sharing Image and Video using uiactivityviewcontroller - ios

Need to share both Image and Video using Photos Framework through uiactivityviewcontroller. I am able to share images. and i am also able to share videos by exporting. but each time exporting a video app size increases..

Yes application size increases because image and video store in tmp directory so tmp data automatic cline. more info then read this answer.


Picking images from camera and album in iOS Swift 5

I'm working in the application where users will select multiple images from album or taking pictures from camera and send it to server via REST API. Size limit is 5MB for all images. Is there any way to determine the size of images while selecting it from UIImagePicker before loading into application?. Also suggest me the better approach do the same
You can’t do it using built in UIImagePickerController. You can write your own asset picker.

Plupload with iOS only works for new photos, not for camera roll

I am using plupload 1.5.8 in order to upload image files which works great except for iOS.
On iOS 9.2.x it is not possible to upload from the camera roll, but only from the camera with a fresh picture. I do get the message that the file format is not supported.
Files taken directly with the camera can be uploaded
Screenshots can be uploaded as well from the camera roll, but not images taken with the camera.
The same image that can not be uploaded from the camera roll, can be uploaded from Google Drive
What could be the cause of this?
Finaly fixed: the media type filter contained the "jpeg" format, but the white space between the comma and the format might have caused this problem.

Difference in quality when video is uploaded directly from camera and when it is selected from gallery

I am currently developing an iPhone app, where I need to upload a video with a multipart post request.
I am using AfNetworking and UIImagePickerController.
I set the quality of the UIImagePickerController to high.
When I try to upload a video that has just been recorded in the app, the quality is significantly lower, than when I choose a previously recorded video from the gallery.
Does anybody have experience like this one ?

iOS - Dropbox API : Get icon for videos

I have images and videos stored on Dropbox. I can retrieve the thumbnails of the images. That's great, but if my metadata is a video, I don't have any thumbnails.
So how can I do to display the first image of the video without download the entire video ? (For waiting time and bandwidth).

Video uploaded to youtube has low quality preview thumbnail

I have an iphone application that uploads videos to youtube. It uploads the video files without a problem. But there is an issue that the thumbnail preview image is of very low quality.
My question is this, is it possible using the youtube api to set a different preview image?
No. this is not possible with the Standard API.
See this answer for possible ways forward. Youtube API - Set the Thumbnail of video
