Query Expressions to create SQL Case - f#

Can you do SQL case with F# query expressions?
EntityFramework can do that in C# LINQ with
let x = condition1 ? "a" : condition2 ? "b" : "c"

F# query-expression is just an LINQ ExpressionTree (AST) so in deed it can be represented as let x = condition1 ? "a" : condition2 ? "b" : "c" in the expression tree but then getting the SQL-clause out is a separate task of how to translate that code to SQL. The let-binding in this example is actually the more complex one as LINQ starts to wrap these to kind of nested select clauses, and translating those expression trees to SQL is possible but not very easy.


Query against a Postgres array column type

TL;DR I'm wondering what the pros and cons are (or if they are even equivalent) between #> {as_champion, whatever} and using IN ('as_champion', 'whatever') is. Details below:
I'm working with Rails and using Postgres' array column type, but having to use raw sql for my query as the Rails finder methods don't play nicely with it. I found a way that works, but wondering what the preferred method is:
The roles column on the Memberships table is my array column. It was added via rails as so:
add_column :memberships, :roles, :text, array: true
When I examine the table, it shows the type as: text[] (not sure if that is truly how Postgres represents an array column or if that is Rails shenanigans.
To query against it I do something like:
Membership.where("roles #> ?", '{as_champion, whatever}')
From the fine Array Operators manual:
Operator: #>
Description: contains
Example: ARRAY[1,4,3] #> ARRAY[3,1]
Result: t (AKA true)
So #> treats its operand arrays as sets and checks if the right side is a subset of the left side.
IN is a little different and is used with subqueries:
9.22.2. IN
expression IN (subquery)
The right-hand side is a parenthesized subquery, which must return exactly one column. The left-hand expression is evaluated and compared to each row of the subquery result. The result of IN is "true" if any equal subquery row is found. The result is "false" if no equal row is found (including the case where the subquery returns no rows).
or with literal lists:
9.23.1. IN
expression IN (value [, ...])
The right-hand side is a parenthesized list of scalar expressions. The result is "true" if the left-hand expression's result is equal to any of the right-hand expressions. This is a shorthand notation for
expression = value1
expression = value2
So a IN b more or less means:
Is the value a equal to any of the values in the list b (which can be a query producing single element rows or a literal list).
Of course, you can say things like:
array[1] in (select some_array from ...)
array[1] in (array[1], array[2,3])
but the arrays in those cases are still treated like single values (that just happen to have some internal structure).
If you want to check if an array contains any of a list of values then #> isn't what you want. Consider this:
array[1,2] #> array[2,4]
4 isn't in array[1,2] so array[2,4] is not a subset of array[1,2].
If you want to check if someone has both roles then:
roles #> array['as_champion', 'whatever']
is the right expression but if you want to check if roles is any of those values then you want the overlaps operator (&&):
roles && array['as_champion', 'whatever']
Note that I'm using the "array constructor" syntax for the arrays everywhere, that's because it is much more convenient for working with a tool (such as ActiveRecord) that knows to expand an array into a comma delimited list when replacing a placeholder but doesn't fully understand SQL arrays.
Given all that, we can say things like:
Membership.where('roles #> array[?]', %w[as_champion whatever])
Membership.where('roles #> array[:roles]', :roles => some_ruby_array_of_strings)
and everything will work as expected. You're still working with little SQL snippets (as ActiveRecord doesn't have a full understanding of SQL arrays or any way of representing the #> operator) but at least you won't have to worry about quoting problems. You could probably go through AREL to manually add #> support but I find that AREL quickly devolves into an incomprehensible and unreadable mess for all but the most trivial uses.

How to use SQL IN statement in fsharp.data.sqlclient?

I have the following sample code. The objective is to run SQL statement with multiple input parameters.
let connectionString = #"Data Source=Localhost;Initial Catalog=Instrument;Integrated Security=True"
let query = "SELECT MacroName, MacroCode FROM Instrument WHERE MacroCode IN (#codeName)"
type MacroQuery = SqlCommandProvider<query, connectionString>
let cmd = new MacroQuery()
let res = cmd.AsyncExecute(codeName= [|"CPI";"GDP"|]) |> Async.RunSynchronously
However, codeName is inferred to be string type instead of an array or list and give me an error.
Alternatively, I could run the query without where statement and filter based on the result. However, in lots of other cases that returns millions of rows, I would prefer filter data at the SQL server level to be more efficient.
I didn't find any relevant samples on the documentation of fsharp.data.sqlclient. Please help!
"See Table-valued parameters (TVPs)" section in the documentation:
If you have an upper bound n on the values in the IN list, you could just make n parameters. If that's unmanageable, I'm afraid the TVP suggestion is your best option. The reason the FSharp.Data.SqlClient library is unlikely to ever support this directly is because the types are generated based on results from sp_describe_undeclared_parameters; there's no T-SQL parser. We had a single digit upper bound in this scenario and were loathe to change the database, so this option worked for us.
You can use STRING_SPLIT to abstract away the use of table-valued parameters. It seems you have to also declare the param first.
DECLARE #param varchar(1000) = #commaSeparatedList
SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(#param, ',')

sanitize_sql_array is adding extra, unnecessary quotes to query

This is the first time I've seen this issue. I'm building up an SQL array to run through sanitize_sql_array and Rails is adding extra, unnecessary single quotes in the return value. So instead of returning:
SELECT DISTINCT data -> 'Foo' from products
it returns:
SELECT DISTINCT data -> ''Foo'' from products
which of course Postgres doesn't like.
Here is the code:
sql_array = ["SELECT DISTINCT %s from products", "data -> 'Foo'"]
sql_array = sanitize_sql_array(sql_array)
Note the same thing happens when I use the shorter and more usual:
sql_array = ["SELECT DISTINCT %s from products", "data -> 'Foo'"]
connection.select_values(send(:sanitize_sql_array, sql_array))
Ever seen this before? Does it have something to do with using HStore? I definitely need that string sanitized since the string Foo is actually coming from a user-entered variable.
You're giving sanitize_sql_array a string that contains an hstore expression and expecting sanitize_sql_array to understand that the string contains some hstore stuff; that's asking far too much, sanitize_sql_array only knows about simple things like strings and numbers, it doesn't know how to parse PostgreSQL's SQL extensions or even standard SQL. How would you expect sanitize_sql_array to tell the difference between, for example, a string that happens to contain '11 * 23' and a string that is supposed to represent the arithmetical expression 11 * 23?
You should split your data -> 'Foo' into two pieces so that sanitize_sql_array only sees the string part when it is sanitizing things:
sql_array = [ 'select distinct data -> ? from products', 'Foo' ]
sql = sanitize_sql_array(sql_array)
That will give you the SQL you're looking for:
select distinct data -> 'Foo' from products

How to write join with composite key clause in FSharp query expressions?

How to write this C# join with composite key clause in F#? :
join k in DataContext.Catalogs on
new { id = o.IDENT, v = o.VZ } equals
new { id = k.IDENT, v = k.VZ }
This is similiar question to this:
groupby multiple columns in a F# 3.0 query
which is still not answered. But I can't believe it is not easy possible to write it in FSharp.
Use tuples containing the key fields you want:
query {
for o in DataContext.OTable do
join k in DataContext.Catalogs on
((o.IDENT, o.VZ) = (k.IDENT, k.VZ))
select (o.IDENT, k.VZ)
Note that you can't create an anonymous type with named fields in F#, like you can in C#. Tuples are probably the closest and most idiomatic translation. See Tomas's answer here.

ternary operator/default value in neo4j cypher

I need to implement something of a ternary operator that can help me return some default values from cypher query itself.
Scenario is -
if an employee's city is Delhi, return 5 else return 10
Something like a ternary operator.
start employee = node(5)
return employee.city == 'DELHI' ? 5 : 10 as val;
I tried things like
start employee = node(5)
return coalesce (employee.city == 'DELHI', 5)
but no luck.
Is there a way to implement such a scenario in neo4j be it Cypher or Traversal.
Unfortunately it is not supported out of the box but here is a hack to do it, using filter, head and collection literals.
The idea is to have a two element list and a filter expression that becomes true for the first element for your "true-branch" and alternatively true for the second element in the list whic represents the value of your false-branch.
see this console example: http://console.neo4j.org/r/6tig7g
start n=node(5) return head(filter( a in [5,10] : n.city = 'DELHI' OR a = 10))
so generally:
head(filter( a in [true-result,false-result] : CONDITION OR a = false-result))
I know this is a really old question, but since Google landed me here and I have an answer (Cypher in Neo4J 3.5+):
MATCH (employee:Employee)
CASE employee.city WHEN "DELHI" THEN 5 ELSE 10 END AS val
