Mac, device, reinstalled Xcode ... nothing helped.
Do what i did today was examining the project.pbxproj file for any strange entries.
What I found was that Xcode was using proper provisioning profile, but signed the ipa/app with wrong certificate.
"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer: **BD** (XX******)";
After I manualy corrected the name and id; everything works like charm.
I got the same error. In my case I was set deployment target as 6.1 and trying to run an iOS 5.1 iPad. When I changed my deployment target to 4.3, issue solved.
Still having the problem . Try this
Disconnect your device.
Delete the app from your device.
Quit xcode.
Now start Xcode, connect device and run the project. It should work fine.
For me (using IOS 7 and Xcode 5), the error went away right after I did "Add to Member Center" with my device in the Organizer.
I would like to mention that the easiest way to open the DerivedData folder in Finder is the following:
Open the Organizer.
Click on "Projects".
Select your problematic project.
Next to the path of the DerivedData, click on the little right-arrow button.
Deleting the contents of the DerivedData folder worked for me. Instead of using the "Delete..." button, you should have more success deleting the files manually through Finder.
Go to: your project Target - > Info and from CustoM iOS Target Properties remove the Required Device Capabilities.
In my case that were armv7 and armv7s.
After that the app was built successfully on my iPhone 4.
This is how it looks after i removed both of requirements
For me, I forgot that I had "telephony" in the "Required device capabilities" in the info.plist. Removed that, and it finally worked on my iPad.
For me restarting of Xcode, cleaning DerivedData and restaring device wasn't enough in most cases, until I had figured out that iTunes was also running, and after quitting iTunes everything worked fine!
So my steps now are simple:
1. Quit Xcode.
2. If iTunes is running, quit iTunes.
3. Reopen project.
No need to remove app from the device, clean project or restart/disconnect device.
I think that's because Xcode and iTunes use some common libraries (as you know, Xcode Installer always asks to quit iTunes on installing iOS SDK).
I had this problem and tried a number of the suggestions which didn't work for me - then I found the one about removing the "Required device capabilities" in the -Info.plist file (which for me included location-services & gps)
That worked!
I then re-added them and it still worked.. go figure.
This was xCode 4.6.1 & my app is developer with Phonegap/Cordova
I tried all the above and yet it still wouldn't run. I fixed the problem by changing the derived build location. File>Project settings>"derived data location" change to project-relative. Or you could just make sure the default path has permission to read/write.
My issue seemed to be picking picking Portrait (top home button) as Item 0 in Supported Interface orientations in my plist. Removing that or moving it down seemed to fix my problem. Go figure.
I had this problem too for a Universal app with Xcode 4.5 on my iPhone ONLY, where I had two debug devices:
iPhone 4 iOS 5.1.1
iPad 1 iOS 5.1.1
The Info.plist had an empty entry under "Required device capabilities"
I know that I did not enter this empty 'Item 0'. The app loads on the iPhone
since I removed the empty item. I did not encounter
this problem on any of several earlier versions of Xcode,
This means that Xcode 4.5 handles this 'inserted' item differently
for the two devices I use. I have been wrong before, but this does seem
like a bug in Xcode 4.5.
This may seem obvious but you must also set your deployment target to the operating system that your device is running.
So if you upgrade to iOS 6, it will set your deployment target to iOS 6. You'll need to deploy to 5.1 if the device you are testing on still runs 5.1.
My issue finally got resolved by checking to make sure that the productName attribute in the /* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ section of my project.pbxproj file matched the name attribute.
Once editing it so that they were the same, Xcode finally runs the app on my device correctly!
Thanks to Max Weisel for helping me! :D
Deleting the derived data folder did not help for me.
Using Xcode 4.4.2 the only solution was to open Organizer and delete old expired and extraneous provisioning profiles on the iDevice. Then everything worked perfectly again.
This may be a red herring, but I experienced these problems when I added custom launch images before deleting the default ones. Deleting the default launch and custom images and then adding back in the custom ones fixed it for me. I'm working with iOS 6 and Xcode 4.5.2
There seems to be a few different things that can cause this very helpful error message.
For me, it was down to an incorrect "Required device capabilities" in the Info.plist. I had added a blank array item by mistake (on top of the the architecture, armv7).
Deleted the blank array item and now everything is fine!
I had this problem and nothing really helped except:
My problem started after changing the contents of my info.plist and no reverting had helped.
What solved it for me was:
Create a vanilla info.plist in a brand new project
replace the old info.plist with the new
renaming it (like app_info.plist)
Set Build Settings/Packaging/INFOPLIST_FILE to be the new one.
Make all the changes you need for your project
Hope that helps. I tried everything else suggested here and this was the only solution for me.
Facing same problem but now problem is solved, i deleted Executable file info.plist. I set it back to ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} and it worked again.. :)
In my case i just set 777 permission directly to xxx.app folder to all files and work!

Xcode will run app on simulator but not on device

I receive the following error when trying to run the app on my device.
error: failed to launch '/Users/michael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Word Processor.app/Word Processor' -- No such file or directory (/Users/michael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Word Processor.app/Word Processor)
The app runs fine in the simulator. When I try to debug on the device, it appears to copy the app (I can see the icon), but then stalls with the above message. Xcode says it is running the app on my iPod, but nothing is happening on my iPod.
When I click on the app, the app appears to launch, but seems to be missing resources.
Other projects of mine work properly. What setting do I need to change to make this work properly.? Looking at the error message, it seems to be looking in my mac for the app. But this doesn't make sense since I am trying to run it on my 4th gen iPod touch. I am using Xcode 4.3.1 and iOS 5.1
With Mountain Lion and the latest version of Xcode (4.4.4F250), none of the suggestions in this thread worked directly (clean, clean project, remove derived data folder, etc). This sequence did. From DhilipSiva:
Disconnect your device
Delete the app from your device
Quit Xcode (Don't just simply close the window, quit it)
Delete derived data folder rm -fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData (console)
Start Xcode,connect device & run the project
I solve this by going to Targets-> Info -> Required Device capabilities and delete the option with armv7.
Hope this helps!
This is a recurring problem that many developers are having with the current version of Xcode. The temporary workaround has been consistently deleting the DerivedData folder.
You can add doing it to a build script or even make it a cron job:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Sad, but true.
For me restarting of Xcode, cleaning DerivedData and restaring device wasn't enough in most cases, until I had figured out that iTunes was also running, and after quitting iTunes everything worked fine!
So my steps now are simple:
1. Quit Xcode.
2. If iTunes is running, quit iTunes.
3. Reopen project.
No need to remove app from the device, clean project or restart/disconnect device.
I think that's because Xcode and iTunes use some common libraries (as you know, Xcode Installer always asks to quit iTunes on installing iOS SDK).
I also had this problem after changing from a lower XCode and iOS version to the current XCode and iOS version.
I fixed this problem by changing th iOS Depolyment Target to a lower version, since my Device is not updated to the latest iOS yet.
You can do this by clicking the project inside the Info tab.
Have you looked at the Developer Certs and Distribution Certs if you have. When running in debug mode from Xcode your will need your app assigned with the developer cert and not the distribution cert. The distribution certs do not allow for debugging.
This error will manifest whenever the device capabilities described in the Info.plist do not match those of the device.
In my case, I was requesting GPS support and location-services support and trying to test on an iPod touch.
I struggled with this problem for 2 days and went through all the posts, tried all the options including, restarting Xcode, device, deleting DerivedData folder etc.
Finally, the problem was with the Info.plist file. In my case, I had improper icon paths in the Info.plist file. I suggest you to archive the application and then validate it to get the exact problem in you case. Only when I did that, I was able to find the issue.
I solved this problem many times with DhilipSiva's solution. However, it may not work sometimes. If that is the case, consider deleting and re-adding the target.
Removed armv6 support and it started working again
I stumbled upon this same problem on several diferent projects, researched a lot on forums and even here on Stack overflow. A lot of solutions were given, and some people seemed to get them working, but none of them worked for me.
So we tried some pretty obvious course of action, which for some reason we didn't tought about before: I've done a CHMOD -R 777 on the EXACT path indicated by the error message (I copied it directly).
Worked like a charm, 100% times!
Hope it helps, guys!
As Chronos mentiod, the device capabilities might be the reason. In addition I would say that in my case it was all about the UIRequiresPersistentWiFi key, which (for some unclear reason) didn't let me to install my app on an iPhone4. Hope this helps ones who tried everything else and haven't fixed the problem yet.
I solve this by going to Targets-> Info -> Required Device capabilities and check id at 0 index if armv7 not in 0 index then remove other things and armv7 set on 0 index and clean app connect device and run.
Hope this helps fine!
I did these steps:
Delete derived data: rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Deep cleaned the project: Shift Key + Option Key + Command Key + letter K key
Quit the project
Quit XCode
Deleted the app from my device
When I reopened the Xcode, launched the project, and then launched the app it successively ran on my device
For me it was Command Line Tools
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Command Line Tools
Make sure you select latest Xcode version. I selected Xcode 11.0, and everything started working.
I get the similar question and has searched via the internet the whole day without solution yet...
Xcode 12, iOS 14.
I'm using a cocoaPods call GCDWebServer, which will open a build-in http service in iOS. Now it works fine in simulator and I could open a home page of it in my Mac's browser. But I cannot open the home page if running it with real iPhone. The browser said "Cannot connect to server"
And in console, everything is same without any errors provided for me.
Thus, how could I debug this?
[DEBUG] Did open IPv4 listening socket 3
[DEBUG] Did open IPv6 listening socket 4
[INFO] GCDWebUploader started on port 80 and reachable at
