How do I untar a tar file containing the tar program? - tar

I have downloaded tar-latest.tar.gz from gnu. I have unzipped it; now I have to untar it. But how can I do that, when the only tar program I have is the one in tar-latest?

Use the command
tar -xvf filename.tar
Reference :

You can download tar for windows not packed in tar archive from
Binaries Setup 1331695 3 October 2003
or tar for ms-dos (exe):
or package which includes tar:
or any freeware archiver capable of opening tar archives:,
(Best and easier way is or


How to create tar file with 7zip

I'm trying to create a tar file on windows using 7zip.
Most of the documents I found said to do something like this:
7z a -ttar -so dwt.tar dwt/
But when I tried to run it I got this error:
Command Line Error:
I won't write compressed data to a terminal
I'm currently using 7-Zip [64] 16.04
Any idea?
On Linux:
tar cf - <source folder> | 7z a -si <Destination archive>.tar.7z
from here
On Windows:
7za.exe a -ttar -so archive.tar source_files | 7za.exe a -si archive.tgz
from here.
I managed to do that making simply, with 7zip installed:
Right click on the folder you want to compress
Choose -7zip/add to file
Once there, on the new screen, on file type, you can choose 7z/tar/wim/zip
Choose tar, and there you go :)
From the manpage:
-so Write data to stdout (e.g. 7z x -so directory.tar.7z | tar xf -)
It does what you told it to. 7z can guess archive format from the file extension so it's enough to use
7z a archive.tar input/
To further compress as gzip you can use a pipe and a combination of stdin and stdout flags like in Tu.Ma.'s answer.

tar: unable to include folder but exclude content

I have a project folder with several directories
- archive
- include
- lib
- src
- src/obj (obj is a subdirectory of src)
I would like tar to pack these directories and their contents into a main.tar, then I will the main.tar into the archive directory.
tar cvz \
--exclude="*.obsolete" --exclude="*DS_Store" --exclude="./archive/*" \
-f main.tar \
./archive ./include ./lib ./src
I would like to exclude the contents of the archive directory but still package the empty directory itself. You can see I am also excluding some other stuff from various places, OSX likes to write .DS_Store files everywhere on my filesystem and I occasionally make copies of files and append .obsolete to the end while working on a new version.
Unfortunately, the empty archive directory is not included in main.tar.
According to this thread, my command should work.
How can the files be excluded from archive but the empty directory be packed into the tar file?
The following fails:
The following works:
So the whole command is:
tar cvz \
--exclude="*.obsolete" --exclude="*DS_Store" --exclude="./archive/*.*" \
-f main.tar \
./archive ./include ./lib ./src

extract a file from xz file

I have a huge file file.tar.xz containing many smaller text files with a similar structure. I want to quickly examine a file out of the compressed file and have a glimpse of files content structure. I don't have information about names of the files within the compressed file. Is there anyway to extract a single file out given the above the above scenario?
Thank you.
EDIT: I don't want to tar -xvf file.tar.xz.
Based on the discussion in the comments, I tried the following which worked for me. It might not be the most optimal solution, the regex might need some improvement, but you'll get the idea.
I first created a demo archive:
cd /tmp
mkdir demo
for i in {1..100}; do echo $i > "demo/$i.txt"; done
cd demo && tar cfJ ../demo.tar.xz * && cd ..
demo.tar.xz now contains 100 txt files.
The following lists the contents of the archive, selects the first file and stores the path within the archive into the variable firstfile:
firstfile=`tar -tvf demo.tar.xz | grep -Po -m1 "(?<=:[0-9]{2} ).*$"`
echo $firstfile will output 1.txt.
You can now extract this single file from the archive:
tar xf demo.tar.xz $firstfile

This does not look like a tar archive

[root#c0002242 lfeng]# tar -zxvf /opt/test/ALLscripts.tar.gz -C /opt/test1
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Skipping to next header
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Could you please help me on this ?
Run the command
$ file ALLscripts.tar.gz
Compare the output, if it's gzip (as shown below) then use unzip tool to extract it
$ ALLscripts.tar.gz: gzip compressed data,from Unix
I was facing this error because my file was not downloaded yet and I was trying to extract it :).

Unpack tar.gz folder to part of filename

I have a file dagens_130325.tar.gz containing the folder dagens. In one folder I have hundreds of these daily info. I would like to unpack dagens_130325.tar.gz/dagens to 130325 with all the files inside. Then 130326 etc.
Is there a way to do it?
Not sure this is the right stack where to ask this kind of question, however try with
tar -zxvf dagens_130325.tar.gz -C /tmp/130325 dagens
This way, the folder dagens for the archive dagens_130325.tar.gz is going to be extracted into /tmp/130325. However, note that the target folder must exist, otherwise the command will fail
So, supposedly you have 4 archives in the form dagens_1.tar.gz, dagens_2.tar.gz, ..., you can write an file containing
for i in {1..4}
mkdir /tmp/$i
tar -zxvf $FILE -C /tmp/$i dagens
Having this file the execute permission, being in the same folder as your archives and executing it should produced the result you asked.
This was the solution I came up with in the end
for entry in "$search_dir"/*.tar.gz
substring=$(basename "$entry")
echo $substring
tar -xvzf $substring
rm -rf $sub2
mv dagens $sub2
for file in dagens_*.tar.gz
from=${file%_*} #removes chars after _
to=${file#*_} #removes chars before _
to=${to%.t*} #removes chars after .t (.tar.gz)
tar -zxf $file --show-transformed --transform "s/$from/$to/"
