Plupload with iOS only works for new photos, not for camera roll - ios

I am using plupload 1.5.8 in order to upload image files which works great except for iOS.
On iOS 9.2.x it is not possible to upload from the camera roll, but only from the camera with a fresh picture. I do get the message that the file format is not supported.
Files taken directly with the camera can be uploaded
Screenshots can be uploaded as well from the camera roll, but not images taken with the camera.
The same image that can not be uploaded from the camera roll, can be uploaded from Google Drive
What could be the cause of this?

Finaly fixed: the media type filter contained the "jpeg" format, but the white space between the comma and the format might have caused this problem.


Convert image to HEIC/HEIF in Xamarin iOS

I am working on a Xamarin Form Project where we need to Take a photo or upload a photo in the app and compress the photo and convert it to HEIC/HEIF before uploading to the server. We used Plugin.Media.CrossMedia before but that library is converting image to Jpg after taking photo/upload from gallery. And we also use cross media to compress the image. Is there a way in Xamarin to convert image to HEIC/HEIF and compress the image?
For in-program photo upload, you can use Renderer to customize ContentPage, refer to the sample of the official documentation (it should be noted that AVCaptureStillImageOutput class is deprecated), you can use Apple's AVCapturePhotoOutput class to capture a photo, use the AVCapturePhotoSettings class to change the data format of the photo to HEIF/HEVC format, and then save the image for upload. (Video captured on the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X running iOS 11 or later uses the HEVC codec by default). For more details, please refer to Apple's official documentation:Capturing Still and Live Photos|Apple Developer

Is "slicing" a video attached to iOS app assets possible?

With PNG images, one can attach img.png, img#2x.png, and img#3x.png via assets and then load the correct one at runtime based on the device screen dimensions. In addition, the iTunes upload/download process will "slice" asset resources so that a large app that contains 1x, 2x, and 3x assets can avoid having to download 1x and 3x assets when running on a 2x device. What I am wondering is this, can videos attached to an app also take advantage of slicing so that the app need not download 3 sets of video resources in those cases where videos created for specific screen sizes are included in the app? I see that assets do contain a generic "data" type, but it seems to only be able to mark data files as differing in terms of the Metal API version.
So, I looked all around the internets but was unable to find anything on how to solve this tricky issue. In the end, I rolled my own custom solution that basically wraps the m4v video file and treats the binary file as a PNG image, so that it can be included in an iOS asset catalog. This makes it possible to load #2x or #3x assets on iPhone and use iPad specific video asset dimensions on an iPad while also supporting slicing. For a working example, take a peek at my AlphaOverVideo Framework on github, the Bloom demo shows the client side logic to decode from PNG and then load the decoded .m4v video into a looping player. This demo is cool because it shows off the slicing idea, but it also contains a full screen 1 to 1 pixel aspect video of a flower blooming that shows how amazing perfectly rendered video can look. If anyone is interested in the command line encoder, I uploaded it to github at PNGRewrap.

Difference in quality when video is uploaded directly from camera and when it is selected from gallery

I am currently developing an iPhone app, where I need to upload a video with a multipart post request.
I am using AfNetworking and UIImagePickerController.
I set the quality of the UIImagePickerController to high.
When I try to upload a video that has just been recorded in the app, the quality is significantly lower, than when I choose a previously recorded video from the gallery.
Does anybody have experience like this one ?

Saving image to camera roll in iOS Safari always converts it to jpg

In my web app (runs in native Safari not UIWebView) I am using canvas to basically allow to draw an image. The user should then be able to save this image to his computer, however it's very important that this process is lossless. That's why I am using the PNG file format.
All this works perfectly on desktop, and in theory it should also work on iOS because by tap and holding the resulting image can be saved to the camera roll. The problem occurs if the image is later imported into the app again. On inspection of the uploaded image type you can see that the image is now in the JPG file format and no longer a pixel perfect representation of the drawing the user made.
Is that a general issue with the camera roll on iOS? Is there any workaround?
YES, The default file format is JPG while saving image to camera roll. You can save a image in PNG format in a native app by writing some code. But in Safari, there may no be possible to save as PNG format.

iOS thumbnail issue with saved video to camera roll

We have an issue where video generated by our application and saved to camera roll (from user action) will show as black thumbnail on the iOS Photo Gallery instead of a thumbnail of a frame. Once you select the video it will play without any issues on the iOS device or any other device (export to your mac or pc...).
The issue does not occur on the iPhone simulator, only on iOS devices..
We generate the video using AVFoundation (very similiar to this How do I export UIImage array as a movie?)
We then combine the video with an mp3 file using AVMutableVideoComposition. If I extract all frame of video, first frame is not black.
The thumbnail in the Photo Gallery will show as a black square, no time span (on iOS4) shown on the thumbnail. We save the video to camera roll using UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum ...
We have changed the video compression type and settings multiple times with no luck. The output is a H264 QuickTimeMovie.
Any ideas ?
Thank you.
