Can Rails pass a shell command to the local machine? - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to get rails to select document attachments, then kick off the email client with the documents attached.
I have it working on my development laptop. If I build a string with the appropriate parameters and pass that to system() then it kicks off the email client with the attachments..
The string looks something like
#email_content = "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\notes.exe"
The first part calls the notes exe and the second part starts and email with the attachments. That worked fine on my laptop.
However, when I moved it to the server, it isn't kicking off the email client. I believe that it is because the shell commands are trying to execute on the server, not on the client.
Is it possible to run a shell command on the client machine? I am trying to get this working with Windows first and then the Mac environmemnt. I tried changing the C:\ to the machine name. i.e. \chrislaptop\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\notes.exe. but that didn't work.

No, fortunately that is not possible.
Imagine what happens when a request to some random page on the internet could trigger shell scripts on your local computer...

Arbitrary code execution escaping the browser is too invasive-- your app should not have access to the client's machine.
However, some applications may support URIs that open specific applications outside the browser. You generally see this more on mobile devices, but Spotify for example supports links that look like: spotify:artist:5lsC3H1vh9YSRQckyGv0Up which asks the user whether it is ok to open the Spotify application.


sending url sms in php

Sending SMS url in my php class is working with the curl library. The problem is that if the url request is delayed (in CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS or CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS), my site will be loaded for the user with a delay. What do you suggest? Should I run SMS url asynchronously? How do I do this? Or put a Schedule on the server? The problem with Schedule is that I want the SMS to be sent exactly when the user runs the script, so I can't set a timeline for Schedule to run in certain time. If the Schedule runing time is short, the database gets involved and I do not like this. In fact, I want to ask php to execute the Schedule after the user runs the script. How do I do this?
so I asked myself how to tell the server computer that a new SMS event has occurred?
(My computer operating system is Windows and I use xampp). I saved the text messages in the database. And for each text message I created a small empty file in a folder (smsevents) on the Windows server, With the same name that is stored in the database in the ip field for each SMS. And on the server I used the powershell to call a url when a new file is placed in the (smsevents) folder. That url contains the name of the newly created file. Then in this url, a record of the database in the SMS table is called, whose Ip field is the same as the name of the created file. And is sent to the SMS sending system, And url deletes the file created in the folder (smsevents). I created a .bat file that runs when the server is turned on and runs the powershell script. And it was done. I will write more details soon.

Running shell script form Ruby on Rails on the Client

I'd like to execute a shell script form my Rails app on the client.
In my case, I want to open a .odt file on the Client PC when he clicks on a link.
As for now, all I can do is run shell script on my server using e.g.
`libreoffice path_to_my_odt_file`.
In this case, I'm opening my file using LivreOffice on the Server.
Is there a way to execute this code on my Client from Rails?
If I try to run my app as it is, when I call the action that calls my script, the file is opened on my Server.
Thank you in advance.
As mentionned in the comments, running arbitrary shell scripts on the client from the http server would be a huge security flaw.
As long as your Rails server provides a download link with send_data (e.g. dynamically_generated_odt_file), the browser will ask if it should download the file or open it. If the user wants to avoid any extra interaction, there's the possibility to tick :
"Do this automatically for files like this from now on"
You might have to specify the MIME type, by adding
Mime::Type.register "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", :odt
to config/initializers/mime_types.rb.

How to configure Neo4j Browser to use a custom REST endpoint?

The server is running a custom REST endpoint configured using the following line
in REST is then working fine using /db/abc, but then the browser client (http://$SERVERHOST:7474/browser) stops working and displays the Disconnected from Neo4j message. Packet sniffing indicates it is still trying to connect to db/data. Clearing local web caches doesn't help. Is there a way to point the browser client to use a custom endpoint?
Sources indicate that /db/data is possibly hardcoded into the browser as part of client "Settings" (see line 23). There is supposedly a way to reconfigure these settings using the :config command in the client, but the command bar is only available when the client is already connected to the server.
Is there a way to get this to work, or is it possibly a bug in the browser client?
Current option is to download source code of the browser and change what you need.

Trying to call svn.exe from batch file called by .NET webpage - odd results

The situation: I have a web page which, when called, runs a batch file on my server using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start and cmd.exe. The batch file contains a line that runs "svn.exe update myfilepath" and should therefore update the files on the server.
What's happening?
- the batch file is running, but the call to svn.exe does nothing, nor produces any error messages.
- if I run the batch file by double clicking, the svn command DOES run successfully.
I guess this is a security issue, but I'm no expert on this and I cannot make any headway.
The site is hosted on Windows Server 2008 R2 and the app pool is using the ApplicationPoolIdentity system. I have tried running the app pool as Network Service and also adding Network Service as a user that can Read/Execute to svn.exe.
Please help!
This could be proxy related. It's possible that you access the Internet via a proxy, but that the user profile for the app pool identity isn't configured like this. You may need to use a domain account that you can log on as in order to create a suitable user profile. You will also need to make sure IIS is loading the profile by ticking the appropriate option.
(Another possibility is that the working directory for the process you are starting is not set correctly to the root of your Subversion working copy. We've established this wasn't the problem in your case.)

Testing multiple concurrent browser sessions

I'm developing a card-game in Ruby on Rails, and trying to work out how best to test it.
When a player joins a game, their Player object is stored in the session. Obviously, in order for the game to work, I need more than one Player in a game at once. Since sessions are the same for different tabs in one browser, I'm currently testing a 2-player game by having the app open in FireFox and Internet Explorer at the same time.
Before I go off and download Chrome in order to test a third player... is there an easier way of doing this?
Edit: To clarify, I'm not yet at the stage where I want to run automated tests to see if it breaks. I'm at the stage where I want to be able to hack the back-end db, then refresh the page and see how it looks now, or click a button to see the (usually) failure response, or whether the behaviour is looking right.
You can run Firefox with multiple profiles. From a command line go to the directory Firefox is installed in and run firefox -P. Create a profile for every instance that you want to run. Close the profile manager, then for each profile run firefox -no-remote -P "profile name". You can run as many instances of Firefox as you want, and each one runs with an independent profile and thus independent session.
Automate it!
You really don't want to be manually testing this. You could use a Ruby script with the curl libs to generate the 'moves' and manage the response including the session cookie.
As a teaser, see this snippet from the API docs, sounds like it would help you..
easy.cookiejar = "cookiejar.file" => "pwd string"
Set a cookiejar file to use for this Curl::Easy instance.
This file will be used to persist cookies.
Use to create ruby scripts exercising your game.
Use multiple Watir::Browser instances to run multiple browsers.
Use firefox' profiles and -no-remote switch to keep them separated. See also this question.
Rather than opening a new tab, create a new window in your Web browser. The new window will have its own session. This works for Internet Explorer, but not for Firefox. I haven't tested it in the WebKit based browsers.
