Instagram API prevents redirection to iOS app upon successful login with 400 bad request error - ios

I'm trying to integrate Instagram login into my app to get the logged in user's details, I've registered my app on Instagram and got my client ID, then I added a new URL Type in the project settings with the identifier: igxxxx (where xxxx is my client id), i've also set the redirect URI to be (xxxx://authorize), once I successfully log in (using a webView) Instagram displays a white blank page with (400 Bad Request) text written on top, however, when I change the redirect URI to anything else, it opens without problems after a successful login.
how can I redirect the user to the app after he logs in with Instagram.
p.s. I use this library to ease up things.
thanks in advance.

Here's what I have found so far. I have been able to resolve the issue to get the app to work on the iPhone. However, this solution doesn't allow me to submit the app on the app store as you will read ahead. I have submitted a bug with instagram, not sure how long they will take.
I would suggest everyone go to this link and "Report Issue":
I have had an app in app store for couple months without problems.
However, since June 19, all the users trying to authenticate get a white page with "400 Bad Request" after they login with their IG account.
The issue is very common as you will see on this stack overflow page:
Instagram API prevents redirection to iOS app upon successful login with 400 bad request error
And google shows the same issue with many users since June 19.
I have figured out that the old redirect URI which we were using:
is the issue.
If we change this redirect URI to:
This all starts working fine and we get the access token.
However as per RFC1738, this is not a valid format for URL schemes which is used in iOS development.
So we get error when submitting our apps to app store:
ERROR ITMS-90158: "The following URL schemes found in your app are not in the correct format: [https: //myappname]. URL schemes need to begin with an alphabetic character, and be comprised of alphanumeric characters, the period, the hyphen or the plus sign only. Please see RFC1738 for more detail."
ERROR ITMS-90158: "The following URL schemes found in your app are not in the correct format: [https: //myappname]. URL schemes need to begin with an alphabetic character, and be comprised of alphanumeric characters, the period, the hyphen or the plus sign only. Please see RFC1738 for more detail."
So we can't submit to app store with this solution.
So unless instagram does something to fix this back to how it used to be, we are stuck :(


Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid after successful uber oauth

I'm linking to the uber api authentication endpoints (/authorize and /token) via iOS and after a successful login, it returns "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid". I've narrowed this down to an iOS specific problem because the same react-native configuration works for Android.
I've tried a number of solutions.
Clear safari browsing history, web data, iPhone update, etc. Nothing has worked.
I believe URL Schemes under URL Types in info.plist has a pay here, but I'm struggling to wrap my head around what I need to put there.
Any thoughts?
Upon successful authentication, uber should return an access token for the user.

Oauth suddenly not working on iphone (with FS app installed only)

Our iphone app allows for sign in via Foursquare via oauth. It was working fine and recently stopped working.
The error we get is: Connecting Failure: Callback uri is not valid for this consumer.
HOWEVER, if the user does not have the foursquare app installed on their phone it works fine as before. It seems as if FS is now doing a redirect to handle the oauth inside the FS app and this fails when attempting to return to the originating application. Via safari it seems to work.
This is on ios 9.
Solutions?? Thanks!
We've changed to use a SafariViewController and this seems to force Foursquare to not to this strange in-app redirect, solving the issue. This is also Apple's preferred oauth method, so probably the way to go.
Still seems like a problem on the Foursquare side that they may want to address for others however. I'm closing this question. Thanks.
Where does your redirect URL point? If you want it to launch your app after completion you should point to the iTunes store (pre-iOS9) link for your app or the universal link (iOS9 onwards).
More information on redirects for the native foursquare app is available in the README here:
How to create a universal link in iOS9
A callback url is a webpage loaded after your web app has been
verified. In this case, you need to specify a page for to send data to
after authentication
Double check your Foursquare credentials and update the callback uri to a valid link. Tutorial link
Please follow the below points, may be one resolves your issue:-
Enter the callback in foursquare account in addcallback methods. Then in your code add the call back to the provider before you authorize. (Reference here).
You're getting that error because the URL you're pointing your users to ( includes a redirect_uri parameter that doesn't match with what you configured in your app's settings under Make sure these match!

Integrating Paypal Login in Rails app not working

I'm trying to integrate Paypal login within my Rails app and I can't make it work.
I was following the guide:
I created an application from the paypal developer site, and set the followings:
App return URL (test): http:/ /localhost:3000/auth/paypal/callback
App return URL (live): http:/ /localhost:3000/auth/paypal/callback
and I get the error:
"Relying Party Validation error: redirect_uri provided in the request does not match with the registered redirect_uri. Please check the request."
when I try to visit the URL:
http:/ /localhost:3000/auth/paypal
Interesting enough, I get the same error if I input my application credential in the official Paypal API integration tool:
Any ideas?
This has changed a bit since the accepted answer, and will presumably change again soon... but here's how you do this now.
Log into
Click on Dashboard (
Click your app name under "Rest API Apps"
Scroll to the box at the bottom of the screen labeled "Sandbox (or Live) App Settings
Set the Return URL (Where users will be redirected after test transactions)
Click save
This Return URL must exactly match the redirect_uri that you pass in via querystring (so it's confusing as to why you'd need to pass it in in the first place)
At this point in time, the Return URL can seemingly never be updated. In my recent experience, if you don't type it correctly the first time you save it, you will have to create a new app.
You need to set this value inside of your sandbox application on the developer website.
Log into
Click Applications
Under My Rest Apps click your App name
Click Edit next to App redirect URLs
Set the return URLs for live or test
I resolved it by setting both the live and test redirect URLs to the same thing.
Plus, I ensured that I ticked to get Personal Information from the advanced settings panel, also adding URLs for privacy and agreement links.
The portal hung when set to localhost addresses for those links, so possibly PayPal tried to dereference them, so I put in real fake URLs.
I was encountering this issue myself, albeit in a Sinatra rather than Rails app - like you, I was using http://localhost:4567/auth/paypal/callback as the return URL - changing it to on the PayPal dev portal and accessing my app from rather than localhost fixed it for me.

Adding a redirect-uri to a Dropbox application

I have a working Dropbox application, using oauth. I am extending the application and have added a new redirect-uri in the App Console. I am absolutely sure that the redirect uri is correct, but I am getting a 400 Invalid redirect-uri error. My uri begins with https:// as required.
Is there a delay before new redirect uris take effect?
This is the error:
More details for developers
Invalid redirect_uri: u''. It must exactly match one of the redirect URIs you've pre-configured for your app (including the path)
This the uri, cut and pasted from the App Console:
I don't think there should be any delay at all (certainly no more than a few seconds at most).
Those two strings appear to be identical, so my guess would be that the redirect URI isn't in the right place (or maybe under the right app?). Double check that the app key you're using matches the app key you're looking at in the App Console and that redirect URI is under the "OAuth 2 Redirect URIs" section of the page.
If you're still having trouble, I'd suggest opening a support ticket so we can double check the app details for you:

What's a redirect URI? how does it apply to iOS app for OAuth2.0?

Beginner programmer here, please pardon ignorance & explanations will be really nice :)
I've tried to read the tutorials for a certain OAuth 2.0 service, but I don't understand this redirect URI... in my particular context, let's say I'm trying to build an iPhone app that uses OAuth 2.0 for some service. I have an App ID that was generated, but i need to provide some sort of redirect URI to generate the API key.
Is this a URL that I'm supposed to host somewhere myself?? As the name suggests, I would think that the redirect URL is supposed to "redirect" someone somewhere. My only guess is that it's the URL a user is redirected to after they log in to the service.
However, even if that assumption is correct, I don't understand one other thing - how can my app be opened again after I've sent them to the browser for the user login?
Read this:
or an even simpler but quick explanation:
The redirect URI is the callback entry point of the app. Think about how OAuth for Facebook works - after end user accepts permissions, "something" has to be called by Facebook to get back to the app, and that "something" is the redirect URI. Furthermore, the redirect URI should be different than the initial entry point of the app.
The other key point to this puzzle is that you could launch your app from a URL given to a webview. To do this, i simply followed the guide on here:
note: on those last 2 links, "http://" works in opening mobile safari but "tel://" doesn't work in simulator
in the first app, I call
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"secondApp://"]];
In my second app, I register "secondApp" (and NOT "secondApp://") as the name of URL Scheme, with my company as the URL identifier.
Take a look at OAuth 2.0 playground.You will get an overview of the protocol.It is basically an environment(like any app) that shows you the steps involved in the protocol.
redirected uri is the location where the user will be redirected after successfully login to your app. for example to get access token for your app in facebook you need to subimt redirected uri which is nothing only the app Domain that your provide when you create your facebook app.
If you are using Facebook SDK, you don't need to bother yourself to enter
anything for redirect URI on the app management page of facebook. Just setup a
URL scheme for your iOS app.
The URL scheme of your app should be a value "fbxxxxxxxxxxx" where xxxxxxxxxxx is
your app id as identified on facebook.
To setup URL scheme for your iOS app, go to info tab of your app settings
and add URL Type.
