Using private framework generated by RuntimeBrowser in Xcode 7.3 - ios

I have generated all the private framework API's using RuntimeBrowser and I add them to my test project in Xcode.
I just did an import of the "RadiosPreferences.h" header file and try a build with several errors. Please see attached screenshot.
I'm having some problem understanding how I can add the AppSupport.framework and specifically use methods in the RadiosPreferences header file. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.

First lets start by how to link those frameworks
lets assume you want to use SpringBoardServices framework
go to and download the headers
search for SpringBoardServices.framework folder and copy all headers inside
go to /Applications/
and create a folder named Headers
replace iPhoneOS.platform with iPhoneSimulator.platform an paste the headers in simulator SDK folder too if you want to try apps on the simulator
paste the files you just copied inside
Now you can link the SpringBoardServices Framework
Now how to use SpringBoardServices
#include <SpringBoardServices/SpringBoardServices.h>
void openMailApp(){
SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier(CFSTR(""), false);
this will open the mail application
to get the name of the app that currently playing music


Adding an Objective-C framework to a Swift XCode project

I know this is a very simple - maybe obvious - question, but I've been struggling with it for a while. I'm working on a SpriteKit project in XCode (using Swift) and I'm trying to add this SKEasing Framework from GitHub.
I've already downloaded and extracted the zip file, and I did everything that 孙博弘 answered including the bridging header (which I made the with the help of this site);
However, the framework doesn't seem to be working. I can't use any of the actions provided by this library. Is there something I'm missing? What am I doing wrong?
You don't add the project to your project.
First open the SKEasing project in xcode by itself. Set the build target to generic iOS device. (With the pop up in the top left corner of the xocde project window.) Then use the Build command (under Product) and when that's done run Archive. There should be a library built now under the products folder (left side of project window). Control click on the library name and select Show in Finder. This will lead you to the library. Copy this file to your project and you should be good to go.
if you use .a, you should use it as follow img.

opencv2/opencv.hpp file not found in Xcode

I have built openCV to get opencv2.framework. I added this to my xcode iOS project by going to "build phases->Link Binary With Libraries", then tried to include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" in my project.
I get the error "opencv2/opencv.hpp" not found. But the file exists in the framework. I have tried to find a solution online but nothing has worked for me.
The file I'm trying to include it in is a .mm file. I have made "compile sources as" objective-c++. Any help would be great.
What worked for me was very simple:
Put the opencv download (for 3.0.0 it is just a drag and drop kind of thing) into the project specific Xcode folder. Then set the Frame Search Paths to $(PROJECT_DIR). The Frame Search Path is located under the Build Settings. No other paths need to be set.
Lastly, right click in the navigator pane and click "Add Files to..." in order to add in the opencv library from the project folder.
check out Tim's tutorial:
I solve the problem by adding to the FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS the absolute path were I had the framework I needed to use:
You should use your own path obviously. ;-)
Took me 4 hours to figure this out. This is how I got this to work :
Along with the opencv framework add the following frameworks in the build phases:
Accelerate, AssetsLibrary, AVFoundation
, CoreGraphics
, CoreImage
, CoreMedia
, CoreVideo
, QuartzCore
, UIKit
, Foundation.
Then, in the .pch file add these lines before UIKit and Foundation imports :
#ifdef __cplusplus
#import <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
In my case the symbolic links to the header files were broken. This was caused by cloning the following great example project:
In the cloned project, the header files were not reachable anymore. After reimporting the opencv2.framework from the official opencv ios download site (OpenCV for iOS), the headers were available again. XCode should look as follows:
The following is a screenshot of a Xcode project with broken headers.
With broken header files, the xcode project looks as follows:
Make sure in Build Settings for the Target, you have the Framework Search Path in the Search Paths section set to the correct path to where your framework is located in your directory. You can do this by clicking to the right of Framework Search Path in the white space, click the + sign and add $(PROJECT_DIR) then click + again and add $(inherited). Make sure the framework is located in your main directory for your project at hand. This worked for me, as I encountered the same problem.
Hope this helps!
I used openCV in my project and implementing it with cocoapods was impossible because version of library was too old, so i decided to implement it as static library. create folder in your project and add library there, in build settings find library and framework search path and add link to your openCV folder. It will work without any error. Also you should add openCV header file in prefixPatch.
More Detail Instruction 100% Works:
1) Download framework from official website: OpenCV
2) In Project Directory create folder named: External_SDK
3) Put Opencv framework inside this folder and drag&drop it in Xcode Project (Folder) with Target Membership of your App (Not App_test).
4) In Xcode Project search for yourPrefixHeaderFileName.pch and in the top of the file add this lines:
#ifdef __cplusplus
#import <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
5) after that you should import or include it in .h file, why include? because it's CPP library. If you want to access library with import keywoard than you should do like this: #import <EXAMPLE>
6) In build settings search for library and framework search path and add link to your EXTERNAL_SDK folder. To read framework directly from your folder. Find and change ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = YES
and in HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS add $(inherited) and /usr/include/FRAMEWORK_PATH
Hope this answer will help someone.
And the best practice is to call
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
Only header files.
From my experience, it is not necessary to add so many other frameworks. Instead, only need opencv2 and add "#import " in prefixheader.pch
The thing is that MUST set correct Framework Search Paths as mentioned above unless opencv2 framework folder is in your project directory.
Notice: don't set wrong location in Framework Search Paths as there are two "YourProjectName". Set the 1st one (belongs to TARGETS), not the 2nd one(belongs to PROJECT). I made the mistake.
Here is my answer for this.
Environment: XCode 8.1
Download page: Choose any link for iOS.
Important step: while downloading opencv2.framework, you must use ".zip" format, not ".framework" format, afterwards, unzip it to opencv2.framework. It is weird, but it should work. Meanwhile, you have to rename it to opencv2.framework if the unzipped one is not.
just drag and drop the framework to your iOS project. No any settings are required. You could refer to this for testing :
I ran into some issues when I went to Target-->Build Phases-->Link Binary With Libraries. When I added opencv2.framework from there, my app would not launch.
Instead, I just dragged and dropped the framework under the directory "Frameworks" in XCode and that worked. I didn't change anything else.

Import a static library as a subproject

I watch this video to know how to create a static library, I just watched until the 4:05 minute video (which have already been enough to learn how to create a static library).
But I learned that there's another way to import a static library for the project called subproject, for this I open my iphone project and add my library project (MuitosAlertas.xcodeproj), Then I added two references to my library inside the tab Target Dependencies and Link Binary with libraries as you can see below:
When I compile and run, Xcode give me the problem
Lexical or preprocessor issue 'MuitosAlertas.h' file not found
I try to put inside Other linker flags the code -ObjC but without results, how can I solve this problem
You must add Header Search Path to your target. In build setting search "Header Search Path" and add relative link to your static library project. How to add relative path read more here
You may need to search path with recursive option.
Once you have created your Library then make a build from the target added separately for the Universal support and then by right clicking on to the .a file from bundle navigate to folder and look for Universal and copy Include folder and your StaticLibrary.a file, then where you want to use it paste in that project and add reference to it and in bundle setting you need to set the HeaderSearchPath of the library where it is kept and the OtherLinkerFlag to -ObjC.
Then import the headers of your library and use your methods.

Creating a Static Library in Xcode 5

Hi guys I'm having a bit of trouble creating a static library in xcode 5. Most of the tutorials out there are done in xcode 4 and thanks to apples incredibly easy to use gui, that makes it so easy for users to transition from one program to another, so I haven't been able to make one and use it.
So I get that the first step is to make the cocoa ios static library project and then to add the header and implementation files (.h and .m) that you want in your library.
Next you supposed to set the header files that you want to be accessible by the user. Is it possible to set up the library in such a way that importing one header file also imports all of the other header files? Do the other header files need to be public to do this?
My main problem is how do I actually set the classes which I want to be public/private and finally how do I implement this library into one of my applications?
A HelloWorldLibrary example would be great!
After using the link:
I am now having a problem with the locating of the Framework:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/Harry/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SampleFramework-efznryzmlxnimoaaazjfbqjirzxq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos'
ld: framework not found SampleSubproject
There are steps to create static library.
I have not created in xCode 5, but have created in 4.x..
Create new project and select Cocoa touch static library under iOS.
Add Class files/Resources to your created project.
Set Installation Build Products Location to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)
Copy headers in Build Phases
Set headers to Public in Target Membership
Build for Archiving/Profiling
got it from derived data (Release iphonesimulator, Release-iphoneos)
now merge both .a files using
lipo command from terminal like lipo -create libForDevice.a
libForSimulator.a -output UniversalLib.a
Now copy this lib to your main xCode project and include your perticular class.
You can find more details from here

How do I add this C library to my iOS Xcode 4 project?

I'm trying to add the openjpeg library to my XCode 4 project so that I can compress images taken by the iPhone's camera to jpeg2000.
I built the static library (libopenjpeg.a) using Cmake on OS/X. (I'm guessing this may have been the first error, that it needs to be built by XCode so it's built for iPhone architecture and not OS X).
I have the library added in the Link Binary with Libraries of my target.
The project builds successfully but I can't seem to import any of the headers from the library into any of my Objective-C classes. I've tried manually adding the folder that contains the libopenjpeg header files to the User Header Search Path but that did not seem to do anything.
Any suggestions?
for the simplest solution
Import the head files to you project's source.
You can still build it on the command-line with CMake, you'd just have to modify the CMakeLists.txt file so the right flags are passed when compiling.
However as Gavin indicates, it may be simpler just to drag the header and source files from the library into your Xcode project, and forego the building of a static library.
