I'd like to run a command (exe somewhere on disk) with arguments in a simple WebExtensions addon, and possibly get its stdout. Is there a way to do so in WebExtensions, since the older APIs are being deprecated?
This blog post mentions how - https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2016/06/09/webextensions-for-firefox-49/
Read the section runtime.connectNative. They say:
This API allows you to communicate with other processes on the host’s operating system. It’s a commonly used API for password managers and security software which needs to communicate with external processes.
To communicate with a native process, there’s a two-step process. First, your installer needs to install a JSON manifest file at an appropriate file location on the target computer. That JSON manifest provides the link between Firefox and the process. Secondly, the user installs the add-on. Then the add-on can call the connectNative, sendNativeMessage and other APIs:
{ text: "Hello" },
function(response) {
console.log("Received " + response);
Firefox will start the process if it hasn’t started already, and pipe commands through to the process. Follow along with the progress of runtime.connectNative on Bugzilla.
I'm working with the following:
Docker for Windows v20.10.11
Docker running in Windows container mode
mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1903 base image
Proprietary application installed on top of this base image
Each year we create a Docker image with the latest version of our company's software. However this year's version behaves differently. Host machine installation runs fine. Containerized installation fails to run in certain situations. I can start the application as a simple EXE, for example using the Docker run command. The app will start and show up in "tasklist". However I can't start the app via the COM API, which is a critical requirement. The problem appears to be COM related. Normally we can create COM objects for our software just like for any other application. For example, IE returns a COM object just fine:
Creating these objects for our application works outside containers. However inside the container, our latest installation gives this error:
Access permissions appear to be ok. I tried a couple tests to prove this. First I can install other software like MS Word into a container and create COM objects for that:
Second I tried retrieving + modifying the application's DACL in PowerShell.
Changing access masks or trustees can cause an Access Denied error:
This also appears to confirm the access permissions were Ok by default.
Next I made sure COM is aware of the application. This appears to be fine. I get the same result on host machine and container when running this PS script:
gci HKLM:\Software\Classes -ea 0| ? {$.PSChildName -match '^\w+.\w+$' -and
(gp "$($.PSPath)\CLSID" -ea 0)} | ft PSChildName
The application shows up just like any other. The details show up fine when querying by AppID. LocalServer32 points to the correct EXE:
Some other things I tried:
Querying registry keys. There are 7 keys created when installing our software. These appear identical on host machine install and container install.
Even though permissions appear fine, I still tried logging into the container as alternate users. For example "nt authority\system" is another virtual admin user. I also changed the password of the "builtin\administrator" user to enable logging in with that one. Lastly tried creating new users entirely and adding them to the Administrators user group. All these attempts had the same errors as "builtin\containeradministrator" (default user).
A minor check was ensuring CMD.exe / Powershell is running as x64:
Re-registering the DLLs associated with the installation using regsvr32.
Starting from different base images. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/windowscontainers/manage-containers/container-base-images. The full Win Server base image behaves exactly the same way regarding errors. The smaller Win Server Core base image is even more problematic, as I can't even start the app's EXE manually using that base. Lastly I tried other tags of the full Windows base image such as 20H2 and 2004. Same result from those. Multiarch or x64 makes no difference.
Included the "Ogawa hack" which was historically needed to make MS Office apps function correctly with COM: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1680214/7991646. It could be necessary for other COM apps too, but didn't help with my specific installation.
Is there anything else I can do to diagnose or solve this COM issue?
There are several things to consider:
The Considerations for server-side Automation of Office article states the following:
Microsoft does not currently recommend, and does not support, Automation of Microsoft Office applications from any unattended, non-interactive client application or component (including ASP, ASP.NET, DCOM, and NT Services), because Office may exhibit unstable behavior and/or deadlock when Office is run in this environment.
If you are building a solution that runs in a server-side context, you should try to use components that have been made safe for unattended execution. Or, you should try to find alternatives that allow at least part of the code to run client-side. If you use an Office application from a server-side solution, the application will lack many of the necessary capabilities to run successfully. Additionally, you will be taking risks with the stability of your overall solution.
The When CoCreateInstance returns 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE) page describes possible reasons.
If many COM+ applications run under different user accounts that are specified in the This User property, the computer cannot allocate memory to create a new desktop heap for the new user. Therefore, the process cannot start. See Error when you start many COM+ applications: Error code 80080005 -- server execution failed for more information.
Finally, you may find a similar thread here helpful, see Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE)).
Google cloud to run Python program as localhost server using Cloud SDK shell
Error in google cloud shell:
ymal file codes
- url:/
test.py file code
print("hello world")
App Engine is used to host web apps.
I encourage you to have a look at Google's quickstart for App Engine and deploying a "Hello World!" app.
Your Python print("hello world") while valid Python is not a web server and won't work as-is on App Engine.
Google's documentation is comprehensive and should help you get to a running app.
Please don't include images in Stack overflow questions because these have poor accessibility.
In addition to the comments from DazWilkin,
You are using dev_appserver.py which is a development server that simulates Google App Engine (GAE) in Production. Google now discourages using that, especially for the newer runtimes like Python3. Instead Google encourages you to ..run your application in your local environment with the development tools that you usually use...
Another possible way of learning to use GAE is to look at/tinker with the code of an App which runs on GAE. For example, you can use our App, NoCommandLine, which has a hello world App in different languages including Python
a) Follow all the steps documented by Google here to install or update the Google Cloud App Engine SDK. You need to follow all the steps so that all the files are installed/copied and the necessary shortcuts created.
b) Download and install the NoCommandLine App
c) Open the App, then go to File > New Application, give your app a name (Application ID), select Python 3 under Runtime and click the 'Create' button.
d) A new application will be created. Select the App, click the 'run' icon. It will open your default browser and display 'Hello World'.
e) You can now navigate to the directory for the App and open the different files to see the structure and code and you can play around with the code
Note that to deploy your App to production i.e GAE Production, you first need to create a Project with the same name as your App running on local host and you need to provide a credit card (Google will not charge your card but you must provide it)
I am using PCF and try to bulk /single import application using http url and found network is blocking extrnal http, is there option to upload my task jar without adding into http ?
Following url i am try to import
Yes, you can!
The HTTP URLs that we publish are nothing but a property file with key/value pairs of out-of-the-box application coordinates. You could download the file in your laptop, and use the 3rd choice from the page "Bulk import application coordinates from a property file.". Alternatively, from the same page, you could copy + paste the k/v pairs in the "Apps as Properties" text-area. These two options would allow the registration of application coordinates in SCDF's App registry.
However, at runtime, these applications will be resolved, downloaded, and deployed (by SCDF) as part of the stream/task deployments. That would mean, in a restricted environment, you may still run into the same connectivity problem.
For that reason, we have different other options in PCF to host/resolve application artifacts — see ref. docs. The SCDF App Tool is typically preferred by PCF customers.
I am trying to get rails to select document attachments, then kick off the email client with the documents attached.
I have it working on my development laptop. If I build a string with the appropriate parameters and pass that to system() then it kicks off the email client with the attachments..
The string looks something like
#email_content = "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\notes.exe"
The first part calls the notes exe and the second part starts and email with the attachments. That worked fine on my laptop.
However, when I moved it to the server, it isn't kicking off the email client. I believe that it is because the shell commands are trying to execute on the server, not on the client.
Is it possible to run a shell command on the client machine? I am trying to get this working with Windows first and then the Mac environmemnt. I tried changing the C:\ to the machine name. i.e. \chrislaptop\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\notes.exe. but that didn't work.
No, fortunately that is not possible.
Imagine what happens when a request to some random page on the internet could trigger shell scripts on your local computer...
Arbitrary code execution escaping the browser is too invasive-- your app should not have access to the client's machine.
However, some applications may support URIs that open specific applications outside the browser. You generally see this more on mobile devices, but Spotify for example supports links that look like: spotify:artist:5lsC3H1vh9YSRQckyGv0Up which asks the user whether it is ok to open the Spotify application.
I am building a feature-rich standalone application using dart. I picked dart since it seemed to allow not only the standard development approach for webapps but also to access system resources (such as nodejs does). One of my requirements is file io or database access (which again requires file io). Dartium however does not allow the use of the dart:io package (only in servermode is this library accessible). Can anybody think of a workaround, a change to the dart environment or the chromium environment to allow this ? Maybe a custom compiled dartVM in the browser environemnt.
Basically a way to use database connections in a dart standalone app. A REST wrapper is only an option if this code could get generated automatically.
I am not clear if such a thing is possible or if chromium will prevent any approach to access system resources.
Yes in standalone mode dart you can use files, and also TCP socket, and web socket.
So you can connect to databases. (for example to MySQL: https://github.com/jamesots/sqljocky)
In browser mode you can use built-in databases dart:indexed_db or dart:web_sql.
You can also use web-socket protocol
Maybe you can use websocket to connect with local or remote database.